Phonak Lumity Naida 90 UP BTE Review

Right Folks, we have the all new singing & dancing “Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE” which uses 675 batteries… Picked them up this morning for a 2 week free trial, that Boots Hearing Care UK, kindly offered me, in order to access them against “The Naida Paradise 90 UP BTE” which are approximately 33 months old… First impressions, Clarity! They are much more clearer than the Naida Paradise, by some distance I would say, but it is early days, although I did noticed this immediately, with my A.uD’s voice, she is quite quietly spoken, but I was getting almost everything she said :grin: I have had a couple of long conversations, with 2 folks I usually struggle with, again the clarity has improved greatly, and I missed virtually nothing in both conversations… I tried a couple of cell phone calls, these where also excellent audio conversations via Bluetooth, even down to the little nuances in folks voices, I hadn’t really noticed before… All in all, an excellent start, I am thinking these could very well be keepers? I am also, acutely aware, how much better these might sound if REM was done, only certain branches of Boots have REM equipment, but they are I believe hoping to roll this out at some point in the near future, unfortunately my branch doesn’t have REM, yet… I will post up, in a few days, as I try these out within various acoustically challenging situations, I will try out my various Roger devices, and report back… Cheers Kev :grin:


Good results Kev, yes I’d like to know how much more you could get out of them getting REM done, just goes to show a good fit can be done first time!


Thanks for your review. I’m not needing Naida class devices, but it is good to see head to head comparisons in the tough places.



Audeo vs Naida. We know the Audeos are good for their fitting range, but what about severe or profound losses?


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The audeo are offered with P and UP receiver, so are no problem, I’ve used them myself, but I no longer use Phonak.


Interestingly @Baltazard, I had a long discussion recently with a Phonak Management A.uD, I was concerned at the direction most of the major hearing aid manufacturer’s are taking, with predominantly making rechargeable lithium ion aids, I was reassured that Phonak will always make replacement battery aids, simply because they are heavily involved in paediatrics, it is part of their whole ethos, in conjunction with looking out for the severe/profound thresholds… And yes, Phonak does get things wrong, but in the same breath, they sometimes get things right, and I will always praise them if their endeavour’s merit this… I occasionally get totally exasperated with Phonak, especially with their ALD’s pricing… For me, it is something akin to a love/hate relationship, you can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them, but I am not privy to their business model, so I do not know how they balance their books… I just feel, they could give the Severe/Profound a “Leg Up” occasionally, instead of paying through the nose, all of the time! As always, YMMV… Cheers Kev :wink:


Why not? Hmmm . . . :thinking:

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Billgem it’s a long story, but basically Autosense just annoyed me, plus I just couldn’t get them sounding how I like things to sound, no crispness/sparkle which is how I like, Marvel was the last time I had a set, when I first tried ReSound I was taken, straight away programming them just how I like it, the same thing happened when I tried Signia, straight out of box I was able to set them how I liked, so I’m sold on these for now…but the future holds some exciting times ahead!


Thank you. My audiologist is recommending Phonak L90 to treat what has developed into an asymmetrical hearing loss. He says that Phonak and Starkey are the only hearing aids which allow him to do what he needs to do to equalize my hearing balance and that, of the two, Phonak gives him more options. So, hearing what you found is very helpful to me.


