Resound Omnia vs Phonak Lumity

That being so, my right Lumity HA gets very little workout during the day from my phone, which most of the day is doing nothing. So, I’ll give it a go at more rigorously recording charge levels and major activities during the day just to see how that has any effect of relative ear HA charge levels per the previous considerations I noted about my usage.

I suspect there’s a certain amount of randomness involved too. I have KS9 with Right Master. Most of the time the Right aid quits first, BUT sometimes it’s the left. I do have disposable batteries though.

The main reason I chose the Life model over the other models is that it was the only model whose charger included the power pack (not because it is “waterproof”). I contacted Phonak directly when I was considering the Lumity and was told that they did not have an additional power pack for the other models like they had offered as an add-on with the Marvels. I had the additional power pack for my Marvels and decided I wanted that feature with the Lumity. The power pack on the Lumity is built in, which is nice. It would be wonderful if Phonak does indeed release a new charger with a power pack for the other models! It doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t.

@Sequoia_Woman you may want to consider the Life model. The cost of the Lumity Life model L-RL was about $200 more (for me) than the Lumity L-R. For me it was worth the cost, and I got some extra water protection in the process.


The hearing aids will draw power differently depending on the sound environment. Bluetooth is an obvious power hog that will often pull on the BT master aid, but if you’re not using much bluetooth and have a symmetrical hearing loss I think trying to predict which hearing aid will go first would be very difficult as you’d have to constantly be thinking about where the noise was in your environment.


Yup, it is always the master that dies first…

Huh, that’s interesting. I’m trialling the Lumity’s right now, and the manual that comes with them says to ask your HCP about the terms of the local warranty, and that “Sunova offers a 1 year limited international warranty.” So I guess the local warranty is any warranty that your HCP provides?

Second question, on the issue of rechargeable batteries - my audi warned that although I might get 18 hours when the aids were new, since LI batteries degrade over time, I might be getting way less than I need to get through the day after a few years. I tend to keep my aids for a long time, and that’s a concern. I’m not sure that Phonak routinely will put in new batteries at the end of warranty check, either.

That was complete nonsense Jim. My old quattros used to consume battery power the same, even though my left ear was 10-20 dB worse than my right (this was before my stapendotomy op which brought my left ear up to where my audiogram shows).

No, I think it is actually 2 different hardware revision, the audiologist and cochlear learned this the hard way because they managed to brick the quattro hearing aid like 3 times because the cochlear software didn’t accommodate the change to hardware revision…

This also affected the resound One too… The 2 hardware revision devices have completely different firmware version numbers as well

Although there is a very small difference if Jim was using different power receivers.

That would be true. With my Signia Pure Charge and Go 7X I used to get 18+ hrs of battery life when new , now 2.5 yrs latter I barely get 12 hrs out of them. They have degraded 33%. They run out by 7:00 PM, that’s what has me in the fence about the Lumity’s.

Here’s a discharge tracking today where I did ~no streaming or phone calling. Mostly worked in silence trying to fix a dead computer (thanks to the combined efforts of Microsoft and Dell!). Occasionally spoke to wife or used noise-cancelling with noisy bathroom fans.

I got three new data points since I posted so I deleted my original figures and have reposted a figure with the same original data points and the three new pairs added for same work environment.

My current theory is that streaming or phone calling makes the right drain faster. Perhaps running noise cancellation at max rate also affects right (or drains both more rapidly). Maybe my right has a slightly higher capacity to begin with, is draining faster all the time, and eventually catches up and surpasses a lower-capacity left HA? I’ll plot some data from yesterday when I have more time.

The myPhonak app does not always update the SOC of each HA in a timely fashion so anyone else fooling around like this, it’s good to wait a minute or two after opening the app before noting the SOCs that you see. Click on the image to make it nice and large and easy to read!


Right hearing aid is the master… the Bluetooth in that hearing aid has to heartbeat health check and has to transfer data to other side because bluetooth bundles left/right signal data on one device

there is no concept of left/right or True wireless devices (TWD) on bluetooth classic


What is SOC?


SOC is State of Charge. There is a great EV YouTube web channel called State of Charge hosted by Tom Moloughney, who also helps run the website InsideEVs. Has lots of good stuff about charging the Li-ion batteries in EVs and how far various EVs can go on a single charge, how fast various models charge up, etc.


@bwilliambaker with all due respect, your aud is either lying or incompetent.

Long time and no post. Today I will be fitted and possible purchase of Lumity 90 to replace my KS9’s. that are fitted with 2P receivers and soft silicone slim tips with 2mm vent. I have insurance benefit that expires at the end of the year and may as well use it up. The KS9’s work just fine so would be backup, I guess. I have read and followed this post as my audiogram last one(and priors , age etc is close to Jordan’s, except about 5db loss worse across the spectrum, who has posted on these. I am a 32 year HA wearer.
I guess that these will be tweaked anyway but it looks that Jordan speaks of programs and comparisons of NAL, DSL and AD2.0 (or whatever Phonak’s proprietary is). And that his initial was REM fitted to DSL which got all of the positive reviews. Then has the omnia’s programmed to NAL and Luminity’s the same way and then talks about Phonak fitting formula.
-. What would the comparison or what differences between new Phonak formula, NAL when you compared to Omnnias and DSL?? Pretty sure my KS9 is fit with NAL 2 with REMas I thought that was Costco default.

  • What did you finalize on and what differences did you notice when all adjusted after REM??
    Just looking for some feedback and I am sure I can likely try all 3. Challenges and improvements I look for are pretty common. Better hearing in noise and word rec - mine had been around 78, if I recall…
    Will post back if this all goes through. Thanks

I got new Lumity L90s last week on Friday, from my Widex Moments (only 3 years old). The office is closed this week and next, so I’m stuck with an initial fitting that wasn’t working for me. That made it very hard to evaluate. I did some DIY to get to a better place for evaluation. These really excel at distant sounds (another room) coming through as intelligible speech. Honestly don’t recall any hearing aids managing that before. Before my DIY I tested at a noisy restaurant/concert event and they did pretty well at noise reduction. I’m using power domes, and really should probably go with custom earmolds. Have not tried the TV streamer. Will report back later.

I’m sure I’ll keep them, just wish I understood why my audiogram produces initial settings that just don’t work for me at all, no matter the HAs.


Hi JordanK!
I am new to this blog and have questions.
The Lumity sounds like what really want but, I want to do is use my phone microphone when making calls due to my environment. The hearing aid microphone on my Starkey picked up way too much noise as I would assume would be the same with the Lumity.
I understand that Omnia can work both ways.
I have a high-frequency loss above 1.5K so I would think that the better high frequency that I would lose with the Omnia would not come into play here. My greatest desire is directionality. I use my Starkey in directional mode all the time and I just returned a pair of Oticon More as I had better speech understanding with my Starkey but Starkey as with the More directional is far from true directional!
I am not into music but I was listening to instrumental music with my More’s and swapped to my Starkey’s and I could hear instruments that I didn’t with the More’s.
I want true directionality and to use my phone noise cancellation microphone for calls.
Can you help?

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Lumity doesn’t let you use the phone’s microphone. Omnia yes but not Lumity.

Happy to answer any other questions.


Technically wrong, but practically right because i haven’t this setting in a phone…

It doesn’t matter what device you are wearing… you just need to find setting in the OS that actually control microphone input devices… it depend on OS and how flexible of the OS is able to change microphone input devices…

this is not true…

Are you saying that this is a limitation of the phone’s OS (iOs or Android) and not a limitation of the hearing aid?