Oticon More Bluetooth problems

I use my t-coils when using the house phone. I tried it at our church but didn’t care for it there. but it works great for the house phone, the only issue I only hear the call in on ear.

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Yes, they have to set it as a program for you. I just had my audiologist add the T-coil program as program #4. Had the choice of T-coil or T-coil with Mic. Tt was set for both the left and right ears.

I just had the firmware updated so that the My Music Program replaced the Music program and we will see if the bluetooth issues go away. If they don’t, my audiologist is going to call Oticon about the issue.

By the way, I watched the firmware happen and the My Music program replace the Music program, but when I got home I checked my app and I still am listed in the On app as having the same 1.02 firmware. Strange.

Have you tried rebooting your HAs?

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Reboot both phone and hearing aids.

Good suggestion. Rebooted the hearing aids and then rebooted the app…now shows the correct firmware. Thx.

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Very true, the MyMusic program is concentrated on “comfort” vs detail.
They’ve amped up the bass, and decreased the mid @ hi’s to the point it sounds muffled.
I was able to “OPN” it up by using the new fitting assistant that’s quite helpful in Genie 2 2021.2.
It asks questions, and sets gains based on your response.
Your HCP could probably make all the corrections you require remotely, so you could be in your own listening room, and be playing or listening to tunes.
Once you made the update to 1.1.1 you can’t go back to the old music program, but MyMusic can be improved as I mentioned.

As others have noted, all your other programs should still be available.
BTW, theON App EQ sliders only work with streaming, so how could you attenuate live or loudspeaker music?
Is that another Spudgunner proprietary hidden feature, eh?

I can see how you might infer that’s what I meant because of my less-than-exact syntax, but I don’t mean (and never said) that I attenuated live music.

Let me correct my imprecision:

  1. The old Music program was so sharp and crisply-defined, I could hear everything going on in a room,
  2. The old Music program’s sharpness and crispness also carried over when I selected the Music program and streamed music;
  3. This “edginess” when streaming music through the old Music program was never a problem, since the slider controls available in the ON’s EQ were effective at attenuating it.

That’s what I meant …


By the way, I had the virtual outer ear setting moved from Balanced to Aware… Wow what a difference! Before, I kept thinking that the world sounds way too soft, so I kept having the overall volume increased and while it helped, it still didn’t sound right. Moving to Aware fixed the issue. Suddenly, I could hear my environment again, but, of course, the sound level is now way too high, so now I am knocking the sound level down…crazy!

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It would be nice to have the capability to make some adjustments to the aids other than volume from the On app. I understand that some other aids do have that capability. Would allow the user to try out different settings to see if they improve hearing in different environments.


@JeremyDC: I agree 100%!

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I also agree with that I love my More1 aids but the ON is just to restrictive


Hello, I have the latest ON software on my new More One’s. My audiologist also dialed in my More 1’s using the latest firmware release. The Bluetooth drop outs are less frequent now vs when I used my trial pr. When one channel does drop out I can usually resolve the issue by opening the ON software and it automatically attempts to reconnect the channel that dropped out so its at 100% status.
It’s an inconvenience to have to do this most days but not enough to detract from the wonders of the More 1.

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Here’s a good explaination of these settings FYI:


Thanks for posting this, :zap: @flashb1024 :zap:

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Oops, forgot to include the Genie 2 MSI screenshot, so I added it to the above post.

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It’s okay,:zap: *Flash * :zap: You get old, your brain dries up, you forget things … but it’s okay. It’s okay, man!

I’m so old I’ve lost my flash, and my Tooth is turning Blue

:zap:Flash :zap: :open_mouth: - You still have a tooth?

Speaking of “Tooth” … I initially had the impression that firmware v.1.1.1 had improved the stability of my Bluetooth connection on phone calls. That was before I installed iOS15.

The iOS update is so buggy, I can’t tell any more, there are so many glitches.

Great! Thx. Very useful.