Phonak Lumity Naida 90 UP BTE Review

Fantastic. I’ve not googled “The Black Isle”, but I do remember some fine roads on Shetland. In fact I’ve enjoyed many a great road in your fine land, with those speeds included. I don’t like night driving now though, which shows I’m getting older (rods and cones).

Well done for that wonderful work. My loss was self inflicted, and only acknowledged by myself in 2009. I just assumed everyone was mumbling.

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Your comprehensive description of the new phonak lumity is very much appreciated. I am in a very similiar situation to yourself being profoundly deaf but determined to make the best of the limited hearing I have and frankly that includes a willingness to prioritise my spending to maximise what trchnology can offer .
I currently have three setsofhearing aids purchased since 2018 that Iuee for different activities including general , gym and telecoil ( bluetooth has been the most important inovation in my 40 odd years using hearing aids)
Anyways I drift - coming back to lumitys I will definately trial them - any aids that can help me relax in thepub or with my grandchildren would frankly be invaluable
Finally I am also a fellow Scot so looking forward to Germany big time !
Once again - thank you


Thank you Peter, the Deaf/Blind client in the car, was also called Peter…Unfortunately he passed a few years ago.The Black Isle, is just north of Inverness, in actual fact, its a peninsula, but it is called the Black Isle, longest piece of straight road, Cullicudden Straights, approximately 2.4 miles, not massive, but enough to get you up there… Probably the best roads in Scotland are on the Shetland Isles, I lived in Shetland for about 5 years, The Shetland Islands Council, most probably spent hundreds of millions on the roads (Oil Money)…

Thank you @Tonycraig for the kind words, much appreciated :grin: Yeah, I think if you have a profound loss, you are always chasing any small increment in overall clarity, money & perhaps logic, doesn’t always equate… On a plus side, I probably hear better than I did 30 odd years ago, after the onset of Bilateral SSNHL, viral flu or Russian Flu to be exact, mind you, the old analog aids took months to adapt to, they amplified everything, it was like a wall of sound hitting you! I recall the NHS A.uD telling me back then, “you will only be able to use them for an hour, before you become overwhelmed with sound, just build up gradually each day, until you can go all day”… I just said to myself, “Aye right, whose he trying to kid” :upside_down_face: I don’t think I even lasted an hour with sensory overload, and listening fatigue, those analog aids took many months to acclimate with a profound loss, they where hard work… I agree wholeheartedly, Bluetooth was a game changer :grin: Good Luck if you trial the Naida Lumity’s, hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised? Slainte :scotland: :tumbler_glass: Kev.


Was in the Bank today folks, it was very busy, usually a challenging experience for me, the security glass seems to take away, several DB from the tellers voice… Twas fine today, no problems whatsoever, didn’t even have to ask for a repeat or rephrase, I was delighted, I could hear the tellers voice clearly:grin: Out tonight at the Monday night pool league match, I am noticing how relaxed I’m becoming with the Naida Lumity’s, I would go as far as to say, almost borderline horizontal :upside_down_face: its kinda peaceful not to be stressed/straining all the time, just to hear…And yes, certain voices, I am always going to struggle badly with, it is just the nature of the beast… But for the most part, I am just enjoying conversations, if I am close up, and personal to the talker :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:


An update folks…Battery runtime was just under 13 days, with a moderate amount of streaming, I was using Phonak own brand of 675 batteries, in actual fact these are rebranded Varta batteries, and IMO, Varta makes excellent batteries…Cheers Kev :grin:


