Resound Smart Fit Software Download

Thank you so much, now I got it :slight_smile:


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Could you please pm me the download link to the ReSound Smart Fit Software?
NoahLink wireless is already here

I have installed smartfit (latest) and using omnia 961 DRWC Rie. I am able to connect the units, send a ton, it finds the units, works. However, when I want to continue, it declares an interface problem. Did anybody experienced this problem?

What programming device are you using, and can you post a picture of the issue your having.

I am using Noahlink wireless with the latest software available (V2.23 ,driver win 11 V1.1.0.0). Difficult to post the picture, unfortenuately it is in German. I can see both units, I am able to send the ton and hear the ton, but when I want to continue it says sorry, interface problems.
There is also a V4 software for Noah, but I am not using this since this is a commercial one.

Yeah you don’t need or want to use the Noah software for the reason you mentioned.

Make sure you have Bluetooth turned off and that your HAs aren’t connected to your mobile phone or any other device for that matter.

What PC are you using?

This is a very common issue. I often forget myself to turn Bluetooth off on my phone before I try to connect SmartFit to my Resound Ones.

I have switched off Bluetooth on my iphone, but still have Smart 3D installed. It says: no hearing device connected. But nevertheless, I cannot continue with the connection, it says: try again, no interface connection. The funny thing is that I am able to send the tone and I am able to hear the tone. Perhaps inside the Omnia there is still the connection programmed. I am using the omnia 961 DRWC . How can I reset this unit?

Try Off/On cycle the hearing aids prior to connecting ReSound Smart Fit fitting software to your ReSound Omnia hearing aids using the Noahlink Wireless hearing aid programming device.

Exactly as @pvc says. Once your Bluetooth is turned off in your phone, the Omnias don’t even know your phone exists!

But once SmartFit has identified your hearing aids, you have to restart them again before SmartFit will connect. This is a security device, so you don’t inadvertently connect to the wrong pair of hearing aids.

So you have to restart them twice possibly. The important time is between SmartFit finding them and SmartFit connecting to them. I speak as a SmartFit user myself, rather than as an expert.

Incidentally Resound have recently released SmartFit 1.15 update 2, are you using that?

Many thanks for your help. I had used indeed 1.15 update 2. Since it did not work, I tried on my old PC V1.11 with my Lynx 3D. It worked as it worked since years. In consequence, I deinstalled my 1.15 with REVO on my new PC completely and reinstalled the 1.15 again. Of course I lost the Patient Data, but made a backup with the hearing units.
What a surprise, it works!!

Very good! You can export the patient data and then import it on a new install. But that might not have helped you.

I saw a German release announcement for 1.15 update 2 and using Google translate, I could see that it basically has fixes just for One and Omnia.

Hi, where can i find the downloadlink

It’s available right Here.

It’s also available in the first DIY School - (v2.0) PDF file
named (01 Free Hearing Aid Fitting Software).

Don’t forget to drink your Ovaltine.

Don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for your DIY projects.

Thanks, I understand. I’ve the Amplifon energy R4 made by GN Resound. I don’t know if they will link and communicate with the software. Do you have experience with this?

Here’s two resources below. If they are locked then ask you Audi for the code (or maybe insist). They may give it up.

I think they are not locked because the audiometrist has to do some settings for the tenittisprogram. and yes I’ll ask my audiologist for the code if I need it.
I hope the software recognize the aids, otherwise I have to look for the Amplifon version. The version of the audiologist showed more brands on the screen.

Yeah I’d definitely ask for the code from your clinic, it would be fantastic if they aren’t locked tho, keep everyone updated on how it goes, for me there’s nothing worse then locked models been offered.

Would love to get the link to this Software. Thanks! Getting frustrated with my audiologist.