Phonak white noise

Phonak Audeo P90-312 user:
How to describe this. White noise? I’ll begin listening to music from an external source in an otherwise quiet room; computer, tablet, cell phone, or home theater (not Bluetooth through my HA’s, although Bluetooth is turned on for incoming calls). Without fail a rushing sound (white noise?) will begin and continue to increase in volume to the point where it hugely interferes with the sound source - sometimes more, sometimes less. When I shut off the external source the white noise persists at its given level for about 15 seconds, then slowly dissipates to zero after an additional 10 seconds. Very disconcerting. This phenomenon does not occur while listening to music from a device directly to my HA’s via Bluetooth. Any thoughts, suggestions?

Perhaps this is it? Read the description.

Other option may be acoustic feedback, but it is heard more as a squealing than “white noise.” Do you have domes or custom earmolds?

If you can, please insert your audiogram. (Click “My forum” at the top of the page and then “Hearing test”).

Thank you Bimodal_user. Appreciate your prompt reply. I have custom ear molds, but no copy of my audiogram.

The video describes the issue I am experiencing, and solution #3 impresses as the potential solution. The only issues I have are that my HA’s are from the VA and the VA is not entirely convenient, plus I don’t always get one of their better audiologists which could mean mixed results. Haven’t decided yet.

At 3:55 I couldn’t quite make out the words preceding “… otherwise known as TK”. I think he said “threshold mean point”, but not exactly sure.

BTW, listening to the video compression/expansion dialog was reminiscent of the INCEPTION/extraction dialog from the movie.

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You’re welcome. Having a backup copy of the audiogram is important. I’m surprised they didn’t give you one.

The “TK” means surely “Treshold Kneepoint”, because graph bends like a knee.

Haha, sometimes I have similar connotation. :smiley:

Aha! Threshold knee point makes perfect sense and replaying the audio confirms it - it’s just not as technical an explanation as I had expected. Being unfamiliar with TK it sounded to me like “mean point.”

Been wearing HA’s for about 15 years & have never been offered a copy of my audiogram by the VA, nor have I ever asked for one. I’ve seen it on their computer screen and understand my issues primarily lie at the high end of the frequency spectrum, but since the VA is the only place I receive hearing care I never considered it necessary to have a copy for myself. What would I do with it?

And BTW, the static/white noise I experience is not a squeal, or screech. If you’re sitting next to someone in the theater who is talking over the soundtrack, and you turn around and say, “SHHHH!” That’s what it sounds like, only a tad deeper. It’s a rushing sound in the form of a crescendo. As stated in my original post, if I turn off the external source this white noise persists at its given level for about 15 seconds, then slowly dissipates to zero after an additional 10 seconds and I’m back to normal.

There are two ways to get your audiogram. One is to file a records quest. The other is use blue button on the va web site. I was in last week for exam and testing. I didn’t think to ask for a printout while I was there. I sent a secure message the next day and file a records request was the response. I used blue button…,



It looks like Phonak AutoSense has turned off the noise reduction function after entering the music programme. You can try to go to myPhonak APP - Adjust program, push the NOISE REDUCTION slider to ‘High’ and see if the ‘white noise’ you hear diminishes or disappears.


WhiteHat, thanks for your input.

The rest of that sentence was, “nor have I ever asked for one.”

I have only been to the VA for hearing - well, once they sent me next door to a different department because I had an ear infection - but otherwise I have never bothered logging into the VA website. I’m just curious, what would I do with it?


Thanks for the tip, appreciate it. I’ll try that & reply with results, but it may not be until later as I’m out and about.

Thanks again.


I couldn’t wait to try your solution so before I headed out the door I brought up some music on my PC to test and guess what? IT WORKED! At least on this brief trial. I’ll put it through the paces later, but for now I’m a happy camper & thanks for what I think will prove to be the answer to my problem. Bravo!


@menglxs, wow, indeed this would be that what you described! High five!

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Same thing here on my Phonak L90’s white noise starts to fade in and then fade out gradually.

You could enter your results in the forum so others could better advise you. It might help you understand your loss, and what you experience. Give you the “Why?” answers maybe. A step towards learning about all of this. I learn quite a bit from the subjective comments in the audiologist’s notes, too. But, hey, you do you. I know people that can’t explain their loss, don’t know the brand or type of hearing aids they wear, etc. And they are happy. So there you go.


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You’re absolutely right of course. I treat hearing test results similar to blood pressure test results whereby I only pay attention if there are specific behaviors I can adapt to change them. With hearing there’s no change in behavior that I know of to restore high frequency hearing, plus I’m at the mercy of the audiologist to program the HAs anyway. When things work, I tend to pretty much ignore them, but the white noise issue bugged me to the point where I was ready to make a special run to the VA. The VA has been wonderful; they’re just huge, very busy, and less than convenient for me.

I’ll post my results them when I get them. I’ll either procure a copy online or the next time I go to the VA, although it was 10 years between visits to the VA before returning for a repair only to have them upgraded and to be told that they could have been changed out 5 years earlier. Outside of the addition of Bluetooth, a huge deal for me, these new HAs didn’t noticeably change my hearing. Not complaining, I just didn’t experience much difference from the old ones which worked just fine until they didn’t.

Thanks to all for your attention and advice - glad to have found you all here. Many years ago, when I first received HAs, I logged into Hearing Aid Forums which is now defunct, but which has morphed into this I believe. Thanks again.


FYI, I listened to an hour of music on my PC, and later some samples on my tablet with NO white noise issues. Absolutely none! I don’t know how or where you learned about this fix, but I’m very grateful you were tuned in when I posted on the issue. I believe your advice may have immediately helped one other HA user, and I’m confident it will help more in the days to follow. Many thanks again.


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My 1st visit to the VA, was to get tested for hearing aids, but another forum member suggested that I sign up for complete health care, which I did. I am a senior, and have Kaiser Permanente administrating my Medicare, and they do a good job, but The VA doesn’t appear to have their doctors on as tight a time limitation during office visits. I am now using both systems, and really like my experiences with the VA doctors. They seem to really care.

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I am a hearing aids DIY user and I know how Phonak AutoSense works. The default setting for the Phonak AutoSense music program is to turn off noise reduction. You can ask your audiologist to turn on the appropriate level of noise reduction for the music program in Phonak Target. But I believe that turning on the noise reduction function in Target or the app will damage the sound quality of the music.

dacuttler, I agree 100%. There may be shortcomings in the VA system, but I have not experienced them in the Audiology, with the exception of an inexperienced audiologist.

menglxs, I made a ‘Custom’ program on myPhonak app called ‘Menglxs’, with Noise Reduction turned all the way up, but when not in use the myPhonak app switches back to its Automatic setting which allows the white noise, so I just change it when listening to music. I don’t know what Phonak Target is, but the Music Program on myPhonak has Noise Reduction on ‘low’ which allows ‘white noise’ in a mostly quiet room. I will change the Music Program to Noise Reduction set high & see how it compares to my Menglxs Program.