Phonak TV Connector help

Thank you for responding so quickly. I think the optical splitter is the way to go and it looks easy to hook up. You saved me. THANK YOU

If I could do this without messing everything up, I might tryi it until I get an optical splitter like recommended above. The splitter seems like the easy way to go. Thank you so much for replying so quickly.

LED TVs are so cheap nowadays and have lots of features than your 8 year old TV. Newer TVs have many ports.

What aids and reciever make please?

Some tvs have separate controls for headphone and speaker volume. Check your tv sound settings.

You are absolutely correct. It’s on the Christmas list!!
Thank you for responding to my question.

The aids are Phonak Paradise. The receiver is a Yamaha. I’ve ordered an optical splitter and I think that will work. I get that tomorrow (Sat) I will post the results when I hook it up. Thankyou

I will look into that. Thank you for responding

Hello, I purchased the splitter. I plugged it into the back of the Tv, then plugged in the optical cable that is coming from the receiver into one side and the Tv Connector in the other side. Turn on the TV , bam,
I hear the tv in my aids.
Now: when I turn the receiver On so my husband can listen too, my aids turn off. How can I hook it up so both of us can listen to the TV? Ugh :expressionless: him through the receiver and me through my aids.

Thanks in advanced for your help

You placed the optical splitter on the TV, correct?
From that splitter, one side your TV connector hooks to and the other side of your splitter goes to your receiver input, correct?

Yes, correct. My receiver is a Yamaha RX-V473. If you google that you can see the manual. Thanks for your help

Sorry, I have no clue. Have you tried turning the TV Connect off and on while the receiver is on?

That sounds correct. If you purchased the device that MDB provided a link for above, do all the connections appear secure and tight? I expect that particular splitter is a passive one (no electrical power to run a detector/amplifier and LED) and those split the optical signal so each is weaker and if the alignment of the connectors isn’t right, the signal may drop too much. Active splitters convert the light signal from the source (TV in your case) to an electrical signal, amplify it, and then drive 2 (or more for larger devices or switches) LEDs or laser diodes, one for each output. The active devices are typically more expensive and may be built with better connectors to provide secure and reliable connections. They also don’t actually split the signal so there isn’t loss of light but they require a bit of electrical power to run the electronics.

You might ensure that the short cable from the splitter is plugged securely into the TV - good connectors will “snap” into place and be secure and not wiggle very much. Same for the connectors on the two optical cables running from the splitter to the receiver and the TV connector - they should “snap” into the receptacles on the splitter. Be careful bending the cables - they are typically a single plastic “fiber” and they can easily fracture if bent too much. Plastic fibers also absorb some of the light - for long runs (over 5 meters) the fibers should be glass or higher-quality multi-strand plastic but those are also delicate but perform better optically and are more expensive.

My Oticon TV Adapter 3 has an optical out port - I plug the optical fiber running to a Sonos sound bar into the optical out port so I don’t need to use a splitter. My TV Adapter optical in port connects to the single optical output from the TV. You might check to see if your TV connect has an optical output port - if so you would not need a splitter.

Yes all connections are secure. It works when the receiver is off. That is puzzling to me. When I turn the receiver on I lose the audio on my aids. Crazy. So it’s only half working.

Yes, thank you anyway. I’ll probably call Phonak Monday.

The splitter thing doesn’t seem to be working correctly. So tomorrow (Can’t today Because the ball game is on and I am banned from messing around with the TV at this time and just had a Yuengling Chocolate porter) I will try this. Makes sense that this might work, I just have to figure it all out. Thanks for posting.

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I just had a look to the back panel of your receiver:

There is an audio out output, so instead of trying to connect your audio streamer to the tv using a splitter, you could connect it to this audio output and this would not only allow you to listen to the tv, but also to the radio and other audio sources available on the receiver.


Thanks for looking at that. I appreciate that. I’ll check that out and let you know how I make out. Thanks again.


You can find the user manual here:

The audio output is the pair of red and white sockets in the area 7 of the rear panel page 9.

Ok. The optical plug on the far left is in use and it runs to the back of my tv. Do I plug my connector into the other optical outlet? This is all so technical. Wish I had a young kid in the neighborhood that could do this for me. Right now for me to get sound in the hearing aid. I turn off the receiver tand there we have it. For my husband to hear it he just turns up the sound on the TV. So basically we aren’t using the receiver. Ughhh.