Oticon More Power BTE version availability

Source? I’d love to verify and see what else is being launched

My only source is what I’ve been told at work, so I can’t say 100% sure or give an exact timeline, but the expectation is for More BTE, Cros and non-rechargeable MNR to be released later this year.

Will the BTE version be released in September? Having read so many positive reviews, I can hardly wait. Some users have posted here that they finally got to discern the song lyrics for the first time. I have recently watched a video by Australian audiologist, where she stated that her patient with Oticon More could hear better in the noise at the family party while her son with the normal hearing could not discern speech. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bbP7Aks1vs

I really liked the old Oticon version of a top end HA with a P (power) designation, Agil Pro P. I had trialed the Oticon Chili UP then and disliked it. I recently trialed the Xceed UP and also disliked it so I thought any coming More P might similarly do the trick for me.

But the Audi and several folks here suggested the Phonak Naida Paradise UP. They have been excellent so far. If one can’t wait for the More P, then one should trial the Phonak UPs.

@Lalo: Are you in a rush for the Power Mores? (I’ve been following your various trials, but I don’t recall anything driving the need to settle things quickly.

(I’ll go back and check…)

Let’s holler up @Lostdeaf , who proved himself the source of accurate information on the lauch of More disposable battery hearing aids. Perhaps he has some insight into the More UP version?

Что ты на это скажешь, Дмитрий?

I get information from all open sources - FCC sites, Demant calendar, gossip here. No info about More in BTE form factors yet. I’m waiting for More BTE SP too (I feel my Xceed a little limited in some situations).

Well, whatever your sources, I - speaking for myself - appreciate your research in order to supply us with good information. (I wouldn’t know how to research the FCC site, myself, Dmitri.)


I checked oticon.global and indeed, More with disposable batteries has been released. Now we have to contact Oticon directly so they will know they have to hurry with the release of the traditional BTE version.

Yes, I want to hear better now! :grinning:

I have waited too long, so given the uncertainty I’m going to cut bait on a More power BTE.

Per my review, the Naida Paradise has been really good.

Btw, I was always dubious about OPN open sound technology for me because I have a bad case of recruitment. Or hyperacusis. Or whatever. :exploding_head:

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I never even knew such things even existed before I joined the Forum. As I learn more, however, I can appreciate that what is good for me and my particular hearing loss may not work for the person next to me, for very subtle reasons such as the ones you’ve just mentioned.

One thing I do know is that my psychological makeup is such that I need to be able to hear as much of what’s going on around me to feel secure and in control. Oticon’s OpenSound just suits me, and I’m rather lost when I’m obliged to wear my spare (directional) set.

I’m just curious: how much worse will my hearing have to get before I’ll need BTEs like, say, Xceeds?

I have zero idea. I’m not ready for them yet, and my audiogram says mine is worse than yours. This probably didn’t help a lot, but it is all I got…

Any input is good, Dan . Thanks for the reply. I’m just curious, is all.

You’ll need a lot more loss in your lower frequencies to have go to a SP or UP BTE, I mean a lot, like 60dB + across the lower to middle frequency range for you, then add your loss in those higher frequencys and you’ll be in the ballpark.


Thanks for explaining that, @tenkan. I never understood how that worked!

Looks like my right ear might qualify, but not the left…

I am thinking whether to spend money on More miniRITE-T right now or wait for several months for availability of the BTE version. I even had one dream that I was actually wearing More and one more dream about me purchasing More in the manager’s office at my hearing clinic.

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This is very good logic, a bit of common sense in waiting for a HA that will suit your loss now and into the future.

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Agree with @tenkan…… Tis better to wait. As the old adage goes; “Patience is a virtue” :wink:

Looking at your hearing loss the BTE aids are the obvious aids for you.
Good luck with your new aids.