Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

hi do you have a link to inspire?

many thanks


I installed the current PatientBase (27.0.10001.0) and the current Inspire (27.1.10048.0) and it seemed to all go well, but when I launch PatientBase (C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey\PatientBase\PatientBase\PatientBaseLauncher.exe) I get the message, “The PatientBase local database is not available. Please restart your computer and launch PatientBase again.” Restarting doesn’t help. But after closing the message, Inspire opens up in an odd, limited feature configuration. For example, simulation of hearing loss is not available. If I open up Inspire directly without going through PatientBase (C:\Program Files (x86)\Starkey Laboratories\Inspire OS\Starkey.Inspire.Host.PatientBase.exe) I’m asked to set up PatientBase --which would be fine except it doesn’t remember the settings I made (name, password, etc), and I’m back to where I started. Also, looking around in Inspire, I don’t see an option to get ProFit. There’s just an update check which says the one I’m using is the latest.

I’m thinking I’ll just forget PatientBase and take screen caps of the settings!

Ha yeah that’s weird behaviour, Starkey is odd ball with this “requirement to have patient base anyway” the update to Profit is quite simple, why not for you, who knows!
But if you want profit I can send it through.
Or just wait a bit longer, as there’s other forum members that use Starkey HAs that could help you along.

I opened Inspire for the third or so time and NOW I’m asked if I want to install ProFit. So now I have ProFit, but no PatientBase. One thing different, with ProFit, after “setting up” PatientBase, I am asked to enter the credentials I just created, and it says either the username or password could not be found. I guess that’s progress…

Did you try to deinstall Patientbase and reinstall it again ?

Also try do deinstall Inspire and Patientbase , then install both parts again.

Thanks firenzel, your previous advice got me as far as I’ve been. I did the most thorough uninstall imaginable (maybe too thorough). I found every instance of “PatientBase” or “Starkey” and deleted them, and there were many. About ProFit, it seems that you have to launch Inspire a certain number of times before the message to get ProFit appears. I think I need to get a virgin machine that’s never seen Starkey or PatientBase in its life and start fresh.

Got it working. I used the latest PatientBase and Inspire (mentioned previously) and installed them (PatientBase first) on a Windows 7 (Home Premium) machine that’s never seen either of those apps before. Both apps downloaded a number of files from the Windows Cloud related to SQL, NET Framework, etc. When installing Inspire, after getting Net Framework, it said I have to reboot. I do, and then --after 60 seconds or so, continues with the Inspire installation (the main one where you can see the items being installed in the left column one by one). I start it up using PatientBase (C:\Program Files(x86)\Sarkey\PatientBase\PatientBaseLauncher.exe) and it asks for my location (N.America, etc), name, password etc (for PatientBase), and then it opens Inspire! It looks like it’s working. I haven’t hooked up my Hi-Pro USB unit yet since the one I have appears to have broken (due to a lot of recent moving around) and a replacement is on the way.

Unsolicited comment: I would be peeved at Starkey for making this so difficult (and I should be, really), but their excellent hearing aids have so immeasurably improved the quality of my life that I can’t complain.

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I am looking for a copy of the Starkey Pro software also.
Hope you can help.


Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, but you’ll also need the correct programming device for your DIY projects, what models are you going to DIY.

Hello tenkan

Thanks for the quick reply.
I have Evolv AI 2400 aids I want to DIY.


The new Starkey’s ProFit fitting software is only for the latest Starkey Genesis AI (2023 models) and the upcoming future generations of Starkey hearing aids

For your Evolve AI (2021) hearing aids you need to install Starkey PatientBase + Starkey Inspire

Install first the latest Starkey PatentBase (stand alone database)


Then Install the latest Starkey Inspire 2023 fitting software.( InspireSetup 27.1.xxx)

Ok then, so yes you’ll only need the inspire software as stated, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY project.

Should I buy a Noahlink from Ebay?

Yes no problem there, I’ve brought a few over the years from eBay without issue, Amazon I believe also has them.

Okay thanks. I appreciate the help.

Sure no problem, anything else just ask or post a new topic, plenty of us doing DIY projects on the forum to help you along.

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Hi tenkan

May I also get the link of the latest Starkey Pro Fit, please? Many thanks with your help!!

Hi there, sure, but your a registered provider?

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a copy of the Starkey pro fit/Inspire software please.
For my DIY project, can you share a link or how can I get it please ?

Thank you !

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available great your trying DIY out, post your results as it’s always good to hear about what others are doing.