Resound Omnia vs Phonak Lumity

Can I ask how as I don’t know how to stop using the Aid Mic when connected via Bluetooth to the Aids?!

Using the phone Mic would be so much easier!

yes, it is the limitation of iOS and Android…

I can’t help you there, iOS and Android seem to limited on microphone selection but on desktop OS that is not the case there… I worked on Microphone selection code for one of our cross platform project. (iOS, Android, Windows. macOS), it works great and API is supported but not used on Android or iOS phone app…

Thanks Jordan!
Would there be a work around like an add on assessors that would work.
Or maybe noise cancellation setting to use while using phone and HA connection?
My main concern in choosing a HA is to hear and understand speech in a crowd or noise withe focused directionality as well as have the person on the other end of the phone hear me, not the ambient noise.
Maybe the sound quality the Lumity would provide would not benefit me due to my high frequency loss. My ears are dead above 1.5K, so is the clarity of the Lumity going to be of benefit, or should I just look at the phone side of my choice and choose the Amnia?

It appears that iOS 16.2 allows microphone selection (aids or phone) using the Accessibility menu (triple click of the right side button then select the Mic Input item) with my Oticon More 1 aids on and connected. I would guess this might be true for other MFi hearing aids but that is a guess as I only have Oticon aids. My phone is an iPhone 12 mini with version 16.2; aids have firmware 1.4.1. I don’t know if the Oticon ON app allows selection as I rarely use the app.



interesting… bluetooth classic is different such as phonak lumity hearing aid… core bluetooth team assume that the devices are perfect… the problem is there is so many teams at apple such as MFI team and core Bluetooth team that does their own stuff and 2 team don’t communicate the changes being made for MFI or bluetooth core team… i think is going on… and as evidence, they kept the hearing aid pairing system from the main bluetooth core that comply with specification of bluetooth.

I didn’t think the ability of the Lumitys to connect directly to my computer BT would matter much to me. But since I’ve been doing neighborhood association board meeting minutes with the Lumitys, I find them incredibly useful for that:

The main drawback, as detailed in the linked post, is that there still is an annoying latency lag in playing back audio segments related to particular problematic transcript segments. It would be even worse, probably, if I were using ReSound HA’s with the Phone Clip+ as an intermediary connecting device. I could wear a BT wireless headphone over ReSound HA’s and connect directly to the computer that way (and I’ll try it when I trial the Omnias) but the direct in-the-ear quality of the sound with the Lumitys is great. Better than I remember audio quality with my Quattros and over-the-hear BT headphones.

Hopefully, when BT LE Audio becomes a thing with both computers and HA’s, the latency problem will go away.

Thank you! Wasn’t aware of this info. We boat a lot on the summer, so Life model seems appropriate. Thanks again , as I really like the battery pack option.

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@Sequoia_Woman You’re welcome. I have heard folks say they aren’t really waterproof, but I would imagine that they would be more water resistant. I chose the waterproof version mainly for the charger. If I get extra moisture protection in the deal, I consider that a bonus.

Another thing that is worthy of mention is the body of the waterproof version that fits behind the ear is slightly larger. I’m small and wear glasses, so this was a concern for me. I didn’t want the area behind my ear to be too crowded. My audi ordered a dummy so that I could compare the size. I could hardly tell the difference and it hasn’t been an issue for me.


I got my Lumity L90s Dec 15th. My Audi did a hearing test, which showed some hearing loss (updated my audiogram here based on latest hearing test). He did Not perform REM snd when asked he said ‘the computer will do the job & saves me time’. Well I’m here to tell you - that may work for some but not me. I will be insisting on REM. I mentioned that he sounded like he had a ‘lisp’ and my own voice did too. He said “that’s because he increased the Gain. Try it until next appointment”. OMG, it is terrible. I wore the Lumity from Dec 15th - 23rd. I went to Christmas party , struggled with hearing conversations standing in front of me or across table. This was a good test in Noisy situations. I went to a restaurant on 23rd and it was a quiet cafe and I could not understand speech when waitress was right at my table talking to me. I came home and put my Paradise 90s back in snd life is good. These Paradise were programmed by a different Audiologist, newly out of school, that has left the practice :thinking:. I’m thinking I’ll just return these Lumity snd regroup. The problem is the lack of audiologists around here. Needless to say I’m frustrated. Any advice? :grinning:

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Of you don’t mind me asking, what hearing aids did you update from. Did you have REM done w/ your fitting of Lumity? I’m very frustrated with mine, but thinking it is more Audi programming than hearing aids. Thanks for above info. I’m small and wear glasses too. The Lumity compared to Paradise are a bit smaller.

Since the REM is measuring real sound pressures in your ear canal, there isn’t really a good way to substitute it. Everyone’s ear geometry is different, and this determines what happens with the sound levels in your ear. It isn’t the be-all, end-all, but it is a useful tool. You probably need adjustment after REM, but it is a good start. It isn’t an option for most DIYers, but they can twiddle the settings until they get what they want. No waiting for an appointment, and begging please for the change.



As one has already mentioned, DIY is a good option is these types of situations, it’s really not that hard and everything needed is easily available, you could still get REM done if you felt the need after DIY, your audiologist should of preformed REM when you asked, the fact he fobbed you off points to having to find another clinic for the future (or just stick with DIY and be done with it)

Why not tell him the story you are telling over here. I assume you are on a trial so maybe there are still possibilities to get them better.
And if not… you tell him/ her you do not see better results after having tried them.

His task will be to help you otherwise you want buy so the REM will not be much of an extra tryout for him.

Unfortunately for a DIY the REM machine is an in between €2.5000 till €8,000 investigation. One of the things I myself will not buy for this hobby.

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Oh I would never recommend anyone to do this, for us DIY folks we don’t need it, so for DIY projects all you need is software (in this instance Target) and programming device NW (Noahlink wireless) no need for the expense of external real-ear equipment.

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Glad you agree on this :rofl:

My problem is the lack of competent caring audiologists. I am hoping I found a good, caring one at Duke University, a 2 hour drive from me.

You need someone skilled in using REM. One reason I started going to Costco 8 years ago was because they all have the REM equipment. I am not convinced they all know how to use it. If your audiologist dies not think REM will help, I doubt having them use it will help much.

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This is why I have absolutely zero sympathy for any normal person complaining about masks. Try wearing them with hearing aids and glasses!

I agree regarding finding competent audiologists. The two I found that I liked and did great programming left our small town for more money.

Yes @emile.heilbron , I plan on doing just that as I have nothing to lose. I’ve already wasted almost the entire 30 days. 10 days left when I see him. That ridiculous. I’ll be having a heart to heart or out off getting new ones right now. My P90s are working. The grass is Not always greener on the other side.