Resound Smart fit 1.9 Resound One gain handles

Smart fit 1.9 only shows max 10 gain handles when the Resound One has 17. I do see the resound One fitting guide does show a max of 17 gain handles on Smart Fit should the software automatically show the 17 handles or is there some drop down I’m missing.

Look at the bottom of the gain-handle display. There may be a toggle that lets you switch from a high number of gain handles to a lower number of gain handles; If you find some numbers at the bottom click each number.

just 6 and 10 are showing

Possibly some confusion between how many channels against gain handle adjustments.
Use the search tool from right here on hearingtracker, this has been discussed a few times.

The ReSound ONE Fitting Guide shows (10 and 17 handles) on page 8. Perhaps you need the hearing aids connected or selected or something like that;

yes hearing aids are selected and were connected and were programed above pic is the programed Resound One M&RIE

I’m thinking this is dependent on the model, the data sheet says a maximum of 17, but this could be model dependent ( 9 , 7 or 5) and possibly only in certain programs do you get the full 17.
What is the exact model of resound one do you have?

You should read this related thread;

I have the 961 version aid and program all around Ultra focus music and restaurant programs software smart fit is 1.9. I do see 17 gain handles on google Images but they all seem to be in UK is the Smart fit UK a different version ? I also see ReSound SmartFit EU on the ReSound SmartFit EU – HIMSA but i cant try without log on

@tamarack9676 Even if you uninstall SmartFit, the memory of the country you selected the last time you installed SmartFit will remain in Windows OS.
You’ll need to clean up the memory, reinstall SmartFit and select UK, and you’ll get a max of 17 gain handles.
In fact, the max gain Handles for Resound’s top product is not 17 but 20, China = 20, UK = 17, US = 10.


Awesome stuff @menglxs, just what we were wanting confirmed.

@tamarack9676 you can use Orbit uninstaller to completely remove all the old files as well.

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Great Post thanks this has been asked in other posts too. Also begs to question what is the logic behind different countries with more or less gain handles in software? Additionally if I uninstalled US version and install UK will I end up deleting (losing) saved setting in software I have several profiles?

You should be able to export your profiles before you uninstall and import them back after re install. However I’ve never done a reinstall to a different country version…

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I believe this is to cater to the habitual thinking of users in different countries. Due to too many incorrect propaganda in the past, now many Chinese hearing aid users still believe that the criterion for judging hearing aid is the number of Gain Handles.

Problem: After Un-Install and Re-Install of ReSound’s SmartFit software it will still remember your prior choice of (Market Selection/Number of Gain Handles).

In order to force ReSound’s SmartFit Installer to NOT remember your (Market Selection/Number of Gain Handles) there are two ReSound folders that you must delete after Un-Installing SmartFit.

Here is the location of two ReSound folders (where ??? is your Windows username);

  • C:\ProgramData\ReSound
  • C:\Users\ ??? \AppData\Roaming\ReSound

Also make sure under Patient/Manage/ export to save your data and then import back after reinstalled. And when reinstall select English US then continue until you reach country selection

I wonder if the number of gain handles offered is related to how many frequency point determinations are typically done for a medically dictated audiogram in a particular country? i.e. maybe in the U.S. only audio sensitivity at 10 frequencies is typically measured and those frequencies are specified so even if you had 17 or 20 channels, you normally wouldn’t have the “experimental” data to rationally fill in the extra 7 or 10 channels even if the fitting software offered the additional channels. Sorry if this is a relatively dumb comment from a relatively ignorant newbie.

Well according to Dr Cliff Olson he typically has 20 gain handles for adjustment using other manufacturers fitting software and also did not know why resound only offered 10. If you don’t know who Cliff Olson is you can look them up on YouTube channel

So he does an audiogram at 20 different frequencies? That’s my question. I went to an audiologist at a medical center for a hearing test. She only measured the typical frequencies shown in the Smart Fit software. I went to another audiologist provided by Tru-Hearing to get my Quattro’s and first fit. She only used the audiogram provided by the first audiologist. Perhaps the answer would be when folks do REM they get more data than typically generated by your average human audiologist? And that’s where the extra channels come in useful?

And yes, I know who Dr. Cliff is but just citing his name is meaningless in explaining how the “data” to make use of the extra channels is derived. Lately I’ve been thinking how humans (with normal hearing) manage to cope and understand each other over a very wide range of listening conditions where other voices and other noises often impinge on the exact frequency pattern and amplitudes that reach our ear drums - I wonder how crucial all the extra “stuff” that HA OEM’s want to sell us - where’s the hard data with statistical analysis, etc.?, or is it all white paper fluff conjured up to stave off the OTC revolution?! Just deliberately questioning where marketing ends and real science begins (or is it the other way around?!).

Edit_Update: It would appear that the number of channels that appear in fitting software is related to the recommendations of audiologists and physicians in the U.S. and the U.K., for example.

In a pending draft document for the British Society of Audiology, they recommend doing audiograms at up to 16 frequencies:

In various U.S. documents on performing audiometry, no more than 8 to 10 frequencies are recommended to be tested. So thus if you offered many more channels to fill, it’s likely that distracted audiologists or their assistants would fill in the wrong frequency channels with the wrong values, etc. …

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Could be a silly question, but if I use the 20 band Chinese version, is the on screen text in Chinese?
Also - I don’t have the Smartfit software - I only have the Aventa. I updated to Smartfit from it a while ago, so either - 1 - can I update by installing Aventa, or 2 - where can I Download Smartfit for Enzo Q7 aids. I think 1.6?