Phonak Lumity Naida 90 UP BTE Review

I am glad you are doing so well with the Naida Lumity 90 UP BTE’s @TomHalf, hopefully the minor problems will be ironed out… Depending on the car, engine, road & wind noise at 60mph is always going to be challenging, any of the Roger devices will greatly enhance your wife’s voice, and your listening experience, the “Clip on Mic” is tiny, and works well in a car… Also in the MyPhonak app under Bluetooth Phone Calls, check to see if “Adaptive Bandwidth” is ticked, as opposed to, “Normal sound quality”, periodically check this, as it has an annoying habit of switching back to, Normal sound quality… Cheers Kev :wink:


Just a thought, have you checked in the app, which programme Autosense switches to, while you’re in the car (over 60mph)? If it’s “speech in car”, then you know where to look to make adjustments. I find Autosense can’t decide which programme to switch to, so I often go back to my startup “Music” programme, which is very noisy, but I can then hear everything. I need to concentrate to decipher the speech.

The speech in car programme uses beamforming (Paradise P90), which I understand if you are a back seat passenger. I don’t understand it for the driver though, and the windscreen rarely speaks!

Sounds like they’re working well for you i most other environments :slight_smile:


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Thanks @Baltazard for all that, can you just check to see if there is any difference in gain values between Speech in loud noise and Speech in noise please.
There is a big difference between Calm situation and Speech in noise so I expected a difference in the other two.


@michael1 Phonak Naida P90 UP:

Speech in noise:


Speech in loud noise:

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My gains are identical for both speech in noise and speech in loud noise


This link might be relevant. It talks about what triggers the speech in noise and speech in loud noise:

I am confused as to how the gains are identical though. I would have thought there has to be a difference between the 2 programs - more noise suppression in the loud noise program for example.

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I see the gains as being the same as that is basically tuned to your hearing loss. The sub programmes adjust settings in different ways, such as dynamic noise reduction, echo block, beamforming etc. Not all my gains are the same, however, but those two are. This may very well reduce some of the gains, but it won’t alter them on the gain screen. That’s my thoughts, anyway.



Thanks everybody.
So Phonak aren’t giving anything away are they.
Good old ££s is the only way to get Ulltra zoom!


Spotted these on ebay (UK). There could be a bargain there


Too powerful for my loss I feel, or I’d be tempted to bid

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Hi @PeterH , how do I see which program Autosense is in? (if I go into adjust program I don’t see speech in car etc)

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You can use the App to see apparently, there’s a drop down menu for you to see, it was mentioned just recently in another post.

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What do you see when you hit adjust program? I mean the program name at the top.


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Yesterday 10.4. I got new life… I got Phonak Naida Lumity 90 UP Has. Really! My first thought was that no no… when my audi put aids to my ears. But then I heard her voice, all voices in the room. Something great difference to my earlier Enzos. Okay, she made some more adjustment too. I took those aids for two weeks trial.
This morning I put them on and have terrible tinnitus on my left worse ear. Tried to adjust some program, but nothing helped! What hell! I did drove yesterday 500 km in my car and everything sounded good, navigator guided, etc… But now, terrible noise in the left ear.

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Thanks to everyone for your replies and suggestions. @kevels55, you make great contributions to this forum and I really appreciate the advice you provide based on your experience. You are correct about the bluetooth call setting having reset itself. If I ever solve my challenge with hearing speech in the car I will post what works.


Thank you @TomHalf for the kind words, it is always nice to feel appreciated… Personally, I believe there is a strong connection/bond between all HOH, even if we are thousands of miles apart, with different cultures, and languages, we can still relate to each other’s experiences, and ultimately each others problems… If we can, we should try and help our fellow HOH brothers & sisters, whenever possible… Cheers Kev :wink:


I agree with your sentiments completely @kevels55. I am trying to help others as well. I have volunteered at my audi office to help any of their clients who need assistance with TV, phone, or other accessory connections.


Give it time, your hearing is tired from your long trip with road noise. Remember can take up to 3 months for hearing to adjust to completely different set of aids.


Thanks all! Today much better… not so noisy than yesterday. New sounds found. :grinning: Something with adjustment is… volume control via Phonak app don´t keep. If I put -1 to right and +1 to left, it is few minutes so, goes back then. Perhaps I don´t do this okay… practice makes perfect? I use iPhone XR and via bluetooth.

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Good on you @TomHalf it is good Karma :pray: by helping others, I believe we help ourselves, we hopefully evolve into more rounded individuals, and thus we are better equipped to deal with, our own trials and tribulations, especially when we see those less fortunate than ourselves, this is a great leveler…Once upon a time, seems like a lifetime ago, I was trained up on “Deaf Communications Tactics”… As a Deaf Awareness Tutor… Basically, how to effectively communicate with the “Deaf, Deafened, and HOH” of this world, to say the least, this learning opened my eyes, and altered my way of thinking towards hearing loss. Nothing is insurmountable, if there is a will, there is a way to communicate, we just have to find out, How…Hearing aids, and Assistive Listening Device’s are only part of the story, mime, hand gestures, facial expression, sign language, lip reading skills, and much more besides, these all help to fill in the blanks, and give us some contextual information… You must be brash and slightly bold, especially when dealing with the severe/profound thresholds, they are scanning for clues, their eyes, are effectively, their ears! Cheers Kev :wink: