Lumity Hearing Aids - Are they sold STANDARD with a receiver that connects to Roger Direct IN or any other Roger product

Balance between HA mics and a streamed source can also be by use of the buttons on the HAs instead of volume control. When you stream they turn into a mixer. “Volume up” → heavier input from stream source, “Volume down” → Heavier input from HA mics.

You can do it in the app also by the button at the bottom center of the screen when looking at the program.



OK! I didn’t know I could balance the Roger with my mics the way you describe here. Makes sense, altho it is not intuitive! Intuitively, you’d want to just hit the HA button to increase volume … but now I’m learning that will increase the ROGER’S volume.

When I stream TV with the Roger stick at night (sitting in its cradle) I press volume UP on my aids to increase the ROGER sound, and decrease the aids’ mic. I can’t press the volume +/- on the cradle cuz it’s clear across the room from me.

When in the cradle, the buttons on the device are disabled. This is the same with the TV Connector. The volume buttons are a “mixer” between TV & Mics.

There are volume controls in the app for the ON and TV connector. have you found the Roger app yet?

I find that the Roger stick IN its cradle enables me to raise/lower volume by using the +/- buttons right on the cradle. OR, I can press the rocker on my Lumity BTE. By tinkering with both of those options, I usually find the “sweet spot” for volume.

The MUTE option on the stick is DISABLED when it’s in the cradle. Only when I take the stick out of the cradle am I able to press/hold the round button in the center of the stick for 2 sec to mute sound.

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Sheesh. Nope. Still dragging my feet on MyPhonak app or Roger app or any other kind of app on my phone these days. I know, sub-optimal. But I’m doing stuff manually and having my audi make changes others do using the app (or Target sw).

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You get separate volume and environmental settings on the app. Makes a big difference.
You can tell the ON which direction you want to hear from in table mode using My Roger.


Long thread, and I’m cutting to the end here, so did anyone tell ya: the RECEIVER is the very same thing as SPEAKER in the world of hearing aids where that matchstick-shaped thing goes in the ear canal, connected to a behind-the-ear (BTE) bean-shaped thing with the mics.

Mics BEHIND the ear, speaker/reciever (synonymous words) INSIDE the ear canal. Hope that helps, cuz it used to bug me that two completely different words mean the same thing with hearing aids.

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In relation to Roger Microphones there are other kind of types called a receiver too:

Phonak Roger Receivers here in the screenshot seen as physical devices who can connected to a hearing aid / CI processor (sometimes it needs an additional boot/shoe clipped on the hearing aid / CI and the receiver could be put connected on that audio boot)

These receiver cubicles could also be connected and used with an intermeditary device


And the Roger IN Microphone models have built in virtual receivers that are “virtual receiver licenses” compatible with all Phonak Marvel, Paradise , Lumiity hearing aids

How did it go with your audiologist - the issues pertaining to more than one pair of hearing aids?

Thank you for clarifying that there’s a difference between Receivers and Receiver licenses. I remember my audiologist when I purchased my Roger device saying that my Phonak Audeo Marvels had something, (I guess receiver) integrated into the aids otherwise they would have had to do an “add-on” which would have cost something though I don’t have an idea what the cost would be. It was 5 years ago or so when I got the Roger device so I don’t remember exactly.

No, I don’t remember anyone telling me that before outside this discussion here so I do thank you for making it clear exactly what is what. I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one confused by the two terms.
But its confusing to me for one, that a speaker and receiver seem to me would have different functions.
I do believe I asked for clarification on that from Phonak but don’t remember getting an answer. In the directions they should specifically use both terms to save people from having to try to figure it out for themselves.
For the money that Phonak has gotten over the years, they don’t seem to be great on the communication end of things, just the selling for profit part.

Wish the Roger On device was available when I got my Roger device. If wishes were horses …

Confusing ON PURPOSE, that’s disappointing at the very least to hear but I have had my doubts about Phonak for some time that it doesn’t do a good job as far as clarity of meaning - but DELIBERATE adds an extra layer of vexing, imo.

Ah. It is what it is! Altho my audi is totally supportive of my point that I need TWO sets of rechargeable aids, their charging base AND 2 sets of the Roger pen, there’s simply no other option in the battery-operated HA world out there for me. So I’ve learned to be grateful for the Lumity Life aids I have and while I think my setup is absurdly redundant, I can’t just pretend to hear without aids. I need the gear. And thanks for asking! :slight_smile:

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PRECISELY! And no wonder we’re all confused! I’m a bit of a hi-fi nut, so I totally get that fact: the speakers I play music on at home are NOT the same receiver devices I have installed to to work with them.

Very true about Phonak’s foot-dragging communication. I seem to find out about firmware updates right here on the message board. So I wonder why-all I bothered to share my Phonak Lumity Life serial numbers, my own name, address, email, phone et al with Phonak if it just sits in a circular bin never even used proactively? Say whaaaa? I’m not HEARING a thing from them.

Hiya, Sorry to hijack this tread.

I have Roger On iN which has two licenses, if i wanted to upgrade to v2. Do i need to get the standard version OR the iN version? As am not sure if the original iN i have will work on the v2.


My understanding is that it depends on what you do with your licenses. If you keep the licenses, I think you should be ok with the standard version. If you sell your Roger On iN with the licenses, then you’ll need new licenses and are likely better off getting an iN version. As with all connectivity issues, I’d verify this before buying.


Thankyou @MDB
I intend to keep the licenses in my hearing aid (Hold on the the Roger On iN for safekeeping), will purchase the newer Roger On v2. So in theory should work, right? I mean they are licenses that work for every roger on devices and isn’t locked onto the one bought.

That is my understanding.

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