Looking for Connexx 7 fitting SW

Also don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device as well for DIY projects, if that’s what you want.

Does anyone have Connexx 9? I don’t have any previous versions, so I don’t have an update path.
If so, I’d appreciate a download link - thanks in advance!


Hi there, sure, obviously you already know about the NW, here’s a link for the Connexx user guides as well.

I have hearing aids.
Phonak Audio B90-Direct
My question is, can I play it on YouTube because it only works on calls?
Please help me in this matter, and if it has a program, I would like to accompany it, and I did not have all the appreciation and respect.

Unfortunately it’s phone calls only, no music or media streaming, but you could try the TV connector which would give streaming, you can plug this into some laptops/pc.

Hi i have siemens orion 2 ric and not listed in connexx9x
How can i find connexx7.52

Hi there, sure it’s available for you, 8.5 should do it.

Hi, It would be very grateful if someone could share the latest version of connex with me.

Welcome to the forum, sure, but don’t forget you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for any DIY projects.
Do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, especially the videos.

I want a program Oticon Genie 2 | 2024.1
Because I have the old version and I am asked to update, thank you

Hi there, sure it’s available, but are you not able to use genie updater to get the version you want, you can look in your system tray on your PC for it.

Thank you very much. The program worked successfully

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