How often do you turn volume down on hearing aids

I know this may be a weird question, but I’m wondering how often do you guys turn down the volume on your hearing aids? Or do you keep the volume on default all day?

Just wondering because my sister told me she permanently has her hearing aids turned down. I tend to keep mine on the default volume all the time even when things are loud and busy which makes me tired, is it better to turn them down. This sounds so weird but I’m intrigued what others do. Is it bad to turn the volume of your hearing aids down all the time?


Ive turned my current hearing aids down once. I almost always have them turned up at least one notch.

Has she had a hearing test recently? How long has it been since they were setup for her?



Ohh her hearing aids are all set up perfectly for her, I guess it’s just preference. I’m interested in knowing what others do. I’m not trying to solve a problem for anyone else😂

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I don’t touch my volume at all. Ever!

I seldom touch my aids after I put them in in the morning. The only time I may adjust my volume is if I am streaming the TV directly to my aids.

I never adjust the volume of my hearing aid mics in regular listening. I do use the Philips Hearlink app for the TV adapter to turn off the mics and raise the streaming volume.

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I seldom adjust the volume of my hearing aids.

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I guess i must be a strange one. I adjust my volume multiple times a day. And I’m never without my Select IN. I wear Phonak Audeo M90Rs.


You’re not strange. I change my volume multiple times a day, too. If I’m in my car driving, I turn it down so the road noise is quieter. Sure, I can just leave it alone and get used to the road noise just the same, but I have a volume button and it’s one or two clicks, so why not?

If I’m at a concert, in between performances when people clap and yell out, I turn my volume down because I don’t care to endure that loudness. Then when a new performance starts, I turn my volume back up to default again.

If I’m at home and my wife runs the blender or dishwasher, I turn the volume down if I don’t need to have a conversation with her while this is going on.

If I’m at a restaurant and I talk with my wife, I leave my aids volume alone. But if I’m eating alone in a cafeteria at work, I’d turn my volume down so I don’t have to hear all the ruckus going on.

Some people like to set it and forget it, some people like to tinker with things. I’m just of the later type. There’s nothing wrong with either type.

To the OP, unlike your sister, I don’t turn my volume down all the times permanently, though. I turn my volume back up to default again once I change to a new environment that doesn’t cause enough bother for me to have to turn it down.


That’s great to know. I asked because I’m the same, I change my volume depending on my environment. Wanted to know if