Phonak Audéo Sphere

The pair or singles? In Italy that will probably be the single price

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Please see (from about 11:05 and 13:07):

However this is comment from dr Cliff:

That is why I persist in talking about broader eligibility for ActiveVent.

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A pair and charger and receivers included. I don’t know about Italian tax because UK isn’t EU. But for the Netherlands this must be free of taxes, because they’re medical devices. In bad luck I have to pay DHL for handling some extra costs.

This dr. Cliff is now going to change his Youtube channel as he tells in one of his last YT movies. Interesting to know if he will go a more commercial path after all his former years.

In this video you point to everything looks very advertized smells like money.
Is there a possibility to record your hearing aids to do comparences like this. I can’t take this all very serious but am very curious what it’ll bring us.

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So your wholesale is equivalent to US $5600 for a pair? Wow. Retail must be $8k or better with any long term services.

Thats what Neville is seeing as the list price

That’s what I paid for a pair charger and receivers included and fitting on my audiogramm.

This must be a mistake because I myself ordered at Wholesale UK and assume Neville’s price is not about Wholesale.

All of application of technology to practical purposes is compromise to accomplish what you want. Tradeoffs to give up one thing (max gain in one range) to get something else (the unique features of MAV). The fitting chart isn’t hard and fast. Tell your HCP what you want and why. If your explanation is reasonable, they will probably let you give it a try. They can say no, but you can find someone else, too. or DIY.


When scrolling around I saw a new Phonak user guide that was labeled “Roger On 3” (can’t find it again, but I printed it). I compared it to Roger On 2 but did not see any differences, so I am guessing maybe it is just the Bluetooth chip. Also saw Select 3 and Table Mic 3.


That’s right yes, the best price I could find until now.

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Curious, you don’t have any import taxes, but that’s awesome.

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I’ll update after I receive them first week of september via DHL (who will be charging handling costs).

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Let me get this straight: do you buy hearing aids online and then adjust them yourself?
And if you need custom c-shells, how do you do it?

I am gung ho for these new Infinio Spheres to replace my KS10’s!

Dr. Cliff and others insist on the importance of real ear measurement… If one buys aids online with just an audiogram one foregoes that but saves a bundle of cash. My only experience of REM was my first fitting at Costco when the REM test made things worse and the results were abandoned.

I would be very grateful to hear anyone’s experience of any differences having had it done.
I will do a search on this forum to read it up.
Later… having read a good number of posts I am left feeling that if I use TargetMatch in the Phonak software myself with my Noahlink I will have the optimum scenario. It seems that REM is hit and miss unless done by a real expert.

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(In the US): I purchased online from FitHearing (a family owned business in Tennessee I believe). They will program the aids based on your audiogram (ie a first fit). They offer life time remote adjustments but that is not really an issue for those of us who are DIY. I already had custom c-shells so they were able to order from Phonak using the serial numbers on the ear molds. If you need ear impressions they apparently will help arrange for that to be done locally. I imagine that may be a hit or miss situation based on their contacts.

This is really great advice, thanks!

Bluetooth-wise, it sounds like classic BT with a higher class.(more potential power usage). This is welcomed if true.

  • Class 1
    Has the longest range, up to 300 ft (100 m), and a maximum power of 100 mW (20 dBm). To communicate over this range, both devices must be Class 1.

  • Class 2
    Has a range of up to 33 ft (10 m) and a maximum power of 2.5 mW (4 dBm). To communicate over this range, either a Class 1 or Class 2 device can be used on each end.

  • Class 3
    Has a range of less than 3 ft (1 m) and a maximum power of 1 mW (0 dBm). Class 3 devices are uncommon because of their limited range.

  • Class 4
    A low-power option with a communication distance of less than 1.5 ft (0.5 m).

  • Class 1.5*
    A mid-range option with a range of up to 65 ft (20 m)

-Taken from Google

No mistake. Your website probably gets substantial volume discounts. Discounts can vary pretty wildly. I’m giving the cost to a small independent clinician with no leverage and no special relationship with phonak. I don’t think it’s fair that the manufacturer gives different pricing to different places, but so it goes. So if someone has a clinician they love who works at a clinic who primarily offers, say, resound, but they want the sphere, pricing through their preferred clinician might be high.


Just called directhearing as well. $3798 US for the pair of infinio sphere 90’s. Anyone dealt with them or have concerns about the lack of physical REM for the fitting? They mentioned they could do a hearing test remotely that would perform like the REM.

Is the $3800 each or for a pair? That price for a pair too good to be true.

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@SallyB Mail order purchase from FitHearing was $3,798 for a pair of Spheres (that’s on line with remote adjustments). ZipHearing price is $4,598 with fitting and adjustments for a year from a local audiologist in your area. If you need earmolds, FitHearing is $100 per ear and ZipHearing is $50 per ear. Apparently, Phonak is passing along a $200 discount during the introduction which is reflected in these prices, but nobody seemed to know how long that will last.