I notice that both noise and speech sounds suppressed in Speech in Noise & Comfort in Noise. Eg, when I turn on the water tap in kitchen, HA automatically changes to Confort in Noise and the running water sounds suppressed; when the fan is on, HA automatically changes to Speech in Noise and voices sound suppressed and muffled. Speech in Calm and Speech in Loud Noise sounds more natural and clearer.What should my Audi adjust in Target to make Speech in Noise less suppressed and more crisp?
I believe it is “NoiseBlock” that is doing this. At first I thought it was “Dynamic Noise Cancellation”, but I don’t believe that is an option in the Comfort programs.
I may be quite wrong here. As a side note, this is why I dislike Autosense. It simply gets it wrong too many times for my liking.
Noise block will reduce noise and Dynamic Noise Cancellation will increase Speech Focus. I am not sure if these are the causes of sounds feeling suppressed and muffled.
All programs have an adjustable slide scale within Phonak Target, from 0 - 20
Defaults are:
Comfort in Noise - 12
Speech in Noise - 8
Speech in Loud Noise - 8
I have a QuickSIN score of 12 so understanding conversation in background noise is very difficult. I get in trouble when background noise approaches 65 db and above, as measured by the phone app Decibel X. In plain English, even if a public venue isn’t very busy or loud, I have difficulty picking up speech from the bank teller, retail checkout, butcher behind the counter etc. These are all distances within 4 feet, something people take for granted.
I have Noise Block for Speech in Noise and Speech in Loud Noise set at the maximum of 20.
Increasing noise block will reduce speech volume as well. I feel that both noises and speech are suppressed sound unnatural and muffled. But Speech In Loud Noise is better. Could be the setting issue.
My dispensing audi didn’t know how to setup my hearing aids. The day he quit/fired me he erased my hearing aids and did a quick fit.
That’s not important to anyone but me.
I found a truly skilled hearing instrument specialist. He did a quick fit and found what the audi had done wrong. The best thing for me was he provided two reports and printed them for me.
Target Pro report
Target User report.
These two reports showed me all the settings. It also showed me that the left hearing aid was finally set to communicate with the right hearing aid. And it showed me that the right domes were connected. Before this was done both of those items were set wrong. There may have been other mistakes. Those are the two that I was told about.
Could Phonak have a report for audis? For instance can Target flag that the Left and Right hearing aids aren’t communicating? (Phonak Audeo Paradise P90R’s)
I have no interest in making the audi wrong or starting a dispute between two equipment suppliers. I’m ticked off though. My hearing aids are almost 3 years old and they are finally setup so I can hear. It’s been a long long time. I already dread getting my next hearing aids. My last two sets of Phonaks were not setup properly by the businesses that supplied them.
Summary–I recommend that people check these two reports. Pro and User reports in Target.
Next time I’m in Target, I’ll see if I can print out these reports. I’ll do it for each set. It will be interesting to compare the 3 hearing test results, as I suspect they’ll all differ as each set is a different fitting combination:
I respect him because he got me new hearing aids before they were due.
I must have visited him 20? times in a year and a half. He never got my hearing aids programmed right.
Strange. yes. I believe that lack of setup skill is the fatal flaw in the performance of the medical equipment, hearing aids that we purchase.
I have great respect for good audis and good hearing instrument specialists. And I have even more respect for those pros that post here.
With my current fittings, they are all very similar.
The RIC P90s are the smallest and most discrete. They’re also marginally better for speech, having more options. As you stated the other day, they are a little delicate though.
The M70s are nearest in sound to the P90s and I often wear them for a change.
The Naida P30s sound very rich, but for some reason fitting range is poor in the high frequencies. I don’t know why this is. They’re still good though.
I often compare all 3 sets by using the TV Connector, as any paired aids can receive the sygnal simultaneously. I put one type in one ear and another in the other. They are close enough that you’d hardly notice.
I have never heard about these reports. I just trust my Audi who was referred by my ENT 20 years ago and think she is expert in this area. But i think the revolution in HA might make adjustments more difficult as they need to know the new technology.