Phonak white noise

If you are DIYing then sure, because you can twiddle bits easily enough. But if having a HCP do this, maybe walk it up in steps? I find high noise reduction cuts out a lot of what I want to hear.


Thanks for that bit of advice. I haven’t tested varying the Noise Reduction at all until now & I see (hear) what you mean. Yes, I am DIYing this & will spend a little more time with the NR slider on the myPhonak app searching for a happy balance before heading to the VA. I simply left the setting at High NR after first learning that removed the HISSS, but now after twiddling a bit I do find that it cuts out a lot of what I want to hear. Appreciate your input.

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Thanks! This is exactly my symptoms, and I think this is the solution. The trick for me is getting the audiologist to implement it. And seeing the audiologist, which is also tricky, for reasons.

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In lieu of my audiologist having a crack at it I’ve been toying with the Noise Reduction settings in myPhonak which I set at about +35% last night while watching a movie at home with family with speakers roughly 10’ away & experienced about 35% of the white noise (hiss or rushing sound) I experienced earlier with NR set at zero. At next opportunity I’ll try it again with the NR set at about +70% and see what happens with the noise vs. other sound degradation. This experience is duplicated while at my computer with external speakers 3’ and 4’ away, but as noted in a previous post the full sound (range) of music improves as the NR settings decrease from 100%.

Interesting that in nearly 20 years of wearing HAs this is the first pair I have ever experienced this issue with, which of course could be the result of any number of other things related and/or unrelated to the HAs themselves, just saying. There may have been many improvements to my hearing when I received this latest pair of HAs, however I am not cognizant of any.

This may take a while to sort out.

You don’t post your audogram so I’m just guessing, if you have good low end hearing then one of the most common reason for hissing is floor noise (circuit noise) Phonak have the TK 20 adjustments available to try and “help” with this, worth a try.

Could the white noise be the tinnitus program is running?

Thanks for contributing. I don’t post my audiogram because I don’t have it & never bothered to ask for one, but I’m quite sure I fit the scenario you suggested; I have fairly good low end hearing, but I have no idea what TK 20 adjustments are & will be dependent on my audiologist to work with that. I’m not sure when my next trip to the VA will be, probably not anytime soon, thus my DIY tinkering.

Thanks for contributing. Your could very well be correct, but again I would need that confirmed by my audiologist as I don’t believe I have any control over that function.

@tenkan, speaking of TK20 you mean “Treshold Kneepoint at 20 dB”? Expansion?

White Hat
BTW, I logged onto the VA website & did not find the blue button you referred to; however, I did email the Audiology Department at my VA today & requested a copy - will see if that works.
Thanks again.

Yes sometimes it’s of benefit,I use ReSound which also has a very easy adjustment for this.

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I had the Audi put the calm in situation program my default startup, my choice with the lows turned down a bit (less gain) and I had a similar issue with autosence 4.0, Phonak teck suggested to de-tune the music program so the autosence would not switch to it so readily, my Audi did that and it fixed the issue when I use the automatic mode. Hope it helps.