Lumity Hearing Aids - Are they sold STANDARD with a receiver that connects to Roger Direct IN or any other Roger product

Nowadays Oprah is considered to be controversial and a developer of several prominent hucksters xd

That is correct. I just had to do that at the Audiology office for my new Lumity

DITTO for me. I absolutely LOVE that I can travel with the V2 stick and stream audio on the road, in a hotel, using the TV wherever I am (provided I have access to the BACK of the TV’s digital optical port AND a nearby wall socket to plug in the power cord). It’s a game-changer!

Today, I officially rolled up the cables on my old TV Connector. Going to mothball that one for now.

I’ve almost / sort of developed a mental block where pairing Roger devices is the topic. It was sheer torture getting getting them paired and much/most of the torture came to me by way of faulty information provided by Phonak “customer service” (which is a misnomer in Phonak’s case because what they give is anything but customer service. And sometimes it seems like they don’t even read the messages sent to them requesting help. Elsewise why get information/advice that doesn’t even apply to what you wrote for help with.

Phonak should supply a dictionary of terms used in order to clarify specificly what part or function their “help” refers to. I got hung up needlessly with confusion about what is a receiver. How could I follow their directions when their instructions referred to receivers (that I needed to buy one) it being necessary to hold them in close proximity to the Roger Device. The receivers were in or else attempting to get into the hearing aids. Nowhere in instructions did it say to hold the hearing aid close to the Roger Device but it would have saved a lot of time and grief if they had.
Like I said, I still don’t understand how hearing aids are both paired now since at the end of my last attempt I got a red light. (Do not pass go or collect $200 etc). So I believed they were still not paired, it was only because I decided to do a test to see if perchance at least one H.A. was connected (because of having gotten ONE SOLID GREEN LIGHT) that I found they were both connected with Roger Direct IN.

BY SOME COMBINATION of members here gracious and courteous and PERSEVERING folks - somehow after weeks of failure I finally got them paired and mine is not to question why or how – just to keep my finger crossed they continue to be paired.

So don’t anyone out there trying to connect H.A. to any Roger device use anything I wrote here to pair your own devices because I still don’t know what I’m doing - I just know that they work. It was the helpful perseverance of members here who helped me muddle through.

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Within the myPhonak App, you can check the Roger Licenses are in your HAs.

I check to make sure mine are there.

Yes, thanks, I agree – it was only when I got onto my Phonak App that I saw I had a new tab for Roger Direct that I took as DEFINITIVE PROOF that my devices were successfully paired and that it wasn’t just a temporary fluke or my desperate wish.

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  1. Once the receivers are transferred that should hold but it is not unusual to lose the pairing and have to re-pair. Easy if you understand the process, not if you don’t.

  2. Once again, Phonak customer service is probably the best in the industry. Understandably, they cannot successfully deal directly with ignorant or deranged customers and instead expect to work through their network of audiologists.

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This may vary. I am neither ignorant nor deranged, when I called in for support they told me I had to buy licenses in order to use my resound hearing aids with a phonak Roger on. I did not. I only needed the Roger x connected to the resound multi mic. No licensing involved. The whole thing is confusing no matter your intelligence level, and obviously confusing to them, and the Audi’s as well. My questions were actually answered by the UK company that sells Roger on devices directly to consumers.


The Roger X has a license in it. People with phonak aids with built in receivers often purchase Roger X to move that license into their aids.



During the time I’ve been visiting the forum the impression I’ve gotten based on comments of purchasers of Phonak hearing aids or supplementary devices is that Phonak has very poor customer service and that’s the same impression I’ve gotten consistently when trying to get help from Phonak from the very beginning when I purchased my first hearing aids ever (a pair of Marvel 50’s over 3 years ago).

Yes, I have found pretty much across the board that Phonak is loathe to give any real and helpful information to purchasers of their hearing aids or accessories. Which makes those purchases unnecessarily confusing and stressful. Even worse, not only is contacting Phonak of no benefit, they actually gave me the WRONG information which to me seems inexcusable as their products are not cheap by any standard.

And you say ultimately you got help from someone in the UK? That’s interesting because I concur with that experience as well. Feeling desperate after my failed attempts to get answers from Phonak - I emailed a firm in the UK and within a very short time the same day I received an answer to my question along with considerable explanatory detail. And the answer came with no sales pitch - imagine that.

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they told me in addition to the Roger x that there was a licensing fee involved. very confusing. The British on line seller said no licensing involved for a Roger x connected to a multi mic. And in the end that is what I did which has worked out quite well.

that is exactly what I did. And that firm knew exactly how it all worked. and never asked me about. purchasing anything.


