Oticon More Bluetooth problems

I am trialing the Oticon More 1 hearing aids and am finding the bluetooth connection for streaming to be erratic, as in when I am walking, the sound bounces back and forth from ear to ear and sometimes drops entirely from the right ear while the left ear drops in volume, and then it will correct itself. Don’t have this problem with Apple Earpods when I am walking, so I assume that the issue is with the aids. Doesn’t do this when I am not moving around. I suppose it could be related to cellular issues, but then why don’t the Earpods have this issue. I have a followup appointment later this week and will mention it, but the audiologist is not terribly interested in spending time on bluetooth issues.


Have you got the latest firmware version (v. 1.1.1)? I’ve been wearing More1s since the first week of April. I did have some Bluetooth issues (not as bad as yours) but v. 1.1.1 seems to have sorted them out.

Where do you have your phone at? If it is in a pant’s pocket then yes you will. I always keep mine in a shirt pocket with no issues. You have to understand that the hearing aids are working with very limited power, which means very limited range.


Great that I is the main reason I am pushing my Audiologist to get my aids updated.

Thanks for the tips. The issue seems to only occur when I am walking outside. I will see if I can get the phone closer to the aids, though I rarely wear shirts with pockets that can carry the device; jackets, yes, but not shirts.

The aids are new, so I assumed that they had the latest firmware, but I will check when I am next with the audiologist at the end of the week.


You can check that with your ON app. Just click on Hearing Aids, and there’s an arrow to the right for each aid. Click on the arrow, and you’ll see your firmware version . It should be v. 1.1.1

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Ah. Just checked. I have 1.0.2… a bit behind.

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@JeremyDC: Well, Jeremy, at least you have an idea now of what’s wrong, and can look forward to an easy fix!

Good luck!

If the update doesn’t do it, maybe one of those arm band-like phone holders or a holster would work. I’m interested in the outcome as I’ll probably upgrade to More next year.

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FWIW, the main reason that I haven’t posted anything about the new firmware is that I haven’t come across any statement by Oticon about what it’s supposed to do! Frankly, I’m still confused about what it’s done to my HAs.

On the positive side, it seems to be giving me better audio quality on phone calls, and possibly a more stable Bluetooth connection. On the negative side, I’ve lost my handy T-coil + mic program, which I used to rely on when my phone call audio was poor. (Perhaps I won’t miss it for phone calls, now that the audio is better, but I won’t be able to use Telecoil at the university, when I attend lectures and concerts.)

The reason for the disappearance of the T-coil program is a mystery to me. In the previous firmware, EduMic and the remote mic feature of ConnectClip shared a single program slot: both devices provided loud, clear remote input to my HAs, and could be EQd using the ON app controls. Everything worked well, and life was good. With firmware version 1.1.1, the outputs from the EduMic and ConnectClip each have their own channel, thus necessitating a program in the existing queue to be eliminated

So - complaint number one is that I want my t-coils back! Secondly, with firmware v.1.1.1, the output level of both mics seems to be less than it was with the old firmware, and is not as responsive to adjustments made via the app sliders. In my case, I find the audio quality of my ConnectClip has been degraded to the point that I’m going to ask my audiologist to remove it and restore the (T-coil+mics) program. Bummer!

On the very positive side, the MyMusic app is extremely pleasant to use when playing an instrument or listening to music on good loudspeakers. On balance, however, the improvement of the MyMusic program is insufficient to compensate me for the loss of my Telecoil program and the diminished utility of my EduMic and ConnectClip. The MyMusic program is comfortable, but sounds quite “muffled” as compared to the old Music program, which I used to switch on whenever I wanted to hear absolutely everything going on in the room. And the old program was loud compared to the new one. I was always able to attenuate the sharpness of the program very effectively with the ON EQ sliders, however. Thinking about it while typing, I would gladly revert to the old Music program, if I could … Hmmm!

If offered a choice, I might, grudgingly, opt to stay with v. 1.1.1, the reason for that being the improvement in Bluetooth stability on phone calls and the improvement in phone call volume. But “That’s all,folks!” - FWIW, I think v. 1.1.1 is sort of a squib round, and doesn’t do much to cement Oticon’s reputation for technological superiority. The Oticon Naysayers Club (ONC) will just love this line!

