Phonak Lumity Naida 90 UP BTE Review

Hi Peter

Thank you, the Table Mic 2 iN version is on sale on eBay at the moment £650 + postage, allegedly new? Cheers Kev :wink:

See link below :grin:|02||adb9ce19f43c443e45a108dc270c0a9b|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|638428179908526519|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|0|||&sdata=Dur%2B9wvWZVtaEh41OeZIx%2Fk%2BWO8Dk0RNICJHUxQR0eQ%3D&reserved=0

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My iN version on eBay cost me £60 with 2 x licenses, remote and case. :slight_smile:


Brilliant Ruth… Now that is a bargain :joy: The case alone is a about £58, I believe in Connevans… Well done you :clap: :clap: :clap:


That’s a great deal too. Wow l, you just about stole it!



I have a few regular ebay searches, looking for bargains, such as Paradise Hearing Aids (battery), and have luckily secured a lot of Roger equipment, with licenses in 3 pairs. People are getting more savvy, and I’ve also had a couple of bad ebay experiences.

The worst was a courier put the wrong label on a pair of Roger X’s and sent them to someone else, who promptly put them on ebay (the serial numbers were the same). Neither the seller or I could get Ebay to do anything about it, and we ‘shared the loss’.



Regarding getting Phonak hearing aids wet. A couple of years ago at our cottage on a lake in Ontario my ear got bumped by a board, the Nadia hearing aid fell off and went to the lake bottom. The water was about four feet deep there. I phoned my nearby son and he came with his scuba gear, found the aid and brought it up.
I took the aid, removed the battery and put it in my UV drier for 6 hours. It then started up fine and ran for several more years.
So I have no doubt Phonak behind the ear hearing aids are very water resistant


Right folks, the Roger Table Mic 2 arrived today, manufactures date stamp, was 13th of December 2021, so around 25 months since it was made, so it could possibly lain in stock for a year or more, who knows? After close examination, It certainly looks in pristine condition, and is unmarked… We had a family meal tonight, 3 adults & 2 children, so I broke out, the Roger Table Mic 2, I was impressed at the overall sound quality, but not as impressed as my grandson (aged 10) He is a clever boy, whom likes his gadgets, he also has single sided deafness from birth (CMV virus) the hearing on the right side never developed, the left side is aided with a Phonak RIC, its Emerald Green, he has a moderate loss, I am in the process of encouraging Malc, to learn BSL (British Sign Language) He loves to learn Gaelic, his uncle is a Gaelic Teacher in school, so i said why not be multilingual… As a family, we want him to go to a, Deaf Friendly School, the nearest one, is about 30 miles round trip daily, he wasn’t keen! But he would get the support there, they have several teachers for the Deaf, Sign Language Tutors, Deaf Trained PSA’s (Personal Support Assistants) and all manner of Phonak Roger ALD’s in the classroom environment… So, being a rather cunning auld grandfather, a few weeks ago, I installed a Roger X type 03 in his single aid, I wanted him to experience what Roger ALD’s are capable of, how Roger can assist him, and thereby gently persuade him that the Deaf School was the most logical option, it is far better, he wants to go, rather than being forced to go… I gave Malc a wee taster a few weeks ago, with the Roger Select, and then left it… His eyes lit up, when I switched the Table Mic on, and connected him up, especially when I hard wired his android phone to one of the Table Mic’s, and he could listen to his electronic music, I could obviously hear it as well (It sucked :rofl:) but the music was crystal clear…Suffice to say, Malc is now thinking, Deaf School is perhaps the best option…Winner :wink:


can i know how do you deal with NAL-NAL2 fitting formula instead of ADP2.0
i have tried it the sound is weird as every thing is comfort …there is no focus on speech
how do you descript the sound and speech

did you tried ADPC 2.0 or ADP 2.0 ?


In all honesty @med944 … I haven’t touched NAL NL2 in Target software, I leave well alone, if it works well, I do not tinker with it! I have been using NL2 since 2021, an NHS the Audiologist gave me a set of Naida Marvel 70 SP BTE Aids, he did REM… When I bought (Summer 2021, I believe?) a set of, Naida Paradise 90 UP BTE Aids, I transferred all the settings (en masse) from the Naida Marvels, into the Naida Paradise Aids, using the import/export feature in the Target software… That worked well, with absolutely no further adjustments necessary. I am sorry I can’t be more specific, as I never delved into setting up NL2, it was all done for me, all I did was transfer the settings across… Cheers Kev :wink:


can you describe how was speech ?
do you struggle to understand it ? do you read lips ?
when someone talk behind or left/right side ?

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No @med944, I don’t struggle in the quiet or low noise situations… Moderate to loud noise, like every other HOH person, I will struggle… But I have a few different Roger ALD’s (remote Mic’s) that are fairly effective in noise… Over the years, at some point or other, I have tried most of the fitting formulas… At first, I didn’t like NAL NL2, it seemed too harsh & loud, but after a month or so I acclimatised, and now I prefer it, above all the rest… You must also remember, I have always been aided, 6 months after SSNHL, I had a set of analog aids in my ears, so I never lost my ability to process words, I am trained in sign language BSL, I am trained in lip reading, I can communicate fairly effectively, given the tools & skills at my disposal. Cheers Kev :wink:


Great respect for you Kev!

Had a shopping experience where I couldn’t hear in moderate noise and didn’t respond well in conversation. Left me feeling angry because I had just had a sound test. My HA’s were reset. Results are in my audiogram.
Point is I’m not hearing well.


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Thank you Dave… In truth, the last few days, I have been having random problems with my aids, and my hearing, perhaps I had Covid again, or a cold/flu, anyway, I was getting some dreaded distortion, even with Roger ALD’s… First problem, was both Lumity aids went down simultaneously, checked the app, both where fine, but I was hearing absolutely zero, took the aids out, no feedback whatsoever, split the tubing & mould off the ear hook, still nothing, unscrewed the ear hook, instant feedback! Both dampers had blocked the ear hooks, therefore an easy fix… Changed the Tubing & Ear Hook, when I got home… But slightly perplexing me, why did these dampers solidify after 6 weeks or so use with moisture? The aids go in the drier every night… Next problem, random connection jingles, when in a busy pub, perhaps someone had a Roger ALD in there, and the Lumity’s were trying to connect? Last problem was weird, standing in the bar, my jacket was hanging up, with my iPhone 12 in my pocket, out of the blue, my Lumity’s suddenly cut out, I went into my Jacket pocket, and switched on the iPhone, and opened the MyPhonak app, to my amazement, the app was sitting at -5 input, basically the Mic’s had switched to off on the slider, I switched it back to normal, and no further random problems, I am thinking it’s a bug, in the app, or the hearing aid software? Anyway, things appear to be back to normal, my hearing seems to have stabilised, no distortion since a couple of days… So all appears to be well? Cheers Kev :wink:


Hi Kev,

You are being more careful than I. I don’t dry my hearing aids. I’ve had 1 Widex and 3 pair of Phonaks. Currently have my Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s.There’s even a hole in the charging pot for a dryer insert. I haven’t found one and installed it.

I had flu over Christmas. Bad. For 2 days. Recovery took a while. H.I.S. wondered if that caused my loss of hearing that he finally found when I had him do a hearing study.

I’m an engineer. Old. I think our HA’s are being designed by young folk with a low budget. maximize profit.

I think your hearing aids are much better. I think that maybe Phonak designed some issues out. But I don’t understand the thought process in their designs.

I just saw the fellow who is setting my hearing aids up now. He made changes. Then I went to the store where I had severe problems hearing. I didn’t have trouble hearing. But there were fewer people there. There was less background noise. My hearing was perfect. Fingers are crossed.

I took him this.

Step-by-step guide

Creating a mask program in Phonak hearing aids

Masks are now common in day to day activities, and a necessity in clinical settings, as part of infection control and prevention. However, use of masks has an impact on audiological care and communication in the clinic. Research has shown that face masks act as low-pass filters, reducing high frequencies (2kHz to 7kHz).1,2 The attenuation of high frequencies ranges from 3-12 dB, and varies by mask type. This leads to a direct impact on speech clarity and shows that there is reasonable concern about speech understanding for those with hearing loss during the COVID-19 pandemic where facial masks are necessary.

A study conducted by the Phonak Audiology Research Center (PARC), determined how the loss of high frequencies translate to real ear output for a hearing aid.2 The investigation of these fine tuning adjustments created a basis for general guidelines for hearing care professionals interested in creating a mask program for their clients.

Manual mask program in Phonak Target

The following steps below provide instruction on creating a manual mask program during an in-clinic appointment or via a Remote Support session using Phonak Target.

Step 1: In [Fitting] > [Fine tuning] tab of your client’s fitting session, go to [Program manager].

Step 2: Click on [+] next to [Additional programs] to add a manual program.

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Step 3: In the menu, select [Calm situation].

Step 4: Click on the newly created manual program. The program will be highlighted green. Open [Program manager]. You can relabel the program with a new name for easier identification in the client report. For example, “Mask program”.

• In the myPhonak app, this manual “Mask program” may be displayed as Calm situation, but clients can customize the name of the program in [My Hearing Aids] > [My programs] section within the app.

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Phonak Step-by-step guide | Mask program 2

Step 5: In [Gain & MPO], ensure the number of frequency channels visible is 10 or 20.
Step 6: Highlight 3-4 kHz for G50 and G65. Increase gain 3 steps by clicking on the double arrow once.

Step 7: Highlight all frequencies above 4 kHz for G50 and G65. Increase gain 6 steps by clicking on the double arrow twice.