I also use two pairs of hearing aids. Phonak audio Paradise and Unitron blu. I fell in love with rechargeable hearing aids, and I think that rechargeable ones are more resistant to moisture. I’ve had a Unitron since October 2021 and they haven’t broken so far. I only changed the receivers, but I bought additional receivers and change them every month, leaving them in the storage box for longer. The reason why I bought a second pair is because I need hearing aids because they don’t last the whole day on one charge, and I always have to top up the hearing aids. I use Unitron until 5 p.m. and then switch to Phonak. If the battery level is lower, then I put other hearing aids early. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one using two pairs. I think it’s good, that hearing aids need to rest more. Although they are protected from moisture on the outside, there is also moisture that is created by air condensation, for example we spend time outside in a hot place and when we go into the house where it is cold, there is a possibility that a small drop of water will form inside. If we wear them all day, then we give the hearing aids too little time to dry out from the inside. If in 2 years I will buy new hearing aids that can last 50 hours like the new Starkeys, I will still put in another aids to give them time to dry out from the inside and to reduce malfunctions to a minimum. I have to state that I bought hearing aids from an Ebay seller from another country, so that was added to me and the motivation for it.

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I’m walking in your shoes! And wearing your rechargeables, too, for that matter. That is exactly and PRECISELY why I also had to buy 2 pairs of rechargeable aids, that both came with clunky charging bases and power cords. Then I graduated from old TV Connector to the new Roger ON iN V2 and had to buy TWO of those kits to be cross-paired with my 2 pairs of aids, cuz Phonak won’t give a discount on the 2nd set, nor do they let multiple aids pair + connect to the Roger V2 (in stark contrast to the older, very effective TV Connector).

However! Are you using an iPhone or Android? Cuz I was getting maybe 11 hours a day on these Lumity Life aids UNTIL I was told right here at the board that if I updated my Samsung Flip-4 Android to OS 13, I’d get more hours. It took an entire day to find the OS (it wasn’t officially released for my make/model of cell phone yet a year ago). Once my brainiac hubs installed it, I jumped to 17+ hrs a day of charging. That was fabulous … but still LAME.

I said as much to the Phonak rep the other day. It’s simply not optimal to have a medically necessary device only good for part of the day. We become charge-obsessive, dropping our aids into the charger to “top off” instead of letting them rest all night in a UV sanitizer like I used to do with my battery-operated Marvels.

This is as good as it gets for now. If you want the noticeable speech comprehension of the Lumity along with the new, transportable Roger accessories, you simply have no other choice than rechargeable.


I don’t use Roger accessories, but if you buy hearing aids again, I would consider switching to Starkey because it also has Roger-like accessories.
It bothers me too, it really bothers me that they limit the use of the device, for me it’s really greedy and it tells me that I should get in the way of competitors who don’t do that.

I use Android (Xiaomi mi9tpro), to connect to the PC I use a Bluetooth adapter and tvlink (from the old compilot 1, which still works with new hearing aids. The phonak remote mic for the old compilot 1 also works.
I haven’t tried the roger, so I don’t know how much the quality has changed compared to the older remotemic.

1 pair of rechargeable hearing aids is really not enough if it lasts for a short time, because there are people, for example, who only sleep a few hours at night.
There are people who have to go somewhere urgently, say a family member goes to the hospital, and how to charge the hearing aids in the meantime if we need them at that moment.
I was very interested in the Starkey Genesis, but I was put off by the fact that it does not work well with Android, so I decided to buy an additional pair of Phonak with bluetooth classic.
I could have bought Luminity but you know why I decided on Paradise. because of the same charger used by unitron and paradise. In that case, I can take only one charger

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WOW your last paragraph NAILS IT for us in the sub-optimal world of “Less than 24 hours of use!” that should be in the marketing materials of Phonak rechargeables.

Yes, I’d consider other brands, but I have a very strange ear/brain that seems to do awful with Oticon and Widex, but I haven’t trialed a Starkey in about 12 yrs? That is the brand I started with in the '80s.

I mentioned to the Phonak rep how desperately our hearing community needs a “Geek Squad” to help us make sense of all these technologies coliding together: aids, Android/iPhones, smart TVs, BT versions, accessories, cross-pairing and utilizing (I had no idea an old Compilot could work with NEW aids), etc. She agreed it would be wonderful, but very unlikely cuz no HA maker would make money off it. She said (probably a grain of truth here) that seniors “expect these things for free with their hearing aids.”

But at the risk of setting a dangerous new paradigm, I think many of the younger generation (and look at all the DIYers here!) can set us on a new path where we PAY for what we get, but by golly, we GET what we’re paying for. That to me is a better world than plunking down $7K on a pair of aids, then add another coupla grand for accessories and … yeah, GO FIGURE IT ALL OUT.

I’m lucky I have my patient audi and a brainiac hubs, plus Youtube and the forum here. But is that the way to sell an expensive and critical medical device?

I doubt folks who get a pacemaker implanted are tossed the manual and bid g’day. Why are we who wear aids lumped in a category and marginalized?


you misunderstood. Compilot is not compatible with new hearing aids. But there are accessories like
tv link, remote mic that can be connected directly to hearing aids without using compilot.
And another advantage that I didn’t have before, that on the hearing aid you can balance the sound coming from the microphone (remote mic) and the sound coming from the microphone (hearing aid).

you can still find old tv link and remote mic on ebay, cheap if roger is too expensive.

I would just ask the dealer if he can sell a TV link or a remote mic without a compilot. This is an idea for those who want to save money.

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AH! Now I get it. Thanks for clarifying! Also very nice that you can balance the sound sources - I’m assuming that’s thanks to a phone app?

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