Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

I’m having the same problem. I started when my More hearing aids were updated to 1.4.0 firmware. This problem also exists in 1.4.1 firmware. I reported this to Oticon. They have confirmed that it’s a problem and they are working on a new release of firmware, 1.4.2, which will supposedly fix this problem.


Same issue no matter where I am located btw. Also, it would seem like a terrible design if it couldn’t be in the same home as wireless APs or other common signal emitting devices.

I certainly hope they fix it because the device is absolutely useless.

This is encouraging. Last month when I called Oticon directly there was no mention of it with them and they thought it was possibly just a bad batch. I hope they get it resolved swiftly!

OK, thanks for the update. It seems fairly conclusive then that the issue probably rests almost entirely on Oticon and nothing else.

Yeah, in this day and age, you would think that things are advanced enough that interference would be a thing of the past. But every time you get on a plane and get told to turn off all your electronic devices that can emit signals and interfere with the plane’s communication and navigation system, it’s a stark reminder that interference is still a concern. It’s just whether it’s just an annoyance, or in the case of the plan operation, can become a critical issue.

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There is supposedly a firmware update due out today to address this. I’m on a loaner now that is the third Connect Clip with this issue on both my iPhone and my laptop. My first, I had when I got the aids new last summer. Worked fine until one day they didn’t about 2-3 months ago. Provider sent them back to Oticon who replaced the clip. A couple of weeks ago, that one started doing exactly the same thing. Provider’s tech connected to their system, cleared existing pairings, reset the clip (3-button reset) re-paired to my phone and it worked fine in office and connected back to my computer for the rest of the day - next morning same issue. Back to my provider and got another loaner while my replacement was sent back. Now the loaner is doing the same thing after a few days. I’ve done the full set re-pair to just laptop, just phone, neither is working. I’m going to let the connect clip drain from power overnight and see if this helps clear it - I think there’s some memory limitation and it’s not getting cleared even with a full reset (the only time we’ve been able to work around it is in office connected to their system where they can explictly clear the pairings - why this works but not a 3-button reset tells me that the reset is not really taking it back to factory settings and clearing everything out). Extremely frustrating as I’m still working, providing technical support and software development and need to be able to seamlessly connect to my laptop for meetings, etc.

I’m having this same issue on my third clip, all worked fine for a period of time then started this nonsense.
I just noticed this blipping of the led color, as well. The other thing you see on your phone is that it connects to the connect clip when making a call, then a few seconds later, it appears to connect back to the hearing aid directly but does not actually have audio and won’t reconnect in phone mode (playing music, etc. it cycles in/out).

Interference is not the issue. As I explained to Oticon troubleshooting my third device with this issue, this is not an intermittent issue. It works fine for a period of time (mine have gone from 2 weeks to a few months). Once the issue starts, it is always there and you cannot clear it (exception being when my provider hooked the aids up to their software and specifically cleared the pairings, it appeared to work but only until the next morning). There is no way to work around or modulate the issue in any way. It’s not there for a period of time, then it’s there and nothing short of replacing the clip has worked (again 3 times).

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@Volusiano: Mr V … could this phenomulon have anything to do with a chemistry change in the battery driving either its amperage or voltage irreversibly “out of bounds”?

[A reset might temporarily fool the power supply into believing that the cell was behaving normally, but a few heuristic iterations of the handshake algorithm would prove that hypothesis invalid, and the ConnectClip would take itself out of service?]

(My brain has cyphered on it, and says it is very comforble with that hypothulus)

Although a flaky battery power supply can cause flaky connection, it’s hard to see how it would be @user148 's issue simply because he’s had 3 replacements already, and the issue consistently re-appeared on all 3 of them, and it’s unlikely that all 3 would have flaky batteries so soon after their replacements.

The statement about @user148 's HCP having some kind of ability to specifically clear the pairing on their software (I assume it’s Genie 2 because that’s the only software I’m aware of) is odd to me, though, because I hooked up my ConnectClip to Genie 2’s Accessories Updater, and it detected my ConnectClip and said that my ConnectClip is up-to-date (in terms of firmware on it), but there’s no option to clear the pairing from the ConnectClip on Genie 2 that I can find. Below is the screenshot of the Accessories Update page on Genie 2 where it detected my ConnectClip and said that it’s up-to-date with firmware 1.13.0.

The only option available to clear the BT pairing from the ConnectClip that I’m aware of is the manual option as outlined in the ConnectClip Manual (second screen below).

I’ve also never had any such connection issue with my ConnectClip where the audio cuts out, but then I have the OPN 1 and not the More. I assume that the firmware update due out today from Oticon that @user148 talked about in his earlier post to address this audio-cut-out issue is a More firmware update perhaps? Maybe there’s some bug in the More firmware that’s causing this issue? But apparently my OPN 1 firmware does not cause this issue.

I can’t see this being a battery issue, either. I believe that something is happening that can’t be cleared with the normal reset. I’m familiar with the 3-button reset but it doesn’t seem to really work - even after doing this and re-pairing the issue persists. If it did work, I could at least have that as a quick workaround to get started again and could at least live with it and get connected to meetings again. I will query my provider about why they are saying they are clearing the pairings when hooking up to the Genie software. And that only worked a single time and may have been completely coincidental.

The problem does not occur with Opn S hearing aids, only with More hearing aids. I’ve been using my Opn S hearing aids with my laptop because the More hearing aids are unusable with the laptop.

I can say also that it has nothing to do with the battery. I have encountered this with two different ConnectClips, both of which were new.

My audiologist confirmed that the new firmware is available so I will be getting it as soon as I can get in for an appointment. I will post an update after I get the new firmware.

UPDATE: I previously referred to my hearing aids as Opn. They are Opn S.

To all the people who are having this issue. If you have NoahLink Wireless connect your hearing aids to Genie 2 and clear the connectclip from your devices. And the connectclip works well until it breaks again. 1.4.2 is out now and it is supposed to fix this problem. I wanted to write this here if it doesn’t fix it.

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Can you show where on Genie 2 one can clear the ConnectClip from the devices? Maybe a screenshot of the page where you do the clearing. Thanks.

This does not fix the problem, at least not in my experience. I’ve encountered it with two different sets of hearing aids and connectclips and attempts were made with both to clear and re-pair them. According to Oticon, the problem is in the firmware.

In my case, it fixes it for a short time, like 4-5 days.

When you hover here on Connectclip it shows an X button to clear it. And then Save the changes. Repair your Oticon More aids with Connectclip again. Should be good to go until it breaks again.

It seems like the 1.4.2 update fixed the problem though, I didn’t encounter the problem again yet. Only when I turn off one of my hearing aids it starts doing it again but as soon as I turn on the hearing aid it fixes itself.

Sad news here, the audio cuts started to happen again even though my Oticon More hearing aids are updated to 1.4.2.


OK, thanks for showing me. However, I tried to hover my pointer on the ConnectClip on the page you show but I don’t see any X button that would allow me to clear at all. And that’s with either the ConnectClip connected to my laptop’s USB port or not. Not sure why it doesn’t work for me.

It should look like this when you hover over the connectlip

Yeah, I don’t see that little icon mark when I hover above the ConnectClip picture in the menu for sure. I wonder if it’s because use the OPN and not the More. Maybe it’s a More exclusive feature, although that would be pretty weird because it’s a ConnectClip specific thing and all Oticon HAs like the OPN, OPN S, and More connect to it the exact same way, and all the ConnectClip specific settings in Genie 2 are the same regardless of the HA models.