Oticon Real --> Oticon Intent

Wow, that’s exactly what I got out of my 1st week with the Intents.
It’s really amazing, and I have similar up time as you.
I tried to aquire a desktop charger as a backup, but my audiology dept. at the VA, says they are only issuing the SmartCharger. They’re supposed to call Oticon to get me one, as I had my More SCharger die a few months ago, and it took 2 weeks for a replacement. I’d hate to think of this one going out.

I’ll have to take some time to post a review of my experience with the Intents soon.


I have asked for a backup charger and said the desktop would be OK. Not heard from my audiologist yet

I always read that you are very happy with the Intent 1, I for myself I think I have problems with the 4D, it seems that I have to switch it off.

I am just wondering why I should be the only one with this problem.

I also see that all settings in 1 is the same as in 2, and that’s why I probably will go for them, and if I really don’t need 4D I could also go for the 3.
I am no longer willing to pay for something I don’t really need.

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Not sure what your issues are. I have been to a number of meetings. I love that I can hear all around me and that when I look at someone in the meetings that my aids ‘zoom’ in on that one person and I can here that person clearly and still hear others in the background. This is definitely a major plus for me.
Another example is our great room put the kitchen behind me if I am watching TV but I can still her my wife in the kitchen. If she says something I can turn around and hear her and the TV in the background. I believe the sensors have greatly improved my speech understanding and my capability to be part of the conversations.
I do hope doubt that my audiologist still has a few fitting tricks left that can improve soft speech, and possibly even improve speech in noise another notch or two, but if he doesn’t I am still so much better off than I was with my Real1 aids.

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The Intent 3 will not have the Clear Dynamics option that makes listening to live music a better experience. Live music will have lots of dynamics going on, especially percussive instruments like drums and strings instruments, starting with the piano. On loud passages, without Clear Dynamics, the input level on the microphones would not have enough dynamic range to accept high volume input levels, resulting in either compression, or in some severe cases, saturation and/or distortion on that attacks.

You should really elaborate on what problem you’re specifically having with the 4D technology, so that we can understand better in case we can offer suggestions, instead of just summarily conclude that it’s not usable for you and therefore you will just dismiss it altogether. Especially if you’re wondering why you should be the only one with this problem so far.

To fully understand what you’re really missing out if you turn off the 4D Sensors, look at the graph below. The Y axis is the level of contrast between speech and noise (or the amount of Neural Noise Suppression applied), and the X axis is the complexity of the listening environment, with the left most value of -10 being the most complex (the most noise), and 15 is the most simple listening environment → the least noise. The dashed black line is how much Neural Noise Suppression is applied based on the complexity of the listening environment FOR THE REAL. The dashed blue line is how much Neural Noise Suppression is applied based on the complexity of the listening environment FOR THE INTENT, WITHOUT the 4D sensors enabled. Note that both of these dashed lines for the Real and the Intent are “fixed” noise reduction, meaning that if the X axis says that the environment is this noisy, then you apply that much noise suppression. There is no variation in the noise suppression level at all. It is fixed.

The blue “envelope” shows how the noise suppression level doesn’t have to be at a fixed value for a particular level of input noise in the environment. That’s because at that particular level of noise, there might be a few scenarios as described below:

a. If you’re trying to have an intimate conversation with somebody, you might want the hearing aids to tune out even more noise than what the fixed noise suppression is already doing (as prescribed based on the dashed line), so that you can focus more on the intimate speech in front of you (the person you’re focusing on listening).

b. If you’re walking around the room, you might want the hearing aids to open up some more and not be too aggressive with tuning out the noise, so that you can pick up more surrounding conversations to decide which one is relevant to your interest.

c. Maybe you’re at a table with multiple peoplee and you want the hearing aids to just focus on the conversations at the table, but not focus on a 1-on-1 talk between you and somebody else, nor do you want to hear conversations beyond those at yo ur table.

So, as you can see, if you disable the 4D Sensor feature, you’re going to lose out on the variability of how much neural noise suppression should be applied depending on the interpretation of your listening intent based on your head movement.

But I fully understand that if the 4D Sensors don’t interpret your listening intent correctly, it can be annoying and sometimes it’s better not to have them if their intent guessing is too whackily wrong. What’s more important to me, however, is that if you turn it off, then when you need to really wish you could have gotten more help with noise suppression for a 1 on 1 intimate conversation you’re having with somebody, and you’re not going to have the extra noise suppression help because you turned off the 4D Sensors, then that would be a real shame.

If it were me and I don’t find the 4D Sensors working properly as expected for myself, I would try to at least think about why it’s not working as expected, to see if I can understand how it works better so that I can use that knowledge to control it better, rather than just summarily dismiss it and forfeit another extra 2 dB of noise suppression that I could have gotten help on when I really needed it.

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Well the Intent are good, no doubt.
When I use a higher moresound intelligence then everything around me sound weird, the sound is going up and down in a cacophony.
Also when a car passing by, then sometimes it makes a sound like wiusch wiusch … we could eliminate this with 2/8 dB reduction but sometimes they are there.
I move my head often also when I talk to someone that means that the 4D technology will always reset and set and this is something I dont like.
When my little son is screaming (he sometimes has a very high bright voice) it sounds choppy.
I think everything could be fixable, (on the Oticon Real, we couldn’t manage to take this off and so I changed the acoustician).

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I have no need for the moresound option and find it usless. It maybe because of the way my aids are adjusted.

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I think perhaps you’re having OTHER problems with your Intent and you might have blamed it incorrectly on the 4D Sensors.

Not sure what you meant when you said “When I use a higher moresound intelligence.”, but I assume you meant that if you set the max Neural Noise Suppression to a higher value, then things sounds weird to you. That probably has much less to do with the 4D Sensors and much more to do with the level of Neural Noise Suppression that you set. Just lower this max value to the next lower number and see if it helps. If not helping enough, then take it down another notch, until you like it better.

The thing with a car passing by making a wiusch wiusch sound, that seems more like it’s due to the feedback management stepping in to try to prevent feedback, which sometimes can result in a fluttering type of sound. The 4D Sensors don’t cause this. You should try to turn down the Feedback Management setting from Normal to Low to see if it helps. If already at Low, then try to turn it OFF to see if it helps.

When you move your head often, you said that the 4D will always reset and set → what does that mean? Does it cause you to hear something that you don’t like when you move your head around? Really, the only thing that the 4D Sensors control is the amount of noise suppression, which will vary as you move your head around. It doesn’t create any new sounds. And it doesn’t really set and reset back and forth, because there’s really no concept of setting or resetting with the 4D Sensors.

If your young son screams and it sounds choppy, it’s not the fault of the 4D Sensors. It’s probably the loudness in the scream volume that causes saturation and distortion in what you hear due to the loud volume. You can try to set the Sudden Sound Stabilizer to the maximum value possible to see if that might help reduce the choppiness sound that you hear.


I think you’re talking about the MoreSound Booster here, right? You enable it on the phone app.

I think that @Misterref78 was talking about the MoreSound Intelligence menu in Genie 2, where you set the max Neural Noise Suppression values, among other things.


Well I have a awsome audiologist that I have spend the last 5 plus years using at the local VA. Due his willingness to really listen to my comments and needs I have no need to screw with his near prefection in my hearing aid fitting.

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Thanks Volusiano for the inputs/thoughts

I don’t blame the 4D to cause strange sound, it’s just because it start new everytime I move my head. Loud noise starting get lower, I move my head, loud noise again and starting get lower etc. and I don’t like those up and downs, but fortunately it’s not terrible

yes I meant the neural noise suppression, the higher it is the stranger the backgroundsound (maybe a matter of getting used to it) and also the car when they are passing by. i have already lowered it to 8, and for that reason I think to test Intent 2 because if I don’t need those options I can save some money.

Well the sound start changing when I change the sudden sound stabilizer to high, very high or max, if I would do that I need to change the gain target and this is something I don’t understand yet, so I maybe talk with my audiologist if we can set max with a good sound.

tomorrow I will test following 4 program

  1. the original setting: sudden sound stabilizer medium, sensor technology and neural noise suppresion on, 2dB (very simple to moderate)/8dB (complex to very complex)
  2. setting: sudden sound stabilizer medium, sensor technology and neural noise suppresion off
  3. setting: like the 1 but with feedback management low
  4. setting: sudden sound stabilizer high, sensor technology and neural noise suppresion on, 2dB (very simple to moderate)/8dB (complex to very complex)

I also turned off the silencer control for all because someone gave me a hint that this could help.

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I have and own the More1, Real1 and now the INTENT1 aids. At each level my speech understanding has improved in all aspects of speech be it in quiet or noisy environments. And with my INTENT1 I can also enjoy music again. I can pick a person out of a group to hear and talk to. I don’t really care what the technical data says, all I care about is results. I personally think it is childish to argue about marketing information when we all should know it is just salesman garbage. The only thing that matters is results. I have seen the results in spades, and that is the only thing that matters.


Does someone gets benefits from ACT to better adjust coping with noise?

As far as I can tell, nobody who has been fitted to wear the Intent has ever mentioned that they had the ACT test done for them. This is not a surprise because not only does the HCP’s audiometer have to be compatible to do the ACT test, they also would have to purchased a license for it.

But hopefully some time in the future, somebody will have an HCP who can administer this test for them and share this on this forum.

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Thanks for answer!

I forgot to ask - has anyone had QuickSIN test? With HAs and without them/with older HAs?

Yes my audiologist did a series of signal to noise test, and speech in noise test. He said it wasn’t the same test that Oticon has but a test that was developed by him that helped regardless of which brand of aids he delivered. The VA can deliver most all popular brands. I haven’t had the speech in noise issues nearly as bad as even with the Real1 aids. The INTENT1 aids are really good at least for me.
I do have an appointment request in for my annual hearing evaluation and minor adjustments for speech in noise and soft speech. My audiologist told me when he fitted my INTENT1 aids that it was possible because he didn’t want to over do the two adjustments.

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You’re killing me Chuck. I won’t be able to get my new Intent 1 until January 2025.

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Hang in there. I’m eligible to have new aids in September, but I’ll wait until November hoping for the new Phonaks. I’m sure it will go by quicker than you think.


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Update FYI, Got my desktop charger last Friday from the VA.
When I opened the box, I was cursing them, because I thought it was another SmartCharger!
That’s how small it is. Very compact, and takes type C USB!

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How long since your last HAs were issued?
Do you have back ups now? If not, get the Intents now, and usee your current aids for emergency, the VA is easy to deal with.
Has your hearing changed? You may be eligible.
Talk to the Chief of Audiology at your clinic, and see.
I had the OPN S for less than a year, but because of an issue with the feedback system which Oticon could not resolve, the VA upgraded me to the More.
I got the Intents after 3 years, so be persistent.