Looking for Starkey Pro Fit software

I’m a bit confused. The PM was for Inspire which i understand is for legacy devices. Is Pro Fit a different software for recent Starkeys?

So am I, you didn’t let me know you thought there was an issue, but anyways i thought I read somewhere you could “update” to the pro version through inspire.

Yes I apologize for my confusion. I have now followed the instructions and successfully updated to Pro Fit. I now have all that I need software wise, so thank you again for your patience and assistance. Just waiting now for my Noahlink wireless and I should be good to go. Cheers! :smiley:

Awesome fantastic, let everyone know how you get on, always good to read about someone’s DIY project.

We can I get a fitting sofware vor Audibel (Starkey) hearing aids?

Hi there, may i have a copy of the starkey pro fit software?

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Welcome to the forum, sure but don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects and do read the user guides as this is very helpful for setting up the first time.

Hi all,
I’m also looking for a copy of the Starkey Pro Fit. Could I also get one please?

Welcome to the forum sure, but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless as well for your latest DIY projects.

Just ask if there’s anything else, plenty of us doing DIY, some even using Starkey.

I also would need a copy of the Starkey Pro Fit.
Do you have a download link for me?

Stefan D.

Hi @stefan.donath , please check your privatte messages

Normaly you can do an update for the newer Pro Fit software through Inspire X.

First install PatientBase , then Starkey Inspire X , and restart PC
Then run Inspire Updater from systray and perform all updates for Inspire X
Additionally you can install the separate Starkey ProFit for the new Genesis AI hearings aids released 2023.

For the start of the software you need to run PatientBase.
Remember the password for PatientBase, or you get locked out !

@firenzel, thank you for your help!

Hi Tenkan, can you please send me a link for Starkey software? Looks like you are the person to ask. Thanks

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Hi there, hey sure it’s available, but you’ll need the correct programming device as well for your DIY projects, and do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time.

I have hardware (Noahlink wireless)and have already done heaps of programming with Signia, Oticon and Phonak…

Fantastic, you’ll be up and running in no time then, I’ve only tried Starkey once and didn’t think they were any better then what I was using at the time.

I have the Inspire software, but it doesn’t “Inspire Online” in the pre-fitting section drop down menu. Just simulate products, Order and Service, Hearing Loss Simulator. It’s not giving me an option to update the software. I’m really looking for the Pro Fit software because I have Genesis AI hearing aids. I have the Noahwireless. Any help is appreciated.

Welcome to the forum, yeah that’s strange as this usually quite easy to do, well at least you have the Noahlink wireless programming device, you’ll be up and running in no time.

So did you check your system tray for the update tool.

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I just got the Starkey Evolv AI 2000 and I have access to the Noahlink Wireless. Where can I download the Starkey fitting software for Windows? It seems the website requires a login to download the fitting program…
TIA for any assitance you can provide.

howdy pvc,
Starkey Pro Fit software is not in my inspire updater.
any idea where i could find a link.
My new Genesis AI pair will be here in a week and i hope to backup all the settings.
Hope someone can help me out