Oticon ConnectClip - audio cuts out

Been there, done that…

Please elaborate on the software reset using Genie 2. Is this different from clearing the pairings in the hearing aids? I have not noticed any such function for the ConnectClip in Genie 2, but I haven’t used it, except for clearing pairings.

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Oh no, your term used is more correct → “clearing the pairings in the hearing aids” from the ConnectClip. There’s really no “software reset” per se, I just meant clear the pairings like you said.


Please answer the following questions:

  • Which HA are you using? More 1 or …??
  • Do you use ClipConnect to stream audio from PC to HA?
  • How many hours per day/week do you listen?
  • How many weeks/months have passed since the audiologist did the reset?
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i have the Real 1 HA, i use the Connect Clip to stream from my laptop, mostly meetings (Zoom, Webex, MS teams).

I listen to maybe 6 to 8 hours per day with it.

This is the first time i had this issue, i just recently got Real 1 back in March and got the clip with it.

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Here are screen captures to show what I mean:

You can see that for the oldest CC, it shows the current firmware version and the available version, which is the same, so apparently this unit cannot be updated any further.

For the two newer CC units, it shows the firmware, but the available version is N/A.

I’m wondering why it doesn’t show the available firmware version, even if it’s the same version that they already have.

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It would only show if there was an Available Version to update to.

Why does it show the same firmware version for the older unit, but N/A for the newer unit?

I can only guess that it’s because Oticon had been updating the firmware on the newer units from 1.13.0 to 1.13.5 in order to try to fix this connection issue. But even after 5 incremental update successions, they still haven’t licked the connection issue for good yet, so they don’t want to release their current firmware to the public yet. That’s why it’s showing 1.13.5 on the new units but 1.13.5 still not available to the public yet. And they don’t want to show 1.13.0 as the latest available public version which is way behind what’s on the new CC units, so they just leave it as N/A. Obviously they also don’t want to give people a way to revert to 1.13.0 either if their CC has newer firmware versions than that.

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I have the connect clip and Oticon hearing aids. I cannot have my Samsung S22 phone in my belt holder and be understood by the caller. I have to remove the phone from my belt case and put it in front of me as that is the only way my voice can be understood. So much for hands free. Frustrating. I have my hearing aids from the VA and have just received a new pair (latest version) and I think the problem is worse. My old phone was a Google phone and it all worked perfect. Might have to go back to google phones and see if it is better. This is not rocket science - it should all work seamlessly.

Not rocket science, but the microphone has to be placed near the mouth. I have my S23 in my breast pocket, with the microphone pointing up. Works very good.
Having the microphone behind the ear, does no work. For the listener.

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@user1031 and @Xomomo → I’m confused here. I thought that the ConnectClip would use its built-in mic as the microphone for phone calls, not the smartphone’s built-in mic. But both of you are saying that you use the smartphone’s mic for your phone call.


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It’s been 18 months since I bought my first ConnectClip. For the first 12 months I never used CC for phone calls. I just didn’t like Oticon’s concept. Too complicated.
About six months ago I bought a Samsung S22 which supports ASHA, which means that the audio from phone calls goes directly to my hearing aids. When it rings, you hear it in HA. When I answered the call, I put the phone in my breast pocket with the microphone facing up.
I experience the connection as hands-free.
Provides an absolutely excellent speech quality, thanks to the LTE function in the 4G network.

I need to clarify my answer to user1031.
From my post, you get the impression that today I use S22/S23 for phone calls.
In fact, for the past few months I haven’t paired my HA with the S23. The reason is that I strongly suspect there is something wrong with the FW in my Oticon More 1. Probably with the BLE hardware. In four months, I’ve had two S22/S23 and three ConnectClip broken.
Now I await a response from Oticon on this thread

If you’re expecting a reply from Oticon on this thread, you will be waiting for a long time. Perhaps someone from Oticon lurks here, but there is no official Oticon rep on this forum. If you want a reply from Oticon, you need to contact Oticon directly and ask them for a response.

As I’ve already said, your claim that the HAs have broken your devices is not believable. I’m not aware of anyone else that has reported such a thing.

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Hi! I too have had this same cc problem but only since updating my 18 month old More 1 to 1.4.2 from whatever its initial firmware was. I wear the More1 on left ear and the CROS PX on right ear which is completely deaf. With my Opn1 my connect clip worked perfect. My applications are using it in seminar or classroom situations where I ask the speaker to wear it and bike riding my husband wears it as I don’t hear people approaching a even if they do announce with the correct “on your left” etiquette.