Another update folks… Audiologist appointment today, I was hit with a barrage of questions, on different listening environments, Roger On, and Bluetooth, in some ways it felt as if I was being cross-examined by a trial Judge or Lawyer… Approximately 40 minutes of almost nonstop questioning by my A.uD, with note taking, it was also very enjoyable, it gave me a valuable insight into Boots perspective, I am acutely aware, my answers are probably going all the way up to professional standards, so my replies might be important, so I tried to be very candid, without any embellishment…I did get a very interesting snippet of information though, it would appear, when I was asked, “did I need any adjustments”, I replied with a firm “No”, “first fit”, it would seem, work’s “straight off the bat”, with these Lumity’s? Now, I have no idea why this should be so, but my A.uD says, they are finding, most clients don’t need any adjustments after “first fit”, to me that seems incredible, but it was my experience also! I did ask a couple of questions myself… Did they get volume sales incentive bonus @ Boots, “No”, was the reply, they do not have actual target bonuses, they do however have quarterly performance bonuses, but it isn’t incorporated into individual sales… Can they get Titanium C-Shell BTE moulds made, my A.uD said she would find out, hopefully, I will hear in a couple of weeks, at my next appointment? Round 2, of the Spanish Inquisition :rofl: :joy: :rofl: Cheers Kev :grin:


@kevels55 Thank you very much.

First fit without REM, was the fit using Target’s AudiogramDirect?
I take it this is a winner winner chicken dinner :grin: :slight_smile:

On a scale 1 to 20 how much do you rate these Lumity, same with Paradise since now you have something to compare it to?
1 being poorly and 20 being unbelievably awesome


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No Audiogram Direct, was used @Baltazard, the Lumity’s where set up before I got into the A.uD’s office, no REM was done… And no chicken dinner for me, I am a pescatarian :smile: In comparison to other BTE’s I have used, over the years… Naida Paradise 90’s UP BTE’s, I would score 13 outa 20, they are indeed excellent hearing aids… As for Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE’s, I will score 17 outa 20, they are exceptional aids, it’s a clarity thing… In the immortal words of the Eagles “I get a peaceful, easy feeling”, they are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and I am going to always struggle with certain voices or certain listening environments, but they make me feel, totally relaxed, I am only struggling occasionally now, and for those reasons, they are keepers… Perfection doesn’t exist for severe/profound losses, compromise does… Cheers Kev :grin:


Yup. I am one of those people who was fitted with Lumity and I also needed no adjustments (other than REM) after the first fit. I was astonished. So was my audiologist as I was one of his first patients to try the Lumity L90’s.

And no…I don’t work for Phonak :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I didn’t need any adjustments for my P90r audeos after the first setup with REM. NAL-NL2 and she barely made any changes for making targets in the REM. And she said a couple months later she wasn’t surprised in the least. I did get some additional programs added, and the Roger On, and the MAV receivers, but the general fit hasn’t been changed.



Great review Kev.
It’s good to see an improvement in performance.

I’m glad to see they have replacement batteries.

Thanks for posting.


Great follow up. thanks.

(still need help with my Phonak Paradise P90R’s. Except I predict they won’t provide top rated hearing aids when I’m due in a couple or so years.)

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Good comment.

I have the same hearing aids.
I’m very grateful that I got new hearing aids before I was due. He took on workman’s comp and likely with Phonak’s help. I had Phonaks before.

That would be heaven!

I applaud all you guys across the pond for the knowledge and experience you impart. I can’t leave out the guys north of here in Canada either.

I have Naidia P90 UP and like most of us have a backup pair. Years ago I had Phonak BTE and moved to Seimens RIC for awhile. I got tired of dealing with receivers and moved back to the Phonak Marvel BTE. I used to use the old pair as backups, but RIC is not good as a backup to BTE, particularly with Phonak assisted devices. So, I went to Phonak Naidia P90 UP and then bought a backup pair online. I think I was nervous Phonak was giving up the 675 battery.

Even though I live in a very large city in the States, I also live in two other places, so finding audis is not easy. I think you guys have found better audi solutions. I have a second audi in the NE and he is the only one with REM. My last backup pair was bought onliine and I was impressed with the first fit, though it needed feedback adjustment in my ear with my molds. I ultmately just copied my orginal pair.

Like Kevel, I am always looking at new things but demand 675 batteries. However, with two pair in place, my thought is to skip Lumity and wait for the next jump. I am encouraged by the comments about Lumity. However, I have learned with most electronic things like computers and phones, buying every other generation makes sense.

Keep up the commentary. It is very helpful.