The Release Text for FW 1.1.1 says:

  • New “MyMusic” Program
  • Support for SmartCharger for Oticon More miniRITE R
  • Support for CROS and CROS PX
  • General Updates and improvements

@JeremyDC: Thank you. That’s all I saw just after the announcement. It doesn’t give us very much to go on, does it?

The general updates and Improvements is pretty general…means bug fixes and minor tweaks. Hopefully, it will fix my bluetooth issues.

I just got an email from my Audiologist and there also seems to be a number of fixes for connectivity issues.

Hi Jim, did you ask your HCP if he actually restored the way everything was set up in your previous pre-FW1.1.1 version to exactly the same way in the post-FW1.1.1 version? I suspect that maybe he missed restoring the Tcoil & Mic program back into the new version, rather than the Tcoil & Mic program simply disappeared on you. I still see that program in the latest Genie 2 2021.2 version just like before.

As for the program for the EduMic and ConnectClip split into 2 separate ones now, my observation has been that the TV Adapter has its own program and the ConnectClip/EduMic have their own program added in in addition to the existing 4 programs P1 through P4. For example, I have 6 programs in my OPN 1, the P1 through P4, then the TV Adapter, then the ConnectClip. If you have the EduMic and the new firmware/new Genie version adds another separate program for the EduMic, I really doubt that it would “eat” into one of the P1-P4 programs. If you lost one of your 4 programs, it’s most likely because your HCP maybe forgot to restore that program into your new FW1.1.1 HAs for you. So just check with your HCP about to see what he has to say.

I may be wrong on this, but my intuition tells me that there’s no reason why Oticon would just remove the Tcoil & Mic program in Genie 2 2021.2 and More FW1.1.1 for no reason. I don’t have the More to confirm this, but I have Genie 2 2021.2 and the Tcoil & Mic program is still in there like before.

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It is my understanding that T-Coil is one of the 1-4 Programs. I suspect when Jim asked for the new MY Music Program, the Audi replaced his T-Coil Program with the new My Music Program. Just a guess.

I have FW 1.1.1 and no problems with Bluetooth connectivity on iPhone, iPads - I have 2 - or TV adapter. I still have to turn off BT when switching between iPhone & iPad. I also found I have to close the cover on the iPad, shutting off the iPad before BT will switch over to my iPhone.
After the v 1.1.1, I also had other programing adjustments, and found I needed the Audi to make adjustments to my streaming programs. I can’t say this was a result of the 1.1.1 and / or the adjustments.

Thanks for this clarification, @Volusiano. Ot may be as you say. I’ve sent an email to my HCP (whose inbox robot returns a message that emails aren’t monitored daily.)

Perhaps it’s just an oversight, as you say, which would be great. I’m looking forward to my audi’s response to my email.

I’m not sure the guess is right, because I had the old Music program in one of the slots, already. He could have simply replaced the old program with MyMusic.

Thanks anyway for your reply, @Mago!

Just curious - Didn’t the ON App list T-Coil as one of the Programs that you had to switch to? I didn’t opt for T-Coil as one of the programs as we don’t seem to have venues here that use it, but that was my understanding how it works.
I replaced my Lecture Program with the new MY Music.
It would make sense the HCP would replace your old music configured program with the new MY Music Program - but just maybe he/she didn’t.
The current Programs will be listed in the ON App. I really don’t think v1.1.1
eliminated the T-Coil Program - deliberately anyway.

I don’t know what happened to my setup, @Mago. I had T-coil before, which worked really well with my iPhone when Bluetooth connectivity was spotty. It’s gone.

I had the old Music program. Now I have MyMusic. Not sure how well I like the new program, as I use it more.

My EduMic and ConnectClip used to share the same slot: now they occupy 2 spaces. My VAC+ is still there. I had my audi delete my DSL program and replace it with Speech in Noise.

I’m now of the opinion that my audiologist just didn’t set up my aids correctly, and that it isn’t the firmware upgrade that is to blame.

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