Phonak Lumity firmware update

Google AirStream technology.

You can use the TV Connector with 1 x HA that isn’t the master Aid.

Yeah it’s unusual, I’ve now updated on 2 PC’s without issue, it must be something obvious?

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A firmware update won’t have any effect on the Roger Licences loaded on your hearing aids with RogerDirect. So not too worry about reloading the licences back onto your Roger iN Microphone prior to conducting the update.

On a side note regarding firmware updates, there is also a seperate updater software for TV Connectors, Phonak Charger Case Go as well as for the Partner Mic. The update significantly improved the stability of the Phonak Charger Case Go with regards to recharging and I’m sure should have effect on the streaming stability / improved battery life when utilizing the TV Connector if it is out of date.


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Thank you so much!

I’ll take a look.

Welcome to the forum! You’ve helped me a lot.


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How do you find out the latest version of the Lumity software, so you know when to ask your audi for a firmware upgrade?

Is this something the audio can do remotely?

Is this something we can do as owners of our hearing aids?

Thank you.

You should be able to see which firmware/software you have in the phonak app, open the app, click on home, click on devices, click on your hearing aids, software version will be listed… Cheers Kev :wink:


Thanks Kev!
Much appreciated.

(My hearing aids are set up right! I have a new dispenser who knows how to do it.)


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Thank you, Kevels55, but how do you know what version Phonak has available, so you know whether you need to upgrade or not?

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Google it @user1217, then see what version you have, if the version you have is a lower number, than the latest version available, you know you can upgrade :grin: Cheers Kev :grin:

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@kevels55 I tried to Google the latest firmware version for Lumity firmware and got a lot of bad answers and not a single correct answer. Of course that depends on how you phrase the question and I might not have done a good job of that. Really though, you should not have to Google for the correct answer since the need for a firmware update should appear automatically when the audi (or the DIY er) connects to Target. Probably the best source is this forum because it will be reported by someone pretty quickly.


Yeah @raylock1, the phrasing usually make all the difference, and if you put it in right, you will usually get a correct answer… But, you are spot on, you are likely to hear it first on here, if there is an update available… Personally, I don’t usually bother with updating firmware, I have Target, and Noahlink Wireless, but unless there is a specific problem, I normally leave well alone. Cheers Kev :wink:

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Can somebody identify the latest available firmware for the P90-RL?

Thanks in advance!

I don’t know for sure about the “L” version but :

I just checked with my P90 312 there was no new firmware, version is

with my P90 RT there is an update from To

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I just came from audiologist with new Lumity slim aids. Think I have

I can confirm that Phonak Naida P70 UP had no firmware update.

The Noahlink Wireless did tho.

Seems to be just the rechargeable has an update?

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I also have the Slim and yes, there are

"Hear & Beyond
Live Skillfully wiht Hearing Loss

Shari Eberts & Gael Hannan"

is an amazing book by two amazing hard of hearing authors. The authors show and discuss solutions where troubles lie. It was reviewed here! Thank you!

It should be easy to transition between old Phonaks and new Phonaks. It’s stressful as --ll. There’s no excuse for that. (My audiologist tried to set up my Paradise P90’s for 2 years. They were ear plugs, not hearing aids until I found someone skilled to do it for me. That period did real harm to my relationship.)

Thanks for the information. So my audio can update these for me next week when I go in with my new L 70-R (currently - she should have access to the latest version, right?

Also, in general, it’s a good idea to update these whenever new versions come out?

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Your audiologist should see the notifications for updates anytime they launch their application or connect to a set of HAs. I’d make it a habit to ask if there are updates anytime I go in for an appointment. Also bring your charger, there’s an update for that too.

As for when to implement an update, it’s like any software… you never can be 100% certain that it will be flawless, let alone will it even be beneficial for your particular case. Most likely it will make no difference :slightly_smiling_face: Reading this forum is probably the best resource for such info.
