I am getting a new hearing aid soon, thoughts?

Hi, I’ve never posted before but am getting a new aid shortly. I have been wearing aids since the mid-90s and absolutely need one these days. I have a congenital nerve disorder called CMT and believe that is the cause of my significant hearing loss over the years. The technology these days is amazing and I’ve experienced the advancements over my time with aids. I currently have a Phonak Naida M that uses a battery which has never been a problem. It was a nice step up 4.5 years ago from my previous Phonak. I don’t expect to much of an improvement and don’t know what the audiologist will recommend but suspect it will be a later model Phonak. So I am curious what experienced people think or recommend. I would personally prefer one with an accessible battery but from some research it seems like the most advanced are rechargeable. Thoughts on that. I wear only one as my left ear is so bad having one for it wouldn’t make much difference. I will keep the current one for backup. My BCBS covers a new aid every 5 years. The last one I am wearing has started having Bluetooth problems and I really like the BT capability which is driving me to get it replaced asap. Does anyone have thoughts or experience with these new AI enabled aids? Thanks for any assistance with getting a new aid.

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Since you have been wearing Phonak it is probably a good idea to stay with them. I wear the Sphere 90 and love them but I don’t have any experience with the Nadia. I am sure that you will get some helpful replies. Welcome to the forum!


You did not post your audiogram, so I’m not sure what you are calling a significant hearing loss. If you are in the severe to profound range, the Naida Lumity should be a giant leap forward for you. It also comes in disposable 675 batteries.
Best wishes,


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I also wear the Sphere 90 and I’m very happy with them, but I cannot compare with previous Phonak models as I used Resound aids before. All my previous aids had disposable batteries, I had some concerns when moving to the Sphere since it’s only available with rechargable batteries, but all my concerns have completely disappeared, as it is the case for most people using them. I recommend that you read several threads on this forum about this topic, you will learn a lot as I have :slightly_smiling_face: , for example this one: https://forum.hearingtracker.com/t/people-really-should-stop-complaining-about-the-infinio-spheres-battery-life/96617 or this one: https://forum.hearingtracker.com/t/disposable-batteries/88996.
You also mention that your left ear is very bad, have you considered a cochlear implant? I have no experience at all with cochlear implants and cannot help you with that, perhaps it would be useful if you uploaded your audiogram to your profile, I’m sure many people in this forum could give you good advice.


just putting it here but CMT here too for me and my mom :slight_smile: we can relate btw

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I read that one type is particularly noted for affecting the auditory nerves and it is the one I have. Funny thing is my mother, who had CMT very badly starting in her teens, never had a problem with hearing. However we moved to FL from OH in 1959 when I was very young because even in her 20s she was having trouble walking and didn’t want to live in snow because of it. I didn’t have mobility issues until into my 40s but now have major problems walking. Also she had it bad in her hands but I don’t seem to have any hand effects. It is a very strange disorder. I hope your problems from it are limited.

my mom’s is limited neuropathy in feet and legs but not on me right now since I’m still young :slight_smile:

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I don’t know how old you are but it is possible you may never experience any or significant effects. I am the oldest of my mother’s 4 children and the youngest is my sister 10 years younger. We have two brothers in between and they have no effects while we started experiencing some in our 40s. Mine became very troublesome starting around 60 and now I wear lower leg braces but still have great difficulty walking. Me and my sister resemble our mom while our brothers look more like our dad which makes sense. Anyway, you hopefully will never have significant and maybe no real effects.

I’m 30 btw lol
I do have some but never anything like my mom’s (except for being OLD AND COLD!)