• Clients with small ear canals may not require an increase of gain at 3-4 kHz. Instead, increase gain 3 steps at all frequencies above 4 kHz for G50 and G65.

• Increasing the gain for G50 and G65 may raise compression ratios (CRs). If a lower CR is needed for a given client, G80 can be increased by 1-2 steps.

Note: For pediatric clients, manual programs may not be suitable for them to toggle through. It is recommended to use Roger technology to provide pediatric clients access to critical speech sounds throughout their day.

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Phonak Step-by-step guide | Mask program 3

Custom mask program in the myPhonak app

Clients using Phonak Bluetooth enabled hearing aids, with the exception of Phonak SkyTM, have the flexibility to create custom scenarios using the myPhonak app in order to help improve their listening experience in real-time. Clients can quickly make adjustments to emphasize clarity, bass or treble, dynamic sounds, and microphone directionality.

Step 1: Ensure clients’ Phonak Bluetooth enabled hearing aids are paired to the myPhonak app. Step 2: Tap the settings icon to access advanced remote control functionalities.
Step 3: To quickly make adjustments, select [Clarity] instead of [Comfort].

Step 4: If further adjustments are needed depending on the listening environment, consider the following:

• slight increase to the middle and treble weighting in Frequencies.
• when conversing in noisy situations, increase the microphone directionality using

Speech Focus.
• when in quiet situations, slight increase to soft sounds using the Dynamic slider.

− Please note that depending on the mobile’s screen size, the client may need to scroll to see all functions.

Step 5: Select [Save] to save adjustments as a custom scenario. Clients can customize the name of the program for easier identification in their program list

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Phonak Step-by-step guide | Mask program 4

Step 6: Activate the mask program(s) within the myPhonak app as needed.
• Edit the customized setting and keep the changes by pressing [Update] anytime


1Goldin, A., Weinstein, B.E., & Shiman, N. (2020). How do medical masks degrade speech perception? Hearing Review, 27(5), 8-9. Retrieved from How Do Medical Masks Degrade Speech Reception? | The Hearing Review on May 11th, 2020.

2Taylor, D. & Seitz-Paquette, K. (2020). The masking dilemma: Helping patients communicate during COVID-19. Phonak Field Study News.

Retrieved from Evidence Library | Phonak , accessed September 3rd, 2020.
3Appleton, J., & Voss S.C., (2020) Motion-based beamformer steering leads to better speech understanding and overall listening experience. Phonak Field Study News in preparation. Expected end of 2020


Phonak Step-by-step guide | Mask program 5

here’s the link

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Hi Dave, in Scotland we don’t wear masks anymore, not since sometime last year, we mix freely in clinical settings as well, so Covid runs wild… Occasionally it will be rampant in schools or indeed hospitals, but it would appear no one is now overly concerned, I believe, the herd immunity approach, is now the order of the day… And yes, for some Covid sufferers, it will still be fairly nasty, but the vast majority will have fairly mild symptoms that are more akin to the common cold… Cheers Kev :wink:

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Agreed. It’s a bit strange now though. Occasionally a few members of a sports team will be absent, but they never mention the dreaded word. In my pub, more and more have become deniers of Covid. Very short memories in my opinion. hey ho.

Interesting document. It’s not dissimilar to what I needed to do in self programming. Still waiting for my slimtips, in the hope my spare Marvels will bevup there with the Paradise.

Cheers all


I’ve decided to not get the L90 due to a change in my current health.

Got a brand new Phonak P70, same as my NHS ones to act as spare.

Only 1 x spare HA but only one ear really picks up speech compared to other ear anyway so I’m happy.

Maybe if 1 x more comes up on eBay, I’ll buy it or maybe I won’t?


Sorry you’re having more health problems, we just don’t need this. Thinking of you.

A question. Can you mix and match Phonak aids in Target? I’ve seen single hearing aids come up regularly at decent prices.

For example, I could have picked up a brand new L90 for £200 a couple of months ago, and I’ve seen a P70 for a similar price.

I just wonder if I’d bought these, would Target match them, so Roger/Bluetooth/TV Connector would recognise each other as a set?



Interesting questions Peter, I don’t know the answers though? No doubt someone will have tried a mixture of different aids? Cheers Kev :wink:

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TBH, Ruth… I thought you might, it’s a lot of money to shell out! I was most fortunate they gave me a free trial, + £600 discount, + 30% discount on top of that, for doing a direct comparison evaluation/review, Naida Lumity UP 90’s V Naida Paradise UP 90’s, I paid, £2.1k, I couldn’t have bought them new, from any online seller at that price, also got spare twin walled tubing, spare ear hooks, and 2 sets of custom soft acrylic moulds, plus fitting, and hearing tests, as many follow ups as I want, so it was a no brainer for me! Take care, Kev x