The true “handsfree” on phone calls never worked on my More 1 until I updated. Ever since my Opn1 though I’ve been able to connect my iPhone directly to the iPhone and stopped using the cc for phone calls. Using the iPhone mic and holding phone close to my mouth hasn’t ever been a huge issue for me but figured I’d like to walk around and talk and not think about where the physical phone was. So I paid the office visit fee to get the firmware update since Im out of the 1 year window, which is a bit irritating but I decided it worth it. My assessment is yes the handsfree works and I can walk away from the phone but only in certain environments. Sometimes the caller tells me they can’t hear me, especially if in the car. So I’m on the fence if handsfree phone calls are the way to go. It would be one thing if I could switch it up and choose and switch if bad which microphone the caller will hear from but I haven’t figured out a way.

Back to the connect clip. It worked before the firmware update. After the update it will not go into mic mode with the magenta pink light coming on and I can’t hear anything through my aid. I’ve spent many hours with the Oticon help line mostly unpairing and repairing the cc and eventually like you all reported the hard reset with the white light clearing all pairings worked. I used it several weeks and it was clearer than ever. Then it just stopped. We were at a dude ranch and I asked the horse wrangler doing the rider orientation to wear it and it wouldn’t work. I tried the hard reset and repairing multiple times. No luck. Then got the idea to try my Opn1, paired it to it and voila, magenta and I could hear. So the problem is not the cc, it’s the More. This is beyond frustrating. I’m attending a citizens police academy 8 week class next month and need it to work. So I contacted my Audi and she’s been in touch with Oticon who is suggesting they do an “express exchange” of my more to get me one with the original firmware that should work with my cc. What do you all think of that idea? I’m leery. My more is under warranty but what does an exchange mean? Since going deaf 2006 following surgery, I’ve worn the saffron, agil, OPN1 and now More1. I’ve never had an issue with Oticon until now. Never even sent an aid in for repair. Does exchange mean I’m getting a brand new More or a refurbished one? I realize if I go back to original firmware to get cc to work I’ll lose the true handsfree phone conversations but that’s ok with me. It’s not all that useful. Or I can just live with it and use my Opn for the 8 week class since it works fine with cc? Any thoughts or suggestions? I’m thinking my next HA will not be Oticon! But how to find an Audi willing to let me try out different manufacturers is the question. Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far:)


Hi All,

After having to clear the pairings in my Real HAs twice yesterday, I sent an email to Oticon asking when they will have a fix for this problem.

This reply was waiting in my inbox this morning:

There is a new Firmware that would be release next Tuesday for the Real hearing aids that will address this issue with the ConnectClip. Since the cause of this issue is not exactly the same between the More and the Real, this update will not apply to the More aids. For end-users that are experiencing this issue with the More, we are still downgrading them to Firmware 1.3 which solves the issue in most cases.

So, if you are waiting for a fix for audio drop-outs with the ConnectClip and you have Real HAs, next week, there will be something to try.


Great news for the Real users. But I have More aids, anyone know how to downgrade to firmware 1.3. I have the Noahlink wireless and the genie 2 software.

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Looks like only the factory can downgrade to 1.3, so you’d have to send them in. I don’t see any option to downgraded in Genie 2, only option to upgrade.

It would be great if they added a downgrade option in Genie 2. I am sick of being a victim of a product I paid for. They broke it and didn’t fix it. Not sure that my following hearing aids will be Oticon.


I can confirm that the HAs must be sent to Oticon to downgrade the firmware. Also, I can confirm that downgrading to 1.3.0 did not fix the problem of audio drop-outs in my case.

I initially thought downgrading fixed the problem, but after use, the drop-outs returned. I think this is because there is a random amount of time that the HAs work after the pairings are cleared. With both the More and the Real HAs, sometimes they work for a few hours, sometimes for a few days and sometimes for a few weeks. In my case, they weren’t on the original 1.3.0 firmware for very long before they were upgraded to 1.4.0 (or whatever it was), so I didn’t experience the problem.

I encourage everyone experiencing this problem to contact Oticon directly and through your audiologist. Put pressure on them. Venting on this forum may be therapeutic, but it doesn’t accomplish anything.

Also, if you are able to upgrade to Real HAs, I recommend considering to do this, because for whatever reason, Oticon is more confident about fixing the problem in Real HAs than they are with More HAs. That was a major factor that helped me decide to upgrade to Real HAs, the other being that it didn’t cost me anything.