That’s a fairly flat loss across the board @michael1, you should be able to get a good fit…If all else fails, you can take them back for a full refund, you are risk free for another couple of months, can’t help but think, something is wrong with the basic fitting though… Good Luck, with the tweaking… Cheers Kev
@michael1 hearing loss is either a mixed loss or a conductive loss, can’t remember which.
Before Chemo took my hearing, my hearing loss was mixed and often found the same results as Michael did, that there wasn’t much difference between technology levels.
@Zebras ,mixed loss entered before rem.
If you remember I had similar experiences with V90 SP and P30, REM didn’t make much difference.
It’s the fact that Kev has got good results with a worse loss than mine. I can hear but speech is difficult.
Do you find your V90 still better than your P30?
I can safely say my Phonak Spice III = to 50 tech these days are still my best Aids, I’ve ever had! No other Phonak Aid has come close.
I do suspect this is Phonak’s dreaded feedback suppression at work here, robbing you of prescribed high frequency gains. It would be interesting to see what level of whistleblock has been entered in your fitting too. My loss is less than yours in high frequencies, and my Audiologist spent ages getting me the speech recognistion I now have. First fit hasn’t been good since my first Phonak Spice+ (NHS) in 2015.
The problems started when the spice SP’s couldn’t cope with 20db loss. That was two years ago and I’m still waiting for a retest.
My wife has just had a letter saying waiting times are getting worse and they are introducing a new system to try and speed things up. @PeterH noted, I may try and cheat it, but rem only produces low figures at high frequency.
@michael1 Not sure if you will need to wait for the NHS to contact you, but it is worth chasing them, worst case scenario get in touch with the “Integrated Care Board” or/and “Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)” of your region, I think PALS will be the one, but I could be wong.
As @kevels55 suggested, if you aren’t happy with the L90, maybe worth explore getting a refund if it is still feasible, if not, then maybe a different audiologist will be able to get them fitted properly for you; Not sure how much it’s going to cost for a PAYG fitting.
Good luck
90 days, I believe at Boots @Baltazard, so there is plenty time to return for a full refund… Cheers Kev
The audi who provided my Paradise P90R’s never set them up right. I learned a lot when I switeched companies.
My hearing aid practitioner fixed things so I could hear. He found two mistakes. The right and left hearing aids were not connected. And the wrong domes were specified. I found that the audi had declared my hearing was improved! He said my HA’s would be quieter. 6 months later I have a new audiogram. My hearing is 10 dB to 20 dB worse than the audi detected.
The new person has provided 2 things that really really help. He provided 2 reports. The Target User Report. And the Target Pro Report. The last one is crucial. It shows lots of information.
The reason I’m sharing this is that simple setting mistakes can really affect how you hear.
I have the Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s. They didnt work before. Now they work. It’s taken me a year and a half.
So the foundation is a good audiogram/hearing test. For 6 months I had a basic Phonak quick fit. I heard better than I had for a year and a half. Now with the audiogram corrected I’m hearing much better than during the 6 month period. There’s no excuse for a bad setup!
I hope that you can do better with your new hearing aids.
Right folks, we have managed to secure a new double set of, Roger Table Mic 2, with all the accessories, from eBay, I offered £525, counter offer, was £550, so I accepted that anybody whom knows the price of these, might consider this a real bargain, especially when the seller says it’s new, we shall no doubt find out. Will probably get this in the post on Thursday? I don’t know how good the sound quality is, with the Table Mic 2, I have never tried one, or in this case 2 Mics, I believe you can link these with other Roger devices? Any advice/suggestions would be very much appreciated, thank you in anticipation… Will let you guys know how I fair… Cheers Kev
Noice! Great job!
I’ve heard good reports on those. I look forward to your review. I think @Zebras might have some??
I had a busy Parish Council tonight, with a lot of talking, as a few members of the public spoke as well. My RogerOn worked really well in table mode, with ambient balance fully to the right. This worked really well, but in a planning meeting in January, in the local Town Hall, it was poor. It just shows it’s worth carrying a few options on such occasions.
One of the members of the public spoke, but couldn’t interact, as he’s profoundly deaf. I shall reach out to see if he’s aware of these options.
Cheers Peter
I like sometime visiting some Parish, you know, I don’t think Mrs Johnson would mind:
Sorry, I couldn’t…
hahahaha, brilliant.
If only our meeting were such fun
Nice! Keep us posted on how these compare to Select and On in table mode!
To be honest Peter, I couldn’t justify paying the full retail price… Why they are so expensive, in comparison to other Roger devices, is perhaps beyond my understanding, new these Table Mic 2, cost more than my Lumity hearing aids… But, I am hopeful the sound quality will be a slight cut above the other Roger ALD’s? At present, the best sound quality, I have found (according to my ears) compared with all my Roger stuff, is the newer Roger Pen, its pristine, I can’t believe the clarity, my older Roger Pen was poor in comparison, TBH, I don’t know why my older Pen was bad, perhaps it was faulty, but the difference is night & day, with this newer version… Will do my best @CombatWombat… Cheers Kev
Positives of Table Mic. Long battery life. Directly been able to plug an audio cable into Mic without a special cable or docking station.
I do have the Table Mic II. I love it and find it a lot better than all others. I use Partner Mic if someone needs to wear a Mic.
I did have 2 Table Mics but only needed one so sold the other.
I have a spare Remote for the Table Mic II, if anyone in the UK wants it for postage costs.
Boots only do a screening now, not a full audiogram for free.
Will have to check Specsavers.
I’ve just seen the retail price … WOW. That’s a good deal Kev, if it’s a marked improvement.
Thank you Ruth for that information, on the Roger Table Mic 2, I am very much obliged Sounds very promising… Hopefully once I get it, I can do a small review on this thread, in conjunction with my Naida Lumity’s, cheers Kev