I have a bernafon alpha 7 and some people say it’s the same version as the More. and I got the same update 1.4.3 to fix the connectivity. and after I update. it just got better
Is the Oticon beta app the same as the Oticon Companion app?
If it helps, I had someone recently with double red lights on audioclip from philips, which is almost certainly identical. The double red was during bluetooth streaming, not remote mic mode, but I think it is likely to be the same underlying cause. I went into the fitting software, updated the firmware from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 and also removed the pairing to the audioclip from inside the fitting software. Then I followed the normal directions to pair the clip to the hearing aids, and it fixed the issue.
Hope this helps you or anyone with double red lights. He had called philips support and they were unable to troubleshoot the issue with them and had told them to bring it in so it could be sent for service.
I have also experienced the double flashing red lights on my ConnectClips.
Hey there Daryl. I hope you are going well. I am that other user. And unfortunately (at least as far as my testing results go) firmware version 1.4.3 for the Oticon More does NOT fix the ConnectClip audio drop-out issue.
Does anybody has the release notes for 1.4.3 or the link to release notes on the Oticon homepage?
I have firmware 1.4.3 updated to my HA’s and now having audio cutout problems whereas before the update I didn’t have that problem.
I followed up with Oticon regarding the latest firmware for the Real HAs. Even though I don’t have More HAs, I asked if there was any progress on the same problem. The response was, “As for the More hearing aids, we are working on it.” If I hear anything further, I will post an update.
Oticon has probably moved on from supporting further f/w fixes to the More, and focusing on the Real.
That’s what they did with the OPN S when the More was released.
They were completely aware of the infamous “Warble/Flutter” issue, and claimed to be “Working on it”
When my audi comp[lained, they advised them the issue has been resolved, but you have to upgrade to the More!!
I hope that’s not the case and based on what Oticon has told me, I would give them the benefit of the doubt for a while longer.
I guess it’s good to be an optimist, but don’t hold your breath!
If a problem is as widespread as this, and hasn’t been addressed since at least June, I have to take the pessimist position.
I have the More1 aids with 1.4.2 and i am not having any issues. I stream from Samsung S23 with android 14, iPad with IOS17.0.2, and my connect clip paired to my Fire tablet. My aids seamlessly streams from any of the devices without me even worrying about enabling or disabling Bluetooth. My aids is connected to all three all the time.
I didn’t hold my breath. I had an opportunity to exchange my More HAs for Real HAs. I’m glad I did.
I haven’t held mine either. I dug out my OPN S1s, and it’s much “MORE” reliable than the Mores.
I tried several times to copy the OPN S settings to the More, but because of all the DNN and MyMusic problems, they’ve never been acceptable. Polaris doesn’t play well with Velox S!
That sounds crazy, but it’s a fact.
I may give the Real a try when I get the ok from the VA, but I’m in no rush.
Maybe time for Signia, or Starkey?
I’m thinking A14 and the newest Qualcomm SoC on your S23 is the difference maker.
I’ll be updating my Pixel to A14 soon, but have resorted back to my OPN S for now.
I’ve never been able to tune the Mores to sound as good as the old OPN series.
Had 5 VA AuD’s and 2 community care AuD’s try.
When are you getting the Reals?
I get my Real1 on his Thursday.
Looking forward to your review,Chuck!
Since my More aids are still under warranty, I would hope that they would continue to improve their connectivity or they may find that they will be the subject of a lawsuit or two. Charging $5k for a set of aids and then abandoning them quickly is not ethical business behavior. Quite frankly, their inability to communicate with the end user in a timely and effective manner is not good for business. Perhaps someone from their company should come onto sites like this and explain what they are trying to do to make the aids work better with their app and answer user’s questions. The time for just dealing with audiologists is over.
Hearing aid companies often outsource “communication” to numerous clinics and hearing care providers. I also own a pair of Mores and believe they have reached the end of their major updates or fixes. Many improvements could be made to the models through firmware updates, but I suppose that would only be viable with a different business model.
I have had no issues.