Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

I appreciate the help. Thank you !

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Hi all,
may i have a copy of the starkey pro fit software?
I am using Genesis AI

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, you will need the Noahlink wireless programming device as well for DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

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Many thanks for the quick help.
At first I had problems downloading the patient base, but now everything works.
I am now just waiting for my “Noah link wireless”

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Hi Tenkan, can you please send me a link for Starkey software? Looks like you are the person to ask. I ordered the Noahlink wireless programming device. Thanks

Welcome to the forum, sure, it’s available, great you have your hardware sorted, are you after inspire or ProFit, I guess it doesn’t really matter as you can update to Profit using inspire.

ProFit for my DIY-Project with Genesis AI

Ok then, hopefully you’ll get everything done that you want to do, I noticed Starkey has a ton of information on their website for programming as well.

Hello I have Starkey Genisis Hearing aids and Noahlink Wireless, all I need is Starkey Pro Fit, any help is apprciated.
Thank you for your time and response. Ron H

Hi there, sure it’s available, great your trying out DIY, hopefully you’ll get everything set up just how you like.

Hi there! I have the Evolve AI and want to try some DIY settings. Is there an actual link for Inspire 2023? Thanks in advance.


Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, don’t forget your programming device for DIY projects.

Thanks a lot! Yes, I’ll by the Noah.


Hello I finally got Pro Fit working, needed Inspire software for Pro Fit to work. Got the pms with the stuff needed Thank you for your help, now to start I am working on reducing feed back. Great site.
Thank you everyone for your help.

That’s great news, glad your up and running, just remember that feedback is mostly related to poor fitting domes/molds, get this part correct and you’ll fix most feedback issues.

Hi there, may I also have a copy of the starkey software?

I have Starkey Genesis hearing aids, looking for Starkey Pro Fit software. Any help is appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for your DIY projects, do be sure to read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, it’s all easy enough tho.

hi tenkan
thank you for helping everyone out here. could you please send me the profit link aswell, everything is all i already have. best regards and thank you

Welcome to the forum, sure no problem, great you have everything else, do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.