Jabra Pro 10 (or the new Pro 20) M&RIE (3rd mic)?

I am using the M&RIE EP20’s. You can see that my loss is in the severe range. I am not experiencing feedback unless I increase gain more that two clicks. I use tulip domes. So, if my case is any indication, they would work for a pretty wide range of loss before needing molds.

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The M&RIE seems to work well for me with my hearing loss. I needed to go to power domes, not because of the M&RIE, but because the regular domes were slipping in my ear canals, especially the left ear canal which differs a bit from the right one. The power domes do give a more occlusive feel, but that does not bother me. The quality, directionality, and volume of sound are exactly what I was hoping to get.

Jim G


BTW, my local Costco folks refer to it as “Marie” to make it easier to say :grinning:

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Do you use standard single rubber domes, which might reduce feedback?

Yes, I do. You may be right. I did have adjustments for feedback at the start but the tech never suggested the 3rd mic was “a problem “. Overall it was a smooth experience and I’m glad to have them.

I have Jabra enhance pro 20’s . I purchased a used streamer 2 for $47 US on ebay. It works great and was very easy to setup.

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I should have said that molds and more closed options might reduce feedback more than open rubber domes–based on previous comments from others.

I will find out if I have feedback issues (specialist will start with closed rubber domes on soon new to me Jabra Pro 20) and it is good to know that some adjustment can be made. I wonder what the adjustment was to fix feedback.

Yes, I’ve worn full molds with my older ReSound HAs.

It has been 4 weeks since I got my Jabra EP 20s with LE Audio on my Galaxy S23. Today I went in for my REM, to have my bass increased from 125-750 hz in the music program as well boost the base in the streaming function. AND, to add M&RIE receivers with closed domes. My HCP was great and he gladly accommodated me for all of these.

My initial response was wow, these sound a lot better! My voice sounded more natural. I really like the sound of the mic in the ear when it’s just me my grandson and my daughter talking. I could hear what direction my daughter was singing from in the all-around program versus not in the hear and noise program. I’m streaming Santana right now and the bass is so very much better then before today, along with the highs and mid-range which my EP20 HAs had already accounted for.

What little occlusion I am experiencing is minor and it does not bother me. I am not getting feedback saying woohoo to my grandson like I did with the open domes.

Thanks to everyone on these threads for giving me the information I needed to make an educated request to my willing HCP. I appreciate it.


I went through the entire Resound video course on the M&RIE and now see that (a) I was a pretty good candidate (so I am glad I took the m&RIE option), but also (b) see more clearly why I MIGHT have higher need for an exact fit of my power dome in my LEFT ear, whereas the right ear is always easy to fit.

Here is my audiometric chart with heavy BLUE lines added:

Those blue lines show the db ranges that guide the audi as to whether the patient is a good, poor, or “maybe” candidate for M&RIE.

The db range between the top blue line and the middle blue line is what the video course calls the “light gray” zone.

The db range between the middle blue line and the bottom blue line is what the video course calls the “dark gray” zone.

The best candidate patients for M&RIE have their left and right ear curves ENTIRELY within EITHER the light gray zone or the dark gray zone. They do not have appreciable presence in both.
They must also not have a particularly steep drop anywhere.

The worst candidates have either singificant persence in both ranges and/or a very steep drop at some point.

The course would classify my candidacy as a “maybe”, because the vast majority of my curves are within the light gray range, but my LEFT ear (only) falls very slightly into the dark gray range at veyr high frequencies.

Now I am no audi, and am in fact new to HAs, but I THINK this likely means that my left ear might be more likely to encounter feedback at high frequencies when there is a 3rd micriphone present, especially if the fit of the dome is no quite perfect in the left ear canal.

Also, me and my audi found very quickly that a power dome was needed to control feedback, and that is what the course advises for ALL M&RIE users.

My left ear canal does in fact have a slightly odd shape compared to the right ear, which does make geeting aperfect power dome fit in it a little fussy compared to the right ear.

Overall, it has been almost exactly 4 months since I got the Jabra 20s with M&RIE. I have previously said on this forum that I did not want merely “hearing as good as I used to have”. I wanted more - like The Borg in the StarTrek series. I got it! Everything is clear as a bell, and the restored high frequencies are particularly impressive. I continue to be amazed by the ringing of dishes being stacked, and by the crackle of water from the kitchen faucet hitting the stainless steel sink surface!

Jim G


@JimGnitecki, you and I have quite similar left ear audiograms. I have a single 75 DB drop.

I really like your commentary. My only comment is that for the grey area, tulip or closed domes are recommended and in the blue area power domes and earmolds are recommended, on the graphs. No open domes of course. My HCP gave me closed domes to start. It has only been 2 days for me but no feedback thus far. Even cupping my hands over my ears or exclaiming woohoo! And streaming Spotify at 150% volume, which would cause feedback with open domes and no M&RIE Receivers…I am delighted with the new M&RIE receivers and the bass response with the new fittings. Thanks again for all your posts.

If one is willing to wear occlusive molds to reduce feedback and also gain the other advantages of occlusion: blocking noise going directly to your ear drums, better directionality through HA beam focusing when needed, and perhaps less sound wave interference between sound output from your receivers vs. sound going directly to your ear drums, one can “violate” ReSound’s recommendations.

Here’s the shape of my audiogram. I’m happy with the M&RIE receivers and don’t mind the occlusion for the benefits it brings, given my decent low-frequency hearing. (My low-frequency hearing is above the 20 dB cutoff on the left and my high-frequency hearing ~goes into the 2nd bottom zone). In 2021 my audi told me my loss was too steep for M&RIE receivers. In 2022, she said she’d have no problem fitting me with them. Go figure! Maybe it was a lessons learned thing for her (or she needed the business?!).

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@JimGnitecki I switched to power domes today and it took care of my not bad feedback. I guess I stand corrected at least for my hearing with 2 70db and 1 75db loss which are arguably all in the blue area. Thank you again for your continued comments :blush:.

If anyone has experience using Jabra Enhance Pro 10 with the M&RIE option, I would appreciate your feedback. It’s important to understand whether you like this solution and why. It seems to me that with a third microphone it is possible to get more accurate feedback, especially if the dome is not properly selected.

Drake, When I got my EP10s early last year, I scanned this and other forums for reports on M&RIE and found a mixture of judgments. Some people like them; some don’t. My Costco audi (sic) said 9 out of 10 of her clients didn’t like them, but the 1/10 liked them very much.

What does your HIS/audi say about your sitch? Does your audiogram fit within ReSound’s recommendation for or against M$RIEs?

I had high hopes for them, but they didn’t work for me. They may work for you. If you’re a Costco customer, I would bet they will order them for you to try at no extra cost.

I’ve had my Jabra Pro 10’s for about 2 years. Best hearing aids I’ve ever had!


I have had the Pro 20s for 5 months and you will likely not need a streamer for TV. You can set a custom program with the Jabra app that can be set and later adjusted just like you want for TV programs.

Without the streamer, I can hear the TV much better than with my previous aids (Philips 9010s), but I still need captions. The streamer obviates the need for captions for native or near-native speakers of English. If you have any difficulty understanding TV speech at a reasonable volume level, I recommend considering either a new or used streamer.

In fact, I believe you can buy one at Costco and return it if it doesn’t seem like a good purchase.