We’re talking about a hearing aid manufacturer here Jim. Interesting question though. Is it possible? You’d think that they wouldn’t get certified by Bluetooth SIG if they didn’t allow all connections with other compatible devices. You’d still need an Auracast assistant app on your phone though to do the matchmaking and as far as I can tell there aren’t any yet.
Sound output from TVs are the realm of the TV vendor. A friend has a TV that allows a choice of one of TV speakers or TOSlink or HDMI or analog. My 3 or 4 year old LG TV supports TV speaker or TOSLink or HDMI or BT or TV speaker + TOSLink. The last time I looked, Samsung’s new TVs were the only ones that claim to be compliant with the new standard right now. You’d have to delve into the Samsung manual to figure out what they do.
For me, audio streaming from TV or phone to my HAs is much clearer than TV or phone speaker through the air to HAs. I need CC on the TV without the streamer, which is useless for untaped/live TV shows; I don’t need CC with the TVS 2. As usual, YMMV.
Thank-you, Guys!
Jim G
- The last two TV’s I’ve had provided TOSlink audio output which is gives the best digital quality, to the TV Streamer 2 in the case of the Jabra Pro 20s. They transmit sound simultaneous with the TV speakers or soundbar. The streamer volume is controlled independently of the speaker volume setting using the app and there is a separate “volume” control for the TV streamer and other sources of sound into the ear. There is also a handy small Remote Control 2 that can be used to control the TV Streamer 2. I bought on eBay for $25 and the TV Streamer 2 for $51.
- If a phone call comes in the TV sound stops until the phone call completes and then reconnects to the TV sound, all automatically.
Thank-you, Drawde! That’s what I needed to know.
Jim G
For anybody wanting the battery version of the Jabras, the 20’s are much wider than the 10s (to accommodate the telecoil and larger battery I think). I’ve been using for a few weeks and still having trouble getting used to the size. I don’t know exactly why they bother me, but they do. I’d love to have the latest tech (although the LE audio is a disaster with my Galaxy Flip 5), but I’m considering sticking with the 10s for the size.
I don’t hear any huge difference in the audio quality between the two. Only thing I notice that is better on the 20s is the range of the bluetooth connection. And of course the battery life is longer due to the larger battery, but the 10s last 4 or 5 days which is fine with me.
Thanks for the update. Doesn’t seem like enough difference for me to upgrade to the 20’s.
I ended up sticking with 20s. Just didn’t want to be multiple generations behind on the tech.I’ll have to get used to the size. The nice lady at Costco said in next few years people won’t be able to get battery hearing aids. All will be rechargeables. Costco being a big pusher of that. So eventually, I’ll end up with thinner hearing aids anyway.
My Jabra 20s look VERY small and thin to me. Do the 20s come in more than one size??
Jim G
You must have the rechargeable version. They are smaller. It’s the replaceable battery ones that are big.
Oh, makes sense! I DO have the rechargeable version.
Jim G
The M&RIE: What is your understanding of guidelines for fitting this ‘extra’ mic? I asked for it at Costco and received it without argument in my Jabra Enhance Pro 20s. My friend (at another Costco) was told that his hearing was “too far into the severe” range for it to be recommended. I have not seen much discussion about “hearing levels” for-or-against installing the M&RIE. Comment?
I figured the extra directionality would be welcome. I could see no disadvantages. But in fairness, I never asked if there could possibly be any disadvantages. I cannot see how there could be.
Jim G
I bet you run into issues of having to reduce gain to prevent feedback when there’s a mic so close to the receiver and you are trying to pipe in fairly high sound pressure levels to overcome deeper loss.
https://www.audiologyonline.com/audiology-ceus/course/resound-m-rie-receiver-best-36998 might explain to you when M&RIE works and when it doesn’t.
Thanks, anyway. The body of the article didn’t display.
It is apaprently actually a education course for Resound practiitioners, on when and when not to prescribe the 3rd microphone. The link is to the course description. I think you need to pay for the course.
Jim G
You can sign up for a free account.
It seems that if you take their courses for continuing education credit, then you pay for the course.
I just signed up for the course and took it. It is free and was interesting, educational. It explained who are and who are not candidates to use Marie, as well as who are possible candidates.
It appears I am a possible candidate. We will see Saturday when I go in for my next fitting.
There are also PDFs of the slides and the transcript of the course. I think they showed up when I signed up.
Yes, that’s part of the issue. If you are willing to wear occlusive molds as I am, you can wear M&RIE receivers and defeat feedback even with a steep ski slope loss. But if you cannot adapt to the occluded sound of your voice, you won’t be happy with the result. I have no problem switching between not wearing HAs and wearing an occlusive fit. I have a steeper ski slope loss than ReSound recommends for M&RIE receivers, but I greatly like them. Besides ReSound’s conservative recommendations, maybe some HCPs don’t like all the fiddling and the possibility of returns and try to discourage users from departing from the well-beaten path of standard receivers. My audi said she would swap out M&RIE receivers for standard receivers at no charge if I didn’t like the M&RIE receivers, but I would have been out the cost of ReSound custom molds with Select-A-Vent that I had made for the M&RIE receivers. Standard receivers won’t fit the same molds, AFAIK.
There’s a thread with info on ReSound M&RIE receivers, referenced by the following post: ReSound Omnia M&RIE - #4 by jim_lewis