Philips HearLink 9050 to hit Costco soon? With similar tech to Oticon Intent?

Any problem returning the aids at the end of 6 months. I have had the 9040’s for 5 months and want to upgrade to the 9050’s. Will Costco give me any problems with that return. Can I say that I want to upgrade and order the 9050’s and return the 9040’s when the 9050’s come in?

I can only relay my experience. I suppose it might be different at each store.

I kept my Jabra Enhance 20’s for four months and decided to return them. I called and set up an appointment to make the return. The whole process took about five minutes in the hearing aid center then another 10 minutes at the cashier (they had to go to the office for the cash). They offered to continue working with me on getting the aids to do what I expected, but when I declined they didn’t hesitate to do the refund.

I was pleasantly surprised with the no hassle return.

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I had a problem returning my 9040s for 9050s:

They took so long to be released that now 7 months has elapsed.


The title of this thread should be edited to reflect that they are now available.

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I wonder if I can just do an exchange. Just say I want to return the 9040’s and get the 9050’s.

No reason required. If it’s been less than 6 months, Costco’s no-questions-asked return policy is all you need.

Costco’s process for returns is always 1) immediate refund and 2) do whatever you want. Get another, get something else, or just walk away. It’s a simple and generous policy.

The 9050 needs to be fitted - simply copying the 9040 configuration is not sufficient. I suggest making an appointment to get that going.

Great, Thank everyone for the info.

Does anyone know if the 9050’s will be available in a battery (not rechargeable) version?

The problem with the exchange is that you’ll have to wait for the 9050s to be delivered. I think the better option is to pay for the new 9050s, and keep the 9040s until the 9050s arrive, get fitted, and pass basic tests that show the new ones work as specified. Then return the 9040s, probably the same day you receive the 9050s.

In all likelihood, the credit for the 9040s will get to the CC issuer before you actually have to fork over cash.


According to my audiologist at Costco, they will not be available in disposable battery form. I asked Because I might have gotten them. She also showed me where the 9050 are completely sealed unlike the 9040 you can push in a little hole and the rechargeable battery compartment comes out.
And I am still very happy with them. They are very natural sounding. Its like I’m not even using hearing aids. The 9040 were my first hearing aids. I’ve only been wearing hearing aids for 16 months. So I am new at this.

I know the 9050 has new generation receivers that don’t fit older hearing aids. Does anyone know if the 9050 receivers are compatible with domes and waxguards from previous generation Phillips (and Oticon) aids? I’m getting 9050s in a couple of weeks and have a supply of the items from my time with Oticon Opn.

We don’t know for sure yet. I can’t confirm that the 9050s have Auracast enabled or if we have to wait for an update. I have Jabra 20s that I am returning as the Bluetooth is too glitchy with my S23. My old Phonak/KS10s are seamless with my phone AND my PC, so I will live with them a bit longer. Like you I am hooked on hands free calling and quality streaming. For some reason the S24 had problems with the Jabras also. There is an Android 15 coming out this fall that I hope will clear up Bluetooth problems.

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Well that’s disappointing.

Thanks for your reply.

I use the Starkey domes on my 9040 and they fit perfectly on the 9050

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Costco is now selling the Philips 9050. It has better noise reduction and determines by head movement and body movement where to aim the microphones and how wide to “listen” to speech in front, or a group around you as you move your head to listen, while when walking or running, knows to adjust to hear sounds all around. Seems to be identical to the Oticon Intent. Another new feature is when fitting they can test for “hearing in noise” using tones instead of words and program the 9050 accordingly depending on how well or badly you hear when in noisy environments. Costco may or may not have the proper audiometer that can test for that. Anyone ask their hearing center if they have that test available on their machines?


When you say the audiologist at Costco, do you mean the Hearing Ad Specialist. I didn’t think Costco has audiologists at the stores.

Some do, some don’t.



I also tried the Jabras and found them lacking. My old 8-year HA was better at the voice in noise.
I also tried Phonak L-30 and L-90 for two weeks. I returned them both. The battery was short-lived, the Bluetooth was unstable, and the company was not user-friendly.
I’m waiting to try the 9050 I have an appointment on the 11th.
As a baseline, I am using an 8-year-old Costco brand. So far, I have not found anything that surpasses them, so why waste my money?

At least one licensed AuD at my store. 20 years experience. Signed the Costco hearing exam paperwork using that title.

It states on the information sheet they gave me and I added in post 306 it comes as rechargeable only