Phonak Lumity Naida 90 UP BTE Review

Hi Kev
Glad to hear you are getting improvements with L90s. I was wondering if you knew (or could possible find out) which Boots Hearingcare store have REM? My local Boots don’t offer it and I have no was of knowing when/if they will. Searching the web for that info was not productive.

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Hi @DaveUK, at present I only know of Edinburgh Boots Hearingcare, that does REM, I believe or was informed there where others, I will try and find out for you, I have an appointment with Boots next week… Cheers Kev :wink:

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Must be nice to buy HA every two years of less. Per your past posts it seems you average 16 months before (claiming) you just trialed or bought new aids. Money must just grow on trees. And please don’t tell me you have some special HA coverage that covers the cost of aids through govt., or insurance or English medicare plan or military plan or what ever, that allows you to constantly buy new aids every 24 months or less. Point blank there is no such plan in this world that lets someone buy new aids every two years at some significant discount. Yea - pigs will fly when that happens. Heck HA warranties are three years plus, but you claim after a very short period of times - it’s time to replace your relatively new aids and get brand new aids. Kaching goes the cash register.

Seems we have a lot of Audi’s on HT now pumping new hearing aids - in an attempt to stir up sales. Personally I’d rather read posts from HA users who use HA’s for three/four years plus before claiming the new Lumity (over the Paradise) is the next best thing since sliced bread. But then again you can type anything you want on the internet and some people buy it.

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Hi Kev
Last time I went to Boots, they offered me a 90 day trial. I hope they are not cutting this back to 2 weeks as that would be unworkable for me.

And any reason why you went for Naida (BTE) rather than Audeo (RIC)?


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No, I think it’s still the same @DaveUK… 90 days, I believe? I will ask next week, and let you know… This is simply a free trial, with no upfront costs (They asked me) in order for me to evaluate them against the Naida P90’s. Thus far, I am impressed enough to buy them, they tick all the boxes, 675 batteries are my weapon of choice, 10 to 14 days runtime, depending on how much you stream, they are good in noise, excellent in quieter environments, I have a few of the Roger ALD’s, and these aids are exceptionally good, in conjunction with the Roger system… And perhaps above all else, I feel totally relaxed, and at ease using the Naida Lumity’s , any stress free hearing aid solution is wonderful, when you are a long term anxiety sufferer… What’s not to like :grin:
Edit; Yeah, the reason why I went for the BTE, the RIC’s are not powerful enough, in the past with RIC’s, I kept blowing 105db custom moulds, a pita to have to keep having them remade, anyway BTE’s have always sounded better to me, I dislike rechargeable aids, and the biggest replaceable battery available, suits me down to a T :upside_down_face:


I am still wearing my 9 year old Virto Q90s ITE. I have trialled Marvel, Paradise and Lumity but all in RIC format with custom shells. I have never been able to get as clear sounds with any RIC compared to my ITE VQ90s. Given you are a BTE user and not a RIC user, did the audi go straight to BTE for you or have you tried RICs? From what I have read there should be little difference between RIC and BTE.


Sound quality is better for me with the BTE’s @DaveUK … Tis a richer and fuller sound, and with the added incentive of the 675 batteries, that will do me, thank you very much :grin:


Sometimes on this forum folks, its better to stick people on your ignore list…If you can’t see their posts, they can’t upset you… Everybody has a right to an opinion, and rightly so, but occasionally people will take a personal dislike to you, for little or no apparent reason, but I guess that is true the world over, I don’t see any point in inflaming a situation, I have no axe to grind, and a war of words, will never resolve, some peoples intransigence… I am perfectly happy to let them say what they like, tis water off a Ducks back, and if they are talking about me, then they are leaving some other poor soul alone :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy:Such is life… Cheers Kev :grin:


Have you got a trained attack haggis for situations like this Kev?