Thank you for the kind words @pclewis… Very much appreciated :grin: We hold a common bond, and as such, we all hopefully try to help our fellow HOH as best we can… Hearing loss is such an individual experience, what I like about certain aids, you might hate, and vice versa… The only way to find out for sure, if certain aids work for you, is to trail your own… Like all experienced hearing aid users (like yourself) I am preaching to the initiated, but there are newbi user’s out there, reading this forum, whom may just have been afflicted with, Bilateral (both ears are down) Sudden Sensory Neural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) and they have little or no inclination of the minefield of options out there, so hopefully us more experienced user’s can help guide them in the correct direction, most of us aren’t professionals, we are enthusiastic though :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I assume you are skeptical @Neville, I was prior to getting these Naida Lumity’s…There is something unique about these hearing aids, I can’t quite put my finger on it, but they are different from my past experiences of Naida’s, I feel confident using them, even in moderately loud environments, in background noise, I have to be up close, and in someones personal space, but for me, they just work well… And yes, they would probably work marginally better with REM, but I will get that done at some point… It is common practice here, for aids to be set up in advance (hearing test was done 3 weeks beforehand) I have had this pre setup done a few times, it saves the A.uD time, once the aids are in my ears, feedback management was run, how does that sound, harsh was my reply (on DSL V5, my assumption, but Adaptive Digital was confirmed) can you switch me to NAL NL2 please, how’s that? Perfect thank you, first fit & good to go…On my second appointment, (2 weeks later) I was asked, do I need need any adjustments, I said “No”, the aids where going very well, the job is a good un :grin: For me, clarity is the biggest aspect of any choice of hearing aid, if I am focused in a crowd, being able to pick up good contextual information from my conversation partner is a godsend, and yes I am an excellent lip reader, former A.uD’s have told me exactly that, but I use the visual, to confirm the aural content… I have also a fairly unique hearing aid testing facility at home, namely my kitchen clock :upside_down_face: its a large but quiet clock, with Marvel RIC’s I could only just hear it, if my ear was 4 to 6 inches away, with Paradise 10 feet away was fine… As I write this post, that clock is 12 feet away at least, I can hear it loudly & concisely, with little or no effort, this little test, is how I ultimately gauge my aids, and in this instance, it tells me I have excellent hearing aids in my lugs :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:


@kevels55 and @Neville

I take your comments to be very positive. It’s a sign to me that the L hearing aids are a step ahead
I know my hearing aids are good. Paradise P90’s. I can hear now and wil hear better.
When I can get new hearing aids awarded I expect they won’t allow the best at workman’s comp.
It will be 3 years. Phonak will have even better HA’s then
Kev I’m happy to read your beautiful comments.

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Thank you Dave for the extremely kind words, they are very much appreciated :grin: From my perspective, and it is a contrasting one, being a lover of word’s (writing poetry) with word’s alone, you can paint vibrant pictures in people’s minds… TBVH, I haven’t written anything, that I consider “half decent” in years, when you throw dyslexia & severe/profound hearing loss into the mix, the conflict is clearly visible… I felt aggrieved/robbed by SSNHL, my inability to hear the spoken word, was compounded by the inability to read it (with clarity) my first love (words) was gone, or at best, I had restricted access… These random thoughts may confuse some folks, in truth, it is easy for me to confuse myself :joy: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

The reason’s above, are why clarity is such an important factor for me, the long winded explanation, is unfortunately just who I am… Apologies. Cheers Kev :upside_down_face:


Morning Kev. These sound really good. Am I assuming correctly that you’re generally in the Autosense5 programme with these?

As you know, I don’t like Autosense3 or Autosense4, as they remove clarity in a random way. In my case, the clock in your kitchen would be removed/reduced, as are fan noises, birds, leaves etc. Were any adjustments made in the specific parts of Autosense, such as speech in noise? For example, I’ve removed the beam forming to enable speech 360⁰. It still definitely does some dynamic noise reduction, but doesn’t cut off talkers to my left or right. Are you hearing speakers from the sides with yours (in a pub environment)?

Cheers Peter