Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

I used a connect clip with my old battery operated hearing aids before I got the Kirkland’s. I never had that issue. The issue I had with the connect clip was that I work in a machine shop and it amplified the sound of the machines over everything else. It didn’t really help me, but I never had the issue with the sound cutting out. Fortunately I bought mine from a place that gave you 30 days to return it if he didn’t like it. Although I found it cheaper on other places like Amazon and eBay, for the money I was putting out I wanted that guarantee. If it’s possible to return it, I would and if it’s not, I would contact the manufacturer and make them stand behind their product.

Before i retired I worked at big electronic company.
I learned from our developers that never downgrade SW on a product.
Also, If we fix ten faults, we introduce one new fault.
I will not ask for a downgrade of my More 1. I remember some of the annoying faults in FW 1.3.

The problem of audio drop-out is specific to More and Real HAs. I had Opn and currently still have Opn S and they don’t have the problem. I also have two ConnectClips and they both have the problem. Oticon knows there is a problem.

As someone who works remotely and attends numerous meetings throughout the day, Connectclip is an essential tool for me. Unfortunately, Oticon released an update that rendered my product unusable. It’s frustrating that they haven’t released a quick update to fix the issue or reverted the changes that caused the Connectclip to malfunction. As a software engineer myself, I find it concerning that the problem has persisted for eight months now. It’s disappointing to see such negligence from Oticon, and it makes me wonder how a big tech company would handle a similar situation.

  • Oticon More 1

I wrote this mail to Oticon and I highly recommend anyone who has issues with the product to send an email to create the pressure. They simply don’t care.

Subject: Urgent Issue with ConnectClip – Unresolved for 8 Months, Product Unusable

Dear Oticon Support Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding an ongoing issue with my ConnectClip, which has become an indispensable tool in my daily remote work routine. I am using the Oticon More 1 model, and unfortunately, a recent update has rendered my product completely unusable, with the audio consistently cutting out.

This problem has persisted for an unacceptable eight months without resolution, and I must stress the severity of the situation. The audio malfunction has not only disrupted my workflow but has made the product I purchased entirely inoperative.

I want to emphasize that Oticon’s failure to address this issue has rendered a product that I bought and relied on for my job completely unusable. I feel like a victim in this situation, as the ConnectClip simply doesn’t do what it is supposed to do. I feel robbed of both my investment in the product and my ability to perform effectively in my professional role.

I must also make it clear that sending the hearing aids back to the factory for a firmware downgrade is not a solution, so please do not even offer it as an option. This would only further inconvenience me and does not address the underlying issue with the software update.

As a software engineer who attends numerous meetings throughout the day, I rely heavily on the ConnectClip to keep me connected with my colleagues and clients. The unexpected malfunction has left me questioning the quality of support and product management at Oticon.

While I understand that software development and debugging can be complex, the lack of a timely fix or even a temporary rollback to a previous stable version is highly disappointing. The absence of any action to resolve this pressing issue over such a prolonged period has severely impacted my confidence in Oticon’s support and commitment to customer satisfaction.

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. Please provide detailed information on the actions Oticon is taking to rectify this issue and the expected timeline for a resolution. If there are any temporary workarounds that I can apply to alleviate the situation in the interim, I would greatly appreciate your guidance.

I have been a loyal Oticon customer, and I believe in the quality of your products. However, the negligence demonstrated in this situation has left me feeling disheartened and concerned about future interactions with Oticon.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Best Regards

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Hi, have you seen this post? Successful Resolution of Problem Connecting ConnectClip to Mac and Using CC as Remote Mic

This is what I do right now, I manually delete the pairing on Genie 2 and repair it. But this is starting to get annoying, as it happens a lot.

Sorry, I and others here can understand your frustration. Thank you for your efforts with Oticon.

I can confirm clearing pairing on CC in Genie fixed the audio cut outs for me with both remote mic and connection to Mac. You need to get your audi to do it or have your own Noah / Genie setup. I can also confirm for those of us who have long put Windows in their rear view mirror, the free version of Fusion running on a Mac using an unactivated version of Windows 10 (I.e. free) works just fine with Noah and Genie. No need for Bootcamp which can be inconvenient.

Am looking forward to trying the firmware upgrade on my Real 1s. Thanks for sharing that info which my Audi did not know. I’m still, however, deeply suspicious of Oticon support as they have been less than forthcoming about CC issues except when pushed hard by a determined user. many thanks, @darylm , for being that person.

Clearing the pairings with Genie / NOAH is only a temporary fix. The problem always returns.

Excellent note. Thanks so much for doing this.

Like yourself I worked in software as a product manager prior to retiring. That Oticon is handling CC issues in such an unprofessional manner is concerning. I’m going to try to find the CEO’s email and will send similar note.

Thanks again.


Yes, I know. And I really don’t plan on carrying around a Noah when I leave town.

I believe the long term solution for problems such as these is to form a NA Oticon User Group.

In the software world user groups used to be a potent force for surfacing must solve issues or must add features to product management. Probably they exist at the supplier level (any HCP know?), but the increasingly consumer driven purchase of HAs ( as opposed to blind trust in HCPs) could well make Oticon receptive. Does anyone have the email address if a VP or higher executive at Oticon. I’m happy to start the effort for forming a user group.

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Not sure whether Gary is the right person - Chairman (better hearing) & CEO (Oticon)

Thank you. This is very useful information. I will reach out to the Oticon executive team about forming a user advisory group. Very much appreciated.


I was just called by my audiologist and she told me the new firmware is available. I will be getting it installed on Wednesday.

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Thanks. Is there any reason the firmware can’t be installed at home via Noah?

Probably no reason, but I’ve working closely with the clinic and Oticon on this issue, so I will let them upgrade the firmware.

Thanks. Please let us know the results. I’m going to wait a bit and see what the general consensus is as I live quite a ways from my Audi if something goes wrong. Good luck!

My Real HAs were upgraded to 1.1.0 firmware. They are paired with my CC, iPhone and Pixel 6 phone. So far, all of them are working, but it’s too early to draw any conclusion about whether the new firmware fixes the problem.


Thanks for keeping us posted. I too have the same problem. Have the More1 aid on left ear w/CROS on completely dead right ear. Before that had the OPN1 on left only. Used the connect clip for years with the OPN with no issues. I used it at meetings asking the speaker to wear it, bike riding my husband wears it to alert me to passers or situation i might not hear, and having my doubles tennis partner wear it so I hear them. Since getting the more its been more or less useless. A few days ago I figured out by noticing on the companion app that what i switch to remote mic program, the “streaming volume” slide bar was at zero while the “environment” slide bar was about 2/3 up with a “0” for the setting. I slid the “streaming volume” to 9 and voila i can hear thru the cc. Switched back to P1 then back to remote mic and back to 0. Slid it up manually again. Repeated. This time went to 7. So I set my ipad up in another room with bluetooth off so sound thru its speakers and set cc in front. I’ve been experimenting daily for 5 days now. Switching between P1 and remote mic to see if hear the iPad music playing in next room. Past couple days it has not gone to 0 but random numbers. I’ve been sliding it to 11 now every time then repeating. Its completely random where it starts. Sometimes the same 11, sometimes 5, 7, 12…… crazy. Has anyone else with the More experienced this?