Philips HearLink 9050 to hit Costco soon? With similar tech to Oticon Intent?

I seems like the person you talked to really didn’t know anything. Dr. Bailey says it will have LE Audio with Auracast. I would consider that to be significant.

Heck, Philips said it would have LE Audio.

I would choose the Rexton, if I was getting a new hearing aid today. One has 180 days so return it if it doesn’t work out.

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Which at this point basically means squat. (Do you really believe every mfg marketing claim ?) There is no Auracast available and LE Audio is crap so far and only a few devices even support it.
I have older Resound One’s and got the new Jabra’s with LE Audio and notice no real difference with the aids and dont use LE Audio so no real usable upgrade. Where are all of the positive LE Audio reviews?


Well if you change your hearing aids once a year, then LE Audio with Auracast means little.

However, I would want it if I was buying a new hearing aid simply because things will change over the next two to three years.

Note we are starting to see more devices supporting LE Audio with Auracast. So if you don’t have it, you are left out.


Hey everyone,
I was wondering if anyone in US/CA heard about Costco getting 9050 soon. I am holding off the purchase of my next aids till I can demo them.


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Unfortunately not… We all expected it sooner than this.


I was there a few days ago and asked. Still no hints about the 9050. The audiologist, (an AuD who also trains around the region), said they never know until one or two days before a new product becomes available.

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Cold rice? Yesterday’s chicken?


I like the idea of being ready for what’s next. But is Auracast coming in the foreseeable future? A few TVs. Some Android phones. Not in Apple world this year. I have looked for clues on availability in public spaces. Manufacture announcements, venue announcements of planned or actual infrastructure upgrades, industry guidance, anything. And nothing. No sign of movement on Auracast in the US. What are you (or anyone) seeing out there?

At this point the idea seems to be “if we buy, they will build.” Found this:

“According to a blog post on, “by 2027, there will be more than three billion LE Audio-enabled devices on the market, which will, in turn, incentivize nearly 2.5 million public venues to deploy Auracast broadcast transmitters globally by 2030”. The idea is that it’ll eventually be supported by phones, laptops and tablets as well as a plethora of headphones and public space equipment.”

Incentivize. A big “it’s coming!” But no plans yet to deploy.

New generations of HAs can offer more than BT LE audio. Every new HA I’ve bought has made hearing easier, IME. The 9050 may be better than the 9040 in situations that cause hearing problems.

Exactly. I am more interested in how the HA performs in noisy environments than I am in BT LE Audio. Perhaps the new Rexton, or the 9050, can provide that performance increase I am looking for.

100% agree. The 9050 has all sorts of new and improved goodness that will be worth considering.

I just got 9040s and have until February to return them. If the 9050 appears before then it’s highly likely I will make the swap. And thus add to the eventual “3 billion devices” impatiently waiting for Auracast to become available in the real world.

Actually no, I think when Oticon bumped the timetable up on the Intent platform to get in amongst the AI releases (Genesis/Spere), they inadvertently/deliberately made more space over the shared platform devices. In doing this, they can maintain brand differentiation for the ‘loyal’ Oticon purchasers.

I was at my local Costco Hearing Aid Center today and overheard the staff talking about receiving a notice regarding the Philips HearLink 9050 hearing aids. So, it sounds like the 9050s may be available in the near future.


Wonder how many Phillips sales they lost to Jabra and Rexton in the meantime?

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I think they can wash that when they’re getting £700-900 a unit from their higher channels rather than £200-300 from the Philips line.

Be available mid September


I am counting on it. I have been waiting since April

The Philips web site is now showing the 9050 on part of the web site.


Yep my friend at Costco says it launched today.


Can you provide a link to the Philips web page where it mentions the 9050? I couldn’t find it. Thx