Phonak Audéo Sphere

No, I’ve added them all as additional programmes, and all disappointing. They may reduce noise, but they alsk reduce clarity, to me. The voices sound dull.

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in the fine tuning it is possible 3000 khz, amplify the soft sound to make the speech sound sharper. Try it. Maybe it will be better

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But can you hear and understand them?

This situation is often a problem for normal hearing people, too.


I find I can lip read better in the back as the drivers mouth, is always seeable in the mirror in the middle, if I sit right behind the driver.



I was thinking about hearing in the car on Monday morning, I was in a Nissan Juke 1.5 Diesel, sitting in passengers seat, my wife Elspeth was driving, and I was hearing absolutely everything very clearly, without any real effort… Now, what do I attribute this too, several factors, but mainly the Naida Lumity UP’s firmware update, and NAL NL2 fitting formula… My kitchen clock is my hearing gauge, with the Marvel 90 RIC’s with 105db Receivers, I barely hear that clock, unless I am 4 inches away… With Naida Paradise UP’s I can hear it several feet away, and with Naida Lumity UP’s, that clock is fairly loud now, at around 12 or more feet away, even when Elspeth has the TV going in the living room, with the kitchen door open ( it’s usually blaring) she is deaf, but won’t admit it, caused by Chemotherapy, and if I listen, I can still hear the clock, in background noise, quite amazing really! The other night, I sat watching the TV, a rare occurrence for me, without the TV Connector 2 switched on, or indeed subtitles, I was following what was being said, but I had to concentrate… These Naida Lumity’s are excellent aids! Cheers Kev :wink:


The power of double receiver :muscle: I also have hearing “gauge” - there are beeps in my air purifier or electric kitchen :grin: I noticed an improvement when I dared request my audi to overtune by 3 steps feedback treshold in my 2-4 kHz range.

@kevels55, which program did you have on during riding? Manual Speech in noise/speech in car? Or AutoSense OS with them?


I mostly only ever use Autosense 5.0, on a rare occasion I might use the Rocker Switch, to turn the aids up or down, but almost exclusively it’s 5.0… I am a creature of habit, I like to go with the flow. I have Target 10.0 and Noahlink Wireless, I do not like to tweak my aids, in the past, I was tweaking too much, so nowadays, I let them be, and adapt too the aids… It works for me, other folks love to tweak… Cheers Kev :smile:


You may be correct. I recently discovered that turning the volume up using the physical rocker in the AutoSense OS 4.0 (2020 technology) program appears to improve audibility, which was not the case with my old Bolero V70-P (2014 technology). Plus adjusting the Speech Focus slider indeed works.

I simply must wait a while for AutoSense to adapt to the new volume and audibility (and SNR) improves, wow.

Tested with my laptop in front of me (at 12 o’clock) and the air purifier “at 3:15.”

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I’m getting there, and tweaking of MPOs and G50,G65,G80 is very minimal.

I’m becoming a creature of habit too, as I set all mine up the same, as in:
Disable Autosense
Have Music as startup
Have 1 or 2 speech in noise type programmes
Manual + beep switching.

We’re all different, with different expectations. Phonak, can actually cater for us all.

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My two lots of Phonak Naida are set up the same.

My Oticon has the same audiogram in it but it’s on first fit.

I do like to have my Phonak’s the same in terms of how they are set up.

I’m using DSE fitting formula for my Oticon.
I’m using APD 2.0 Contrast for my Phonak’s.

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Just APD for me. I tried NAL-NL2, but I think I need the compression, certainly in loud sounds.



No, none of my 4 sets of aids, are set up the same, they are all different @PeterH, 2 have the same fitting formulas, 2 have different fitting formulas, all four have their original Audiograms, so they are all slightly different…. I really only alternate between Marvel 90 RIC’s, and Naida Lumity 90 UP’s, mainly because, I am having problems with my moulds, the Marvel RIC moulds are perfect, but the hearing aids themselves, leave a lot to be desired in terms of power & clarity, sound wise, in comparison to the Naida Lumity UP’s, it’s night & day… I have 2 sets of soft acrylic moulds for the UP’s, both sets are reeking havoc with my ears, they are absolutely fine for a few days, then the pain starts, at this point, I replace them with Marvel RIC’s, and then the pain is immediately gone, I leave the ear till it heals for a few days, then I swap back to the UP’s, approximately 4 days later, either the left or the right ear will start to become painful, but never both ears, which suggests it’s an allergic reaction, but the RIC’s are hard acrylic, and I have had no reaction from them in 5 years, it’s is certainly an enigma? I am waiting for new hard acrylic C/Shell moulds, if that fails, it’s C/Shell Titanium at around £100 each ear, I honestly don’t mind forking out the money, as long as it resolves the situation… I probably went for a 5 months, without any problems with the soft acrylic moulds, then my ears started to flare up, the weird thing is, it’s never the same ear now, and never both ears simultaneously, but for 3 months or so, it’s been problematic… Cheers Kev :wink:


Can someone recap the fitting formulas for me?

This is no longer a Phonak Audeo Sphere thread - perhaps it is time to close it and start at least two new threads and hope they stay on topic?


Maybe you folks just above discussing dealing with car noise, Autosense, and HA fine-tuning with zero reference to the Audeo Sphere should consider starting a separate thread and asking @AbramBaileyAuD or @rasmus_braun to move your posts into a new thread dedicated to those topics.

That way, people with similar problems could better find and benefit from your experience, and people interested in the Audeo Sphere wouldn’t have to wade through posts that don’t address that device.

I think just moving the posts to a new thread would work best for all involved.


Sore ear canals can spoil everything. I’ve had a few small problems with badly fitting moulds over the years.

I’ve had issues with itching domes, but generally the slimtips have been great. Getting the M70 SPs this week has been great. I immediately fitted the slimtips with some old size 2 thin tubes, but ordered some new ones, which I fitted on arrival. The following morning, my ear canals were really sore. I bout some size 3s which arrived today, which fit much better, but the ear canals are still a little sore. I guess the size 2s just pulled on the slimtips a bit. Just shows how delicate our ears are.


Unfortunately @jim_lewis… Thread’s, meander back & forth, tis the nature of the beast… I don’t think many threads stay truly on subject, well not the lengthy ones, in my experience, I have been on here, a few years now, long before it was Hearing Tracker… I know we are all excited at the prospect of the Phonak Sphere Infinio’s being a quantum leap in hearing aid development, the jury will be out, once the real life reviews become more plentiful, let’s all hope the hype is justified… Cheers Kev :wink:


Can confirm warranty goes with aids, I’ve had batteries replaced in aids I’ve bought on eBay under warranty by Phonak

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BUT, if they were reported lost/stolen, no warranty will be honored.