REM test results...please help!

I thought it isn’t helpful in some situations because I had to work hard. Then the battery died. Then I’ve realised how much it really helped. Yes, I had to work hard but without it, battle was just lost.

In short - turn it off and see if its helping if you haven’t done that already. I was really surprised.

About crosses…
I have one bad ear and one normal ear. First few years I wore aid only on bad ear. People talking from my bad side had to walk over to my normal side.

This year I’ve started with 2 aids, and results are awesome. Paradises 90.
The other day, shopping mall, echoey, slow day so no many people around, my husband on my bad side, wearing mask and speaking normally, we could normally converse. No mics needed.

Paradises and marvels transfer sounds between the aids in various modes. Not loud, but it’s there.

There’s also 360 mode which I’m currently looking into which should maybe be louder.

So basically I’m utilising all 4 mics.

Prior to this, fitters would use acoustic phone program and tweak it for everyday usage. Such solution is called amp cross or tricross.
So it aids bad ear AND transfers the signal to good ear (and aids it if needed).
For phonak, there’s this 360 program that should work better since you don’t have to pick side master-slave, it should detect automatically from which to which it should transfer.

Regular cross solutions just pick sounds from bad side, discarding it completely.

Check dr cliff’s video on the topic of single sided deafness / ampcross, forgot the exact title.

However if you’re totally deaf on bad side, then bicross is the term you need.

Cross only transfers the sound to the normal ear from bad side.
Bicross transfers to the good ear and helps it as well (so it’s also an aid).
Those two are devices under such name.

Ampcross solution (no device exists) is with 2 aids, aiding each ear and transferring the signal between them. Needs a fitter who knows how to make it work, and aids that aloow it.

Maybe you’re right. I rarely participate in social events, so I had only several occassions to use it. My experience with Roger Select is with Phonak Bolero V70-P (I haven’t transferred RogerX license to my Audeo P90-RT yet), so maybe with new HA (bought them 6th Nov) it will works better…

Yes, saying “CROS” I meaned “BiCROS”, because I am completely deaf on left side. However, AmpCROS definitely isn’t for me because I could loss e.g. AutoSense features and more. I am much interested in 360 mode. Thank you for much infos.
I expected some benefits from Binaural Voice Stream from CROS e.g. Speech in 360, Speech in very loud noise or Auto StereoZoom. This is one of many things why I have bough P90-RT version, not P70.

I am very glad you have reached so many benefits only thank to aiding second ear!

For me, I don’t hear many benefits with Paradise compared to previous aids (Venture) in situation apart streaming. Perhaps because I have it very briefly, maybe its no REM (only APD 2.0 + louder adjustments), maybe too small vent with regard to my good hearing in lows. Many things to consider!

I bought my top of the line Resound hearing aids, new on eBay for half the price of $6000 quoted by my Audi. I sent copy of my hearing test to the vendor and they were programmed by them. I then made an appointment with an Audi for a REM test. I got her name from a Dr Cliff video on YouTube. She charged me $160 to perform the REM test. So for an incredibly low price I have the latest Resound hearing aids fitted by an Audi using REM testing.

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