Rechargeable Battery Issue Phonak Lumity

In the last two years, I’ve had to submit to Phonak for repair; Lumity 90 hearing aids, Roger Select iN microphone and Roger On microphone. Phonak makes great products but the battery reliability is horrible. I wish products I own had disposable batteries. For service, an audiologist must send them to Phonak as Phonak will not accept anything directly from a consumer.


2 Bummers in One Day

1st learning i will add nothing to the Holiday a big dumb rock who cant hear speak or respond. BECAUSE PHONAK and Discount Daily are moving at rhe speed of frozen sludge.


THE final story on myLumity 90 aids I bought last August 2023. Discount Daily is who i puchased HA s from. Now i just have spent most of this day to communicate with Discount Daily who has been slow responding and get the ball rolling but feet seem to be dragging for some reason

Finally a response from my audi who made no mention of warranty but i guess i have one but aidi doesnt seem helpful or take into consideration the holidays are coming. My situation is that i live alone in a tiny town that is dismissive and uncaring and lazy. It was good experience being ablr to hear and be cognizant finally in holidays 2023 and i was anticipating another like that being among the hearing world. But it is not to be.

But now a little over a week from christmas my hopes were dashed when i finally got the news BOTH HAs including the one still working must be shipped to phonak and then to Audis and then to me. So i know from previous experience I may as well not be with family if im just a large silent bump in a chair feeling very anxious for everyone to leave so i can relax after feeling like a big silent lump of coal a nuisance and in the way people have to walk aroung. Wondering if the joke is about me all are laughing about.
My audiologist (remote) i usd to feel he was very helpful but lately the mood is changing when i need hin most of all.

Is your audiologist always so proactive?

I had determined to be upbeat and a positive olaceholder but now i think for mercy on everyone i should just stay home

I can barely see to type so please forgive all the errors ive maid. This whole day has been one of futility so. I gotta go check out. Zone out over n Out

IF THEY WOULD DO THAT IT WOULD BE SO wonderful for a few to volunteere for a few extra steps

Butonline seller DD must be in a dormant stage mostly invisible hiding out

My audiologist doesnt appear to be in the inquisitive mode i think he just want to fly off radar and hang out til closing time

You mean slow boat somewhere but please not. China

I need to move to New Joisy and sign on with your DOCTOR DOCTOR Mister MD

So you would need to mail to your Audi and he woul dmail to Phonak

Phonak would do their thing and mail to audi and then back to the grouchy Hobo (me) ? Its called Swift Boating lemmee guess

If you have a Roger receiver license in each of your hearing aids, please remember to store (send) that receivers back into the Roger microphone , before you give the hearing aids away for repair. So you make shure that you will not loose the receiver-licenses.

Don’t you have the option to borrow trial HAs temporarily?

Thats an excellent suggestion thank you. One tnat I would certainly us except that though they still are warranty for over a year, they may never be sent for repair. When i reported (by email) the battery problem I also said I hoped I could get them back by Christmas which I realize is a long stretch, nevertheless I asked… That was last Friday Dec 13 2024.

I never saw any response on Monday except for a female probably in service dept. telling me to switch sides of the charger and i responded that U already did and that my right aid charged overnight on left side of charger with no problem.
I never got a direct and ten i got
response from the audi who has been my primary contact so i sent another email and shortly got a terse reply with a phone number and a note that said call the number its our service dept. They will help you get it taken care of.

I may as well have not bothered calling because the female who answered didnt even listen to me after I gave her my name. She verified my address and noted I had lumity 90s and she said No Problem we will email you batteries so i asked how would i know to do installation. She said theres a you tube video. SHE OVER TALKED me the whole time sounding like a gum smacking teenager. Finally i realized she didnt know that lumitys dont have rechargeable batteries. Then she said THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING you have to mail them both in and it will be 2 to 3 weeks till you get them back. And i protested that means im basically deaf the whole time and she cheerily replied Um hum. NO EMPATHY WHATSOEVER.

