Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

Hi there, sure it’s available, you shouldn’t be having any issues updating to the pro version, look in your system tray, easy way is to just open inspire home page and then close it next restart your PC and you should get a notification that there’s a new update.

Are you able to share the software link? Thank you.

Hi, please could I also have the link for the Starkey software if possible?

I have the evolv AI hearing aids and I am feeling like I am getting nowhere with my adjustments through my audiology appointments so have decided to try DIY!


May I please get a link to the Starkey Pro software?

I just ordered a Noahlink and have Genesis AI’s

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, great you have everything else ready to go.

Hello I am looking for a copy of the Starkey pro fit software can you share a link?

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, you’ll also need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects.

Hi, does anybody have a link for starkey pro fit they are willing to share

Hi, did someone get already the Starkey Pro Fit, i am looking for it too, Hopefully someone can send me link.Thanks

Hi there, well if you have inspire software you just update to Profit anytime.

I am a DYIer. I have Starkey Inspire 2023 on my computer. do not have Noah 4 due to their limit of a 45 day free trial and dead after that. Updater in Inspire is grayed out and will not work. Seems the only way to get Pro Fit is to have Noah 4 active on your computer. I just want to be able to program a pair of Starkey Genesis 2400 AI RT for myself. Seems I can’t purchase Noah since I am not a dealer therefore I can not get the update to Pro Fit. Any suggestion on a work around?

What do you mean by DIYers using a stand alone data base and not Noah? How does this relate to installing Starkey Pro Fit? Excuse my ignorance;

Hi there lots of incorrect information here, you use and install inspire software in “standalone” mode make sure to tick the check box you get asked, you DO NOT need or want Noah software, it’s not at all needed for DIY, contrary to what the previous poster might be telling you.

Please don’t listen to previous members you were kindly kicked off this form for good reason.
Please share his “new” forum name ID he’s using so we can report it to the mods.

You need to install the correct version of Starkey PatentBase (stand alone database)


Install the latest PatientBase Setup 27.0.1… , this is the actual Version for
Pro Fit (all versions) and Inspire (2023.1 or Newer):

On this website click on “Previous Versions” if you use an older version of Inspire.

You do NOT need NOAH 4 → please deinstall / remove NOAH 4 from PC.

  • remove / deinstall NOAH 4
  • deinstall Inspire
  • install Patientbase
  • install Inspire
  • start Patientbase - this will start Inspire
    download ProFit from within Inspire. you should get a pop up message in Inspire that you can download the new ProFit software.

Got the Patientbase with ProFit and Inspire 2023 to intall and both the Genesis and Evolv are recognized by the corresponding Software. I can save a fitting session data in Inspire for the Evolv aids. The question is , how can I transfer those fitting settings into the Genesis aids thru Pro Fit.


You can use the export/import feature? Export to your desktop and then open Profit and import, most other software allows for this.

I do not see any import export options.

What about opening profit and then selecting from patient base the Evolv aids settings, then connect the Genesis aids, I don’t know exactly as I don’t use Starkey, but it can’t be too hard to do, I did see this on their website.


I can’t see anywhere the “stand-alone” option during the installation of Inspire. Still installation worked for me, although I am not sure if changes have been transferred to the aids. Also, there is quite a stern warning for ProFit Software installation, so I am not sure if it is safe to do it at all. I know it’s for intellectual property protection and it is available in every software, but this one sounds a bit… scary

Why not? If your HAs are connected and you click save to HA and database then the changes are made, if you really want to “be sure” just make up a extra program and then save and quit inspire, you can then check to see if that extra new program is now accessible from your HAs.

huh… what kinda warning, some like they’ll come and have you arrested in the middle of the night for using their software…the only thing scary is the fact your frightened by it.
Ignore it and just do what you need to do.