Okay folks, I was out tonight, I decided to contact one of my HOH pals, I have been coaching him at Pool (8Ball) He is improving, but it is a gradual affair…He has a Moderate Hearing Loss, and wears, Phonak Nova NHS RIC Aids, I believe they are bluetooth? Suffice to say, Peter speaks so quietly, I struggle badly with his voice, he is new to hearing aids, so I think it’s a case of him toning his voice down, because he probably now thinks he is speaking loudly? Shot some Pool for a couple of hours, in the relatively quiet environment of the Pool Room, with only us 2 in there, I was picking up his voice, no problem whatsoever, even from 10 to 12 feet away, normally I will struggle with Peter up close, but not tonight! I then purposely went into the bar, it wasn’t particularly busy, perhaps a dozen folks in there, TV going in the background, but everyone was talking away, I did inform Peter what I was up to, once we sat down near the bar, he was up for my experimentations… I sat Peter approximately 4 to 5 feet away, again I was hearing nearly everything he said, quite amazing really… I then broke out the Roger On, fired it up in presenter mode, and gave it to Peter…And WOW, I was now getting 100% of what he was saying, even down to the little nuances of his voice, I don’t ever recall getting such clarity with the Naida Paradise 90 UP’s & Roger On… These Naida Lumity’s are growing rapidly on me! Next experiment will be an extremely busy restaurant, high ceilings, hardwood floor, piped music, an acoustic nightmare for HOH, hopefully on Monday, I am bound to struggle…We shall see, cheers Kev :grin:


Wow that’s great news, this is gonna get better for sure, it’s quite amazing really, I’ll be looking forward to that next experiment!


Good point @Baltazard, I will try that on Monday when I go out for lunch… Cheers Kev :smile:

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Looking forward to your Monday experiments. Cheers.


@kevels55 -Thank you for your feedback. That was amazing and great news!


Thanks Kev, I’m hanging on your every word and hoping that secret santa might get me some.
So was it the audiogram or audiogram direct that they used?
Will you be trying your rem setup from the P90’s ?

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Hi @michael1, my A.uD is a highly skilled individual, she has been working with predominantly Phonak aids for, over 10 years now, and prior to this, she was a NHS Audiologist… As we all know, there is no substitute for expertise & experience, she plays the Target software, as if it where a grand piano, lightning adjustments on the fly, requests for alterations are almost instantaneous… I have worked with this Lady, for over 5 years now, and I can say without fear or favour, she is an absolute pleasure to work with, she cares deeply about her clients, and absolutely nothing is ever a problem, but my A.uD knows me inside/out, my little foibles, likes & dislike’s, but she is very open to my suggestions… The aids where set up before I walked in the door, I had a new Audiogram done 3 weeks prior, I must say though, that Audiogram was very thorough, and I was very conscious of listening intensely, I really concentrated, perhaps much more than I would have normally? I might add, there was no significant change in my Audiogram, hopefully we got it spot on? So no Audiogram Direct was used, she ran feedback management, and switched me on, “How did that sound”, it sounded “very harsh” on Adaptive Digital, I requested NAL NL2, “did I want compression switched on”? Yes please, bingo! We where now cooking with gas, the difference was quite significant, I really like NAL NL2…Cheers Kev :grin:
Edit; I forgot to add, I have REM settings done in my Naida P90’s, I may save my A.uD’s settings, and then transfer the the REM settings from the P90’s via the import /export facility on Target, or I might request an additional appointment with Boots Hearingcare in Edinburgh, who have the REM equipment, and hopefully get it done there? Cheers Kev :wink:


My brother did transfer the setting from one P90 to another but he says they don’t sound the same, not sure what was the issue.

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Yeah @Baltazard, according to @Neville, sometimes import/export works well, and sometimes not! I would obviously prefer REM to be done, with the actual aids in situ… I did this when transferring the settings from the Naida M70’s into the Naida P90’s, and that definitely worked well… But, it might not work well from Naida P90’s into the The Naida L90’s? Cheers Kev :wink:


Yeah, the import settings generally works pretty well within a line, say M90–>M50, but it’s much more variable between lines, say M–>L. I always double check with REM and sometimes it’s very close and sometimes it’s wildly different. My REM system has this nifty little feature where you can display the measure from a previous session so that you can match the new as closely as possible (though before that feature was available as long as you had both devices you could match using multiple tracings, it just took a bit more back and forth). If you are looking to match as closely as possible this is nice on the ear, but assuming that acoustic coupling is identical then it is better done in the testbox. I have a few patients who are VERY specific in their sound preferences and in those cases I try to get the matching done before they come in, because it can take a bit of time.


Thank you @Neville for your valuable insight, as always, tis very much appreciated :grin:

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