In the immortal words of Sir Kenny Dalglish, Mibeeze aye, mibeeze naw @michael1… Although, I can can envisage you being added to “that” list :rofl: :upside_down_face: :joy: I do very much appreciate your sarcasm though :smile: To move on, if anyone has a particular request or test for the Naida Lumity’s, please let me know, and I will try to accommodate this… “The Naida Lumity’s” appear to be identical to “The Naida Paradise”, even the casing is the same, but as @WhiteHat rightly pointed out, the software is different… Any other questions, please let me know. Cheers Kev :wink:


Sorry to be off topic Kev, but even as an Arsenal fan, I have to correct your statement:

In the immortal words of the immortal Sir Kenny Dalglish, Mibeeze aye


One other snippet of information folks… I heard on the grapevine, Boots Hearingcare, are planning their own app for Phonak aids, I think they feel if you are going to have state of the art aids, you should have a state of the art app… I have no idea when this new app will be available though? Cheers Kev :grin:


The Gunners were extremely unlucky last season @glucas, they should have won The Premiership! I have a particular affection for Kieran Tierney, a lovely guy & player. I don’t think he was given a fair crack of the whip at Arsenal, but that’s football… Cheers Kev :smile:

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Some just can’t, or won’t, scroll on by.

Personally, I appreciate this thread, but have no immediate intention of “upgrading” to Lumity, as I recently bought P90 due to having replaceable batteries. They are a suitable upgrade from M70. I’ve recently been trying to improve my M70s, and like you, have Roger mics, with licenses installed in both sets. I swap out the aids, to compare, in certain environments. I, also, was in a pool room last night :slight_smile: . Probably less than 30 there, on 3 tables. I don’t find that Roger helps in this, or the general pub setting. Sound, and speech, come from all directions, so it usually stays at home. Meetings, and quiz night are where it helps. I find Roger On & Select very similar in table mode, and would be happy with either.

With Autosense3 & Autosense4, I dislike the beam forming, so have disabled both, preferring the 360⁰ Music programme as default. This is just me, not wanting to be told what I can or can’t hear. Generally this works fine, but I do have some speech modes as extra programmes, which I try when struggling. I do edit this to 360⁰ though, and they still filter some background noise, but that would still reduce decibels over the narrow focus.

Would I be correct that you’re running Autosense5 as your default, and that you haven’t fiddled with it? If so, this does sound like a workable Automatic setting, and your experience of hearing conversations from different parts of the room, without turning to face the said conversation, is quite a game changer.

With M70, I really only have the “Speech in Noise” additional programme. With P90, I have “Comfort in Echo” and “Speech in Car”. Again, I switched these to 360⁰, as with the latter, I don’t really want to focus my microphones on the windscreen. Comfort in Echo works very well in the Church Hall, where I have a monthly meeting. I definitely prefer the P90 extra programmes, so the Lumities are going to be a further improvement, and a personalised review (explaining environments), is valuable.

All this, however, is subjective as:

  1. Our hearing loss is different
  2. Our hopes and expectations may differ
  3. Our tolerances may differ
  4. The programming (definitely in my case), may differ when comparing devices

I initially found my Roger Pen/On/Select somewhat underwhelming, but that was because my M70s were poorly programmed. The better the programming, the better the Roger performance.

Keep it going Kev


Thank you Peter… Like you, I don’t find the Roger On particularly helpful with beam forming or pointing mode, pointing mode just doesn’t work that well… Having said that, for some unknown reason, there is a slight improvement in performance with the Naida Lumity’s in pointing mode, for me this was noticeable, other folks might disagree, although I would not recommend pointing mode to other Roger On users, or prospective buyers, presenter mode is excellent, and table mode is likewise…I also agree that that everything is relative, and what I find to be a big improvement, others may dismiss as totally irrelevant, we do indeed all hear differently, and the only real way to assess these Naida Lumity’s BTE’s is to trial them for yourself… On a lighter note, I inadvertently opened this thread up, without signing in, so Steve’s last post was showing, and wasn’t hidden, it wasn’t as harsh as I expected, so thank you Steve :smile: So for the record, I am not a hearing aid dispenser, I don’t sell hearing aids, any spare aids I have, go to Indonesia for free to children whose parents can’t afford to buy them, a set of Marvel RIC’s will shortly wing its way in that direction… @Zebras can confirm that I sometimes buy second hand, I have bought a few things from Ruth over the years… All my Roger ALD’s where bought second hand, only 1 of my 6 Roger X receivers where bought new… I actively promote buying ALD’s on eBay to save folks money! Cheers Kev :smile:


Thank you for your good intentions.
It’s not your fault that most hard of hearing folks have difficulty accessing hearing aids.
I had a lot of difficult times when I was in my twenties. I missed a lot of job oppurtunities due to not having good enough hearing aids and other technologies not to mention the emotional side of the coin. My twenties were the toughest years of my life. I had lived in deep isolation.
I’m 48 now.
I’m glad you’ve got significant benefit from your upgrade.


Yeah @eyesgreendeaf, thank you for the reply. I have lived the life of a recluse myself, at certain points in my existence, so I can empathise with your solitude, it is sometimes easier to hide away, than face the blatant ignorance & discrimination the severe/profound HOH suffer, you have my understanding… And extreme empathy! The prejudice faced in the workplace is sometimes harrowing, you have to prove your worth, simply because you are deaf, the butt end of everyone’s jokes, and with little or no prospects of promotion, which is based on your hearing loss, and not on your ability to do the actual work… Cheers Kev :wink:

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I too have bought most of my Roger X’s and Roger devices from Ebay, and always get batteries, tubes, filters etc. from the same. I also look out for Marvels/Paradise/Lumity on ebay, in case a bargain comes along. I’ve had some failed transactions, but overall I’ve kept costs down. I bought my Paradise P90 13T for about £2,000, with 3 year warranty.

It’s been a major expense, but I just couldn’t maintain conversations, in the pub. Social conversing is VERY important to me, and my repeated visits to my NHS trust, weren’t making things better, at all. I’d had enough. I’d bought Roger stuff, but they didn’t work well either (due to bad programming of the aids). I’ve spent far more money on cars and other hobbies, so I had no trouble in justifying an expense I’ll use in the majority of my waking hours. If I can pick up other Paradise or Lumity aids, cheaply, on ebay, I probably will, to keep a decent spare pair, which I can self programme.

As a side note, my private audiologist suggested I bought these P90s direct as he couldn’t match the price I could get. This isn’t his normal policy, but his ‘group’ of Audiologists now accept doing a “programming only” service, with the customers providing the HAs. He normally supplies Starkey, but understood my request for Phonak due to my Roger accessories. He did a great programming job, and I leave the P90s well alone when logging in to target. I’m considering looking out for Starkey on Ebay now.



I’ve recently come to the conclusion, in recent weeks, that I have to “own” my hearing loss. Only I can find the best ways I can to make my assisted hearing as good as it can be, within a budget I can afford. To do this, I need the best help I can get, and this is here, on this forum. Like most on here, anything I learn, I try to help others, like so many others. I learn every day on here.


Yes Peter, it took me many years to accept my hearing loss, embrace it, and move on… And yes again, occasionally I do regress, depression rears its ugly head, and I think woe is me… At this juncture, I remind myself of former clients with duel sensory losses, they where Deaf (Profoundly so) and Blind, I was one of their communicator/guides, I signed on their hands, using a form of sign language, called “Deaf/Blind Manual”… What was unique about these 2 clients was their zest for life, the joy & laughter whilst working with them, was something to behold, they where full of life & full of fun, and a sheer pleasure to work with… I recall one time, one of them asked me to “Ton Up” in my car, when I was driving him about the Black Isle, which has a few long straits on it, he was a former motorbike enthusiast, and loved the exhilaration of doing over a 100mph, he couldn’t see the road, he couldn’t hear the engine, but he could feel the vibration, I tapped his hand, to alert him we where doing over the Ton, a broad smile broke out like a cheshire cat, it was a truthfully joyous moment, and one I will never forget… Some might say, I was wrong to break the law, but the sheer joy on his face, would have been worth any fine… Any problems I have, pale into insignificance when I think of these 2 clients, but it was more than that, it was how they accepted their lot, and the fun & joy they had along the way… They where awe inspiring! Cheers Kev :joy: