I accidentally stumbled upon Oticon’s rechargeable battery on Ebay
Note that the stated capacity is 20 mAh. Compare this to 170 mA capacity of replaceable 312 battery. No wonder that the rechargeable More / Real barely last 1 day.
I accidentally stumbled upon Oticon’s rechargeable battery on Ebay
Note that the stated capacity is 20 mAh. Compare this to 170 mA capacity of replaceable 312 battery. No wonder that the rechargeable More / Real barely last 1 day.
A better comparison would be the energy in mWhr delivered by the batteries. The 312 is typically specified to operate with a load at around 1.3 Volts (open circuit of 1.45 Volts) where the Z22a is specified as 3.8 Volts but I don’t know what the typical operating voltage is with a load. So I will assume around 3.5 Volts. So the mWhr comparison is 70 mWhr for the Z22a and 221 mWhr for the 312. So the single use battery has a bit over 3 times the available energy.
I have rechargeable Real 1 with 85 dB receivers - the technical data sheet claims 24 hour of expected operating time. The technical data sheet for the 312 version of the Real 1 with 85 dB receivers claims 50 - 60 hours of expected battery life and an artificial measurement of battery life of 75 hours. In each sheet there are footnotes discussing how various things change the expected operating time.
So the 3 times improvement in energy capacity between the two battery types is similar to the ratio of the claimed operating time.
Oticon Real has better and more stable Bluetooth connection with Android phone than Starkey.
I had in-situ audiometry done and Genie2 software automatically re-adjusted the gains. However, the loud sounds were somewhat distorted and my ears were aching, like a drum was being hit inside my ear. I visited the audi in 6 days and she dialed everything, including MPO, several notches down. The speech is more clear and effortless now.
I have a video recording of the TV episode with very low sound on my phone. When I listen to this video in quiet environment, I can clearly discern the words even 1.5m away. While my doctor told me that she could not hear the words.
Previously I could hear only up to 6200 Hz tones in my left ear and up to 3300 Hz in my right ear on szynalski site. Online Tone Generator - generate pure tones of any frequency
Several days ago I asked my audiologist and she switched the experience level to 3 and upped the gains from 3Khz upwards by 2 clicks and now I can hear up to 6800 Hz tones on szynalski in my both ears. She tried to max the gains on 7K-8Khz, but to no avail as apparently I have dead zone on this range? When I left the building, I could hear the background voices more clearly and various dialogues in the street. The audio of movies now seem fuller and crisper; I don’t have to up the volume/equalizers in Companion app.
However, today I was watching a foreign animated movie with a child by my side. I could follow the subtitles, but when the child was speaking, I could not make out the words of both the child and movie. I had to pause frequently.
P.S. The title of the thread apparently needs to be changed to “Oticon Intent Power BTE version availability” since More is ancient now.
I received my brand spanking new Noahlink Wireless 2 today. I fired up Starkey Inspire and put my headphone on and tested the tones on szinalski. I increased the gain to the max on the frequencies that I can not hear on szinalski, but I still could not hear the tones on Starkey evolv AIs. However, I can hear these frequencies on my Oticon Reals.
I got my hands on free Oticon Xceed 1 UP pair. In Genie 2, I noticed that Xceed has only 6Khz as max configurable frequency. I first entered my audiogram in Genie 2 software, then did in-situ audiometry. However, the sounds seemed far less natural than my Real 1. I tried various tweaks, but still could not achieve the sound that sounded satisfactory. I watched the English-language movie, but the words were hard to discern even with the subtitles on. Long story short, 2023 technology with DNN has far REAL sound.
I realized that Genie 2 fits Xceed with DSE formula by default. Apparently DSE is Oticon’s proprietary formula intended for CI candidates/wearers. That is why the sounds sounded so harsh to me. I switched to VAC+ in Program Manager and the sound became more bearable to me.
By default my Oticon Xceed were VAC+ but I’m now using DSE and it’s a lot better for me.
Yes, the firmware is 8.0. But Oticon companion app on my S21 can’t detect Xceed.
The App should work on any Android phone.
I’m unsure why yours wouldn’t be working.
My friends son has the Xceed and a cheap Android and the App has found the Xceed.
Wonder if it’s to do with having previous Aids connected?
Maybe needs to switch off and switched on the Android phone again.
You were right. I realized that I needed to unpair my main Real 1 aids and repair Xceed aids in the app. Only the programs and the volume can be changed on Xceeds. There is no equalizer.
I have a question regarding in-situ audiometry. Should I confirm the lowest db point I can hear the barely audible tone with some effort or should I select 1 step higher db point where I can clearly hear tones without any effort?
This is what I’ve been told but I’ve read people who DIY, go one step more where they can hear it better.
I would say personal choice as you DIY.
Yeah it’s something that you can decide, whenever I take an audiogram, I’m asked to acknowledge the lowest point I can hear.
Owning Noahlink Wireless is so much fun. I am shocked that I did not buy Noahlink sooner.
After in-situ audiometry on Real 1, I had to up the gains in 250-2K range by 2 steps and now I am able to hear some mumbling/soft dialogues in my reference movies clearly. I also upped 5.5k-8k Loud band by 1 step so the gain curve would match the simulated curve.
I almost copied most higher values for the low and mid-frequency gains (up to 3K, 3.6K-4.5K, 5.6K) from my Oticon Real 1 to my Starkey evolv AI and now I can enjoy the same richness and speech crispness. I had to lower 1.7K on Starkey though because too much gain caused some slight distortion.
Starkey Center audiologist has been very uncooperative. I have been complaining that the movies sounded too low and I could not follow dialogues even with the subtitles on, but she was always snubbing my complaints by saying that too much amplification would cause headache. Now I have rectified the situation with my very own Noahlink.
Any suggestions will be welcome.
So long as the tones are equal in loudness, it doesn’t much matter. You’ll end up fine tuning.
That is wonderful that you are getting so much success with your new Noahlink!!! I upgraded to the Noahlink 2 myself (as it turns out, my old Noahlink hit the crapper shortly after I turned it on). The perils of buying on eBay, of course…anyway…
I am truly enjoying rich and vibrant audio from my new adjustments myself. Noahlinks are too much fun, indeed. I am going to have to try the in-situ audiometry adjustments soon. After absolutely disastrous results with the last 2 Phonak generations, I am truly enjoying hearing through my Oticon Xceed + CROS at last.
Question: do you need any additional equipment for the in-situ audiometry adjustments other than the Noahlink device?
Just a quiet room.