This is my USB Hi-Pro. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My Hi-Pro is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. My Hi-Pro, without me, is useless. Without my Hi-Pro, I am useless.
Cable to connect USB HI-Pro to your PC
Oticon #3 Programming Cable
Left – 334-20-015-01
Right – 334-20-014-00
Standard CS44 Programming Cable is the same as Oticon Programming Cable #3
Oticon Programming shoes. Note that there are different types of programming shoes. This shoe is for Epoq and Vigo. A different programming shoe is required for Sumo.
2 x 399-50-530-08
Ready to Connect HI-Pro
Ready to Connect Oticon Epoq XW
Diagram of how to connect Oticon Epoq XW
Connected Oticon Epoq XW. Note that the battery is still in the hearing aid.
Ready to program with Oticon Genie fitting software.
The Oticon Epoq BTE models XW, W, and V use this shoe. Are you talking about the ITC model? Look at the fitting guide in the professional section. It shows an example using a programming pill in place of the battery…
Thanks X. Your reply made me think about whether I might be able to get around the Cyclic Redundancy Check error that I encountered on the left HI by applying the firmware upgrade.
So I tried opening the Upgrade Instrument Firmware tool from the Hearing Instrument menu, and the click Upgrade. However, the Cyclic Redundancy Check error also prevents completion of the firmware upgrade.
I would be extremely careful in trying to circumvent a CRC error. CRC errors are used to detect errors in the transmission of a file. If you have a CRC error I personally would never trust that file to be intact.
The CRC error is encountered when reading the contents of the HI. There seems to be no way to apply a firmware upgrade, or no way to just simply read the contents of the HI.
I now have a different pair of Epoq XWs that have no such CRC problem.
PVC: From your old post showing the Hi-Pro and setup. Where did you get the software?
Is it available for review? I’d like to see what options are avaialble on the various manufacturers to make better decisions. Understanding what’s available is always good information.
Since there isn’t binaural processing on the Epoqs, you can program them one at a time. With the more advanced aids, you should program them together vs. separately.