Sorry about that, I know how bad it can be.
Those freakin catheteraqs can really mess up your vision.
I’d have failed the DMV Driver’s license test w/out the surge.
Canadian healthcare does have it’s drawbacks…18 months, unacceptable.
@flashb1024: If I hadn’t contracted shingles in my right eye, I wouldn’t have gotten an appointment with this guy in under a year … a specialist in the next-largest city would take longer.
Believe it or not - even with catharacqs in both eyes - my distance vision is better than 20/20! (So watch it! I can still shoot with open sights!)
I received my hearing aids back with 1.3.0 firmware. They work properly again with the ConnectClip and they also work properly with my iPhone, which is at iOS 16.2.1.
My first connectionClip started to have this audio cut-out issue after using it for about one month, then I got a replacement this Feb, and now the replacement just started to have the same issue again! I am contacting my audiologist to get another replacement.
The replacement may take weeks, during this period I am not able to use the computer bluetooth to join online meetings. This causes a lot of trouble for me to fully follow the online conversation.
I Hope Oticon can fix this issue as soon as possible.
Welcome to the forum!…
I have this issue too and as far as I can tell, the problem is not with the ConnectClip but with the latest More firmware.
Before you ask for a replacement, try asking your Audi to delete the ConnectClip pairing from the Genie software as described above by @mertgonul91 in this thread. There are also pictures on what the Audi needs to do (assuming you dont have a Noahlink wireless).
For me clearing the pairing fixes the problem albeit temporarily….
Good luck.
My More hearing aids were downgraded to 1.3.0 so I would be able to use them with the ConnectClip. According to my contact at Oticon, they have verified that there is a problem but they are not sure what is causing it. Until they know what is causing the problem, they won’t be able to fix it. I will post an update when I hear back from them.
A dumb question - how to check my hearing aid’s firmware version?
Thanks for letting me know this, I already sent back my connectionClip to my audiologist earlier today. But according to thse posts, it seems that even if it could be fixed it would break after a few days again?
Use the Oticon ON App on your smartphone.
Bottom Right is Hearing Aids Icon> Tap on Left & Right hearing aids to view firmware versioon.
Yes. The real fix is a firmware upgrade on the hearing aids. In the meantime, what I posted is just a workaround.
I checked my hearing aids, the firmware version is already 1.4.2.
Version 1.4.2 does not fix the problem. The only version that doesn’t have this problem is version 1.3.0.
Since my last post, I found that after a while, the same problem of audio cut-outs occurred with the More hearing aids. I was able to work around it by re-pairing, but after several times, I found that even re-pairing did not fix the problem. I also have a set of Real hearing aids and my experience is the same with them. I’m using a different ConnectClip, so I’m quite sure the problem is not with my specific ConnectClip.
Today, I had a remote session with my audiologist and she cleared the ConnectClip pairings for both the More and the Real hearing aids. They are both working fine, each with a different ConnectClip.
I will monitor this and will report back.
Hi! I’d like to do the same (downgrade firmware to 1.3.0 [though in my experience, 1.4.1 was also fine!?]
My audiologist’s office told me this would require my leaving them the hearing aids so they could send them in to Oticon for the downgrade. (They offered me a ‘courtesy rush’ for the process – have asked them how many days I’d be without the aids.)
Was this how it worked for you?
PS - If you’re willing, please copy your response to jonfrankle at gmail dot com.
Hi, sorry for the delay to reply. After having my hearing aids downgraded to 1.3.0, I have noticed that the problem of the audio cutting out no longer happens. However, I do periodically experience either one of the hearing aids refusing to connect with the ConnectClip. Even without the hearing aids connected with my phone, the only way to get it both hearing aids to connect with the ConnectClip, I have to clear the pairing and re-pair them. Then everything is fine again. It’s definitely better than with newer firmware, but it’s not as reliable as my Opn S hearing aids, which are very reliable.
For the record, I am trialing a pair of Real hearing aids and they behave like the More hearing aids with newer firmware. They are unfortunately unusable with the ConnectClip.
It’s very disappointing that Oticon can’t get the firmware right for the More or Real hearing aids.
Thanks for letting me know. You might be interested in what I found. I had noticed the Connect Clip worked fine with 1.4.1, but immediately started the intermittent cycling after I “upgraded” to 1.4.2. So despite the post that Oticon said only 1.3.0 was reliable, they set me up with 1.4.1. I was told my audiologist could install only the latest firmware (1.4.2), so they would have to send mine in to Oticon (they promised a “courtesy rush”). Then they got the better idea of sending me new hearing aids, pre-loaded with 1.4.1, so I wouldn’t have an interval without hearing aids, or have to make a second visit.
Happily, the Connect Clip immediately started working fine with 1.4.1, both streaming from my phone (where it’s optional) and from my computers (where it’s the only way that works).
The problem might be different for your devices [I’m on Android, with a Pixel 6a], but 1.4.1 might work better for you. I definitely experienced problems like what you report, with just one hearing aid connecting at times, but I usually found that the other would come back if I simply power cycled it.
@jonfrankle I have used 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 firmware. The only version that does not have the drop-outs is 1.3.0. I’ve tried with multiple different ConnectClips.
I don’t think the problem is caused by my laptop, because I’ve used two different laptops, with the same result and I don’t experience the problem with my Opn S hearing aids.
Also, Oticon has told me that they are aware that there is a problem, but last time I heard from them, they had not identified the cause of the problem, so they didn’t know how long it would take to fix it.
I’ve found it easy to just swipe down on the Pull Down menu , and turn Bluetooth Off than immediately back On.
Pixel 5a user.
CCip is invaluable, but a PITA!!
I’ve got the same issue with the ConnectClip and the Real’s. CClip is new and the first 2 weeks everything went fine. Then the cut outs started within phone call’s and streaming from pc. The CClip is not connected to the iPhone.
You sure that this issue depends on the HA’s and the firmware?
For me it seems that the errors depends on the connection to the source. Watching the clip’s led’s it seems switching the source/mode just before the moment the audio comes back.
Thank you all for your posts and information. I experienced the same problem with my ConnectClip 1.1 and Oticon More 1 with firmware 1.4.2.
I have an old ConnectClip 1.0 that had a bad battery and I had replaced by soldering in a new one I found on Amazon. I tried my ConnectClip 1.0 and it worked fine.
I went to my audioligist and explained the issue and told them about the information I had found on this forum. She called Oticon support and they said to try resetting the ConnectClip 1.1 by holding all three buttons while powered off, which I had already done. But then she took my hearing aids and deleted the ConnectClip 1.1 connection profile from them using the Octicon software, which I couldn’t do. Then we paired the hearing aids to the ConnectClip 1.1 and the the ConnectClip 1.1 to my phone (Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4) to test. The audio no longer dropped out, so this appears to have fixed my issue. If this did not work, she said she would have to send my hearing aids to Oticon to be downgraded to firmware version 1.3.
Hope this helps.