THERES MORE to this story but i fear it might get erased so im going to save this and post the outcome in an additional space.

Ive dont trust anything to work right the way my luck has been.

ANYWAY I told her please stop and listen, you have it all mixed up. You were going to send me batteries knowing ive had these HAs for over a year. Didnt you put it together i wouldnt have askec how to replace them or need a video after year and a half.

She just kept getting louder and more boisterous. I finally told her you have no listening skills this conversation is ridiculous and i said JUST STOP TALKING AND LISTEN (shut up,) she said i dont have ti listening to this THIS CALL IS OVER.

ive worked in a call center where i would have been quickly unemployed after a call like that.

I tried o call service today NO ANSWER NO VOICE MAIL.

SO I have messaged tbe audi again and Cc d to who i think is senior in charge and NO RESPONSE from either or the service dept.

TELL ME IF I’M WRONG but I am under the impression I cannot send them to phonak for repair it has to come from Audiologist at the business i purchased them from and if thats the case Im at a loss what to do. I just want what i paid for i want to be fully functional on the holidays but if i cant get them to fulfill their obligation. I have worthless warranty if they dont cooperate.

So seems like i need i send complaints to Tennessee licensing board and attorne general and kansas commission for deaf and HH.

I HAVE done nothing but try to communicate. Im sick of texting on this crappy Fire Tablet with arthritic fingers so I surrender tonight. Go to bed with no anticipation for christmas with family. Why go if im only a big hunk of coal in the way.

At my age i dont know how many Christmases i have left so im sad and bummed out. Residents of this town of 400 are not at all friendly so im out of luck. I had my first Christmas in ages last year in which I COULD HEAR MY GRANDCHILDREN but seems once is all i get. No money for a new pair if HAs. Wearing myself out everday putting out fires here where theres no hope of help or even hello.

Its a proven reality now that my audiologist is going to do nothing even remotely helpful.

I need to write a review of DISCOUNT DAILY in TENNESSEE and warn anyone else considering them to get new hearing aids. But not tonight. I need a break from this.

Im glad your audi came thru for you

Phonak’s customers are the AuDs that are licensed in your state. You are the AuDs customer.

Im not sure I understand your meaning ?

You did not buy your aids from Phonak. Phonak does not sell aids to consumers it sells aids to AuDs. You bought you aids from an AuD licensed in your state to sell hearing aids. I read in your other post about buying online… Good luck with that. Search the serial numbers online to see if they exist.

Discount Daily finally responded and was going to assist After I paid them $15 for shipping. It was a huge hassle and caused considerable concern and delay. The Audi that i had primarily done my remote adjustments at Discount said he was too busy to help me but eventually someone in shipping got on board and was going to assist IF I paid shipping fee which may have been a ripoff IF they also get free shipping labels from Phonak. Their service was less than their pitch online would have you believe plus they caused considerable delay. The first person I talked with at Discount Daily in customer service didnt know what she was doing but might have done so if she had actually listened to the details I attempted to give instead of hanging up on me after I took issue with her poor product knowledge and less than helpful attitude.
But its just as well because i already made an appoitment with a local audiologist who seems quite on the ball and had glowing review and hopefully I will get my HA back within 3 weeks time as the local Audi estimated.

I paid him for an office visit which I have no problem with. So far he’s saved me from being deaf for 3 weeks because he said only the one with the battery problem needed to be sent in. My hearing is not as good with only one but its better than with no hearing aid. This local audi got me in the next business day and before Christmas. He also saved me $15 Discount Daily demanded for shipping fee. The new audi said Phonak sends him prepaid shipping labels. I dont know why Discount Daily was going to charge $15 to ship. Perhaps they dont kniw about labels supplied by Phonak or maybe Phonak only supplies labels to preferred Audis. All I know is I have totally lost faith in Discount Daily and would not recommend them to anyone.

I think when the HA are ready to be picked up I will have made an appt to get HA update installed and hope to get real ear measurements and check out my right HA so its in good working order