Philips HearLink 9050 to hit Costco soon? With similar tech to Oticon Intent?

I guess those reports don’t come from the Costco stores I shop at. If there was a pattern of buying and returning hearing aids just until the next model appeared and then there was a rinse and repeat like happened with TVs they might adjust their return policy. As I said above, I told my Costco audi that I was buying the Rexton Reach and the Philips 9050 and would be returning one or both after I tried them. Her only advice was not to switch them back and forth because that would not provide a good test. Given the thousands of dollars we spend at Costco for food and other items each year I don’t feel bad about triggering whatever return arrangements they have with Rexton and Philips. If they were in the practice of cutting members off after two or three returns I doubt they would have the business they do. One of the huge attractions of Costco is their return policy. Take advantage of it. They would like to have your business for the long term.

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I disagree. I think that people are easily intimidated. I can’t imagine that they could get away with refusing to sell a product to a member who has already paid a fee for the right to shop there if that member insisted.

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You are mistaken on this
Any business has the right to refuse service.


I imagine they could refund the membership if the member complains and then say buzz off. I can’t believe I’m standing up for big business, but here we are.

Hearing impaired people complain for years about the stupidly high cost of hearing aids. Then Costco comes along and offer not only lower prices but a generous return period as well. Then, being clever dicks, we start returning hearing aids that we might be perfectly happy with just because we can. Then (if enough people get on the bandwagon) Costco hearing centres start losing money. What happens next I wonder?

Having said all that, I’ll be returning my Jabras. Possibly today. The Costco audiologist knows they’re not working for me and has done his best to smooth the transition. He’s treated me with care and respect. I’d like to treat him respectfully. It’s possible that when the dust settles, I’ll have to wear the cost of two sets of hearing aids so that I get the ones I want in the end. So be it. It’s still less than half the cost of one set from the audiologist down the road.

Endeth the sermon (sorry).


What law gives them that right?

Once a business opens its doors to the public, it’s a public accommodation. It can’t pick and choose which members of the public it’s going to serve.

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As mentioned, it’s terrible how some take advantage of those trying to be nice.

Yes, it can. It is a private business operating on private property, not a “public accommodation.” A private business can refuse service to anyone, unless it is for a discriminatory reason.

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A wee story from 1984 Rick, living in Edinburgh, in what can only be described as “The House of the Rising Sun”… A conglomerate of every sexuality known to man, waifs, strays, gays, straits & bi’s, we had them all, it opened my eyes to the world, and taught me many valuable lessons, fundamentally how diverse we all are, it gradually washed away any prejudices I once harbored, and made me see all people in a totally different light… Anyway, to my story, every morning, I walked round to the local bakery, to buy rolls, bread & milk, this particular morning it was packed out with customers, perhaps 30 waiting to be served, as I neared the service counter, one of the assistants clocked me, and said in an extremely loud voice, so everyone could hear “GOOD MORNING KEVIN, YOU KNOW, IT IS ALWAYS AN EXTREME PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU EVERY MORNING, YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO COMES IN HERE, THAT SAYS, PLEASE AND THANK YOU”!!! I was to say the least, mortified with embarrassment, scarlet… But it brought home to me, how “Under-appreciated” some retailers feel, we take them for granted! Civility costs us nothing, go on and make somebody’s day, Pease & Thank You, is only a tiny gesture, but it means the world to feel appreciated :grin: Cheers Kev :wink:

12 Likes,as%20they%20are%20not%20discriminatory.


Thank you for sharing your story, Kev, I feel like I now know you in a different light. I have had similar experiences that have opened up my heart as well. I agree with letting people know that they are appreciated and doing our best to be polite.

I am greatful to Costco and my partner and my HCPs. They are doing a great service in my eye. I would not be wearing HAs without them.

I like many here bought the current best technology (Jabra EP 20s… in my mind) with an eye to upcoming new technology. I too have considered returning mine or at least trying out the next Costco HAs. I have been reading the threads on the new Oticon and Signia hearing aids with a deep interest.

With my HCPs help and some DIY support I have been able to get my HAs to a place where I feel confident that I can have adjustments made to fine tune what I am now happy with.

I am still curious to try the 9050s if/when they arrive but I do not see them changing my mind at this point.

My HCP knew I had an interest in both the 9050 and the EP 20 HAs. I think he would feel he had well served someone he helped who was an appreciating customer, if I choose to return the EP20s.

I think I need to do my part and be careful not to ruin a good thing.


And what posted requirements to protect customers would Costco be citing when they refuse to sell a customer a hearing aid?

I did not see anything about posted requirements. All I saw is that it can’t be discriminatory based on the listed classes.


It may not be required to post it, but a wise business practice would be to put such practice in writing (at least internally) and apply it consistently. Perhaps an override decision against policy at a certain level of management based on the situation.


Thank you for the kind words @RSW… We live and learn. Cheers Kev :wink:


Hey, you’re doin’ a great job. :wink:


Thank you @beachbowi for the kind words, and welcome to the forum… Cheers Kev :smile:

Anyone hearing information about the availability of the Philips 9050 at Costco?

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I think it’s getting close.

One, the Costco guy that runs his own YouTube channel stated he knows the date, but can’t reveal it.

Two, someone posted earlier that the Costco fitter said to wait until the 9050 came out when looking to get the 9040.

Three, I thought the owner of this web site, Hearing Club, stated the Costco employees when going for training for the 9050.

Fourthly, I thought the owner of this web site said September.

The real answer is no one here really knows. That’s your scuttlebutt news for the day.


I was at Costco yesterday. They said no one has been scheduled for training on the 9050’s


Same with mine. No training yet and no release date. My Costco said to expect them maybe at end of year or early next year. They also said they dont expect a huge upgrade from the 9040, similar to the new Jabra that is basically the same as last years model just slightly smaller and with a few more hours of charge per day.