Oticon More: Firmware 1.4.3

It seems firmware 1.4.3 was released for Oticon More. Does anyone know what this one entails? With all the firmware update mess from the past months, I am very wary about updating… especially due to the HA bricking bit

Thanks for the info! I’ve updated my Oticon Mores to 1.4.3 now. The release notes said it was to fix connectivity issues and performance issues.

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@Spindel I take the update process was smooth, correct? Hopefully Oticon will get it right this time…

Yes, no issues at all so far!

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I wonder if the ConnectClip connectivity issue has been addressed by this firmware yet or not?


Updated mine too, no problems during the process.

Same here. Updated mine and no issues during the process. I have had the ConnectClip issues and will report back after some time…

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I tried so many different versions of firmware on three different pairs of More hearing aids that I may have lost track of them. However, in the thread, Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out, 1.4.3 was referenced a few weeks ago by me and another user and it did not fix the audio drop-outs with the ConnectClip. Of course, this problem doesn’t seem to affect everyone the same way, so maybe it will be an improvement. I exchanged my More hearing aids with Real hearing aids so I can’t provide any more feedback.

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That is odd, firmware 1.4.3 popped up for me only today. I wonder if perhaps you had firmware 1.4.2 on them instead… but now it is too late to check that. Or maybe Oticon has different timelines for these releases.

Like I said previously, I’ve used so many different More hearing aids and firmware versions, I was second guessing myself on version 1.4.3. However, when I searched for 1.4.3 in the other thread, found a reference to it by me and another user. Maybe I’m mistaken and 1.4.3 is new. I hope that’s the case and it fixes the audio drop-out problem with the ConnectClip.


Coincidentally it seems from the Oticon Facebook page that there was also a firmware update for the Real. Hopefully it was to address the same issue.

Interestingly, that same thread suggests future firmware updates as a user feature of the Companion app for the Real.

Sorry, I don’t have Facebook and the group is private… Could you copy-paste what’s written on that Facebook page? Do you mean it will be possible to do firmware updates with the Companion app?

Here are two screenshots,


What is this Oticon Beta app? Where to download it?

Yes it was. I don’t have it. They won’t do the beta in the US.

My demo Real hearing aids had 1.0.0 firmware. When I received my own Real hearing aids (on June 6th), they already had 1.0.1 firmware. I asked Oticon if the firmware upgrade had anything to do with connectivity and they said no, it was related to a component in the hearing aid. So far, I’m not having any connectivity problems with my Real hearing aids, but that could change today, based on my past experience.

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Late to the game. I just updated my More1s. Easy Peasy.

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I no longer have access to the Oticon Beta app here in the UK so will have to wait to update my Reals to 1.0.1 but not having any issues with them currently.

Answer from Oticon app support: Dear Xxxxx,
The firmware update has recently been released, but it does not affect the ConnectClip behavior. It brings some general fixes for connectivity but no additional feature.
Best regards

What connect clip issues are you all having? My more 1 with CROS has never really worked well with my connect clip after upgrading from the OPN1 18 months ago. Now I cant get it to work at all as remote mic since updating to 1.4.2 mid may and updating my iphone ios. Instead of the magenta light coming on when i switch to that program it does a couple quick red double flashes. Hubby wears it when we are biking to let me know when people passing on the left. I’ve learned to be more alert and listen harder and look around so probably good but still would like it back in case i go to a presentation or something. Before i put out another $65 bucks for an office visit since my year of free visits is over, I want to know it’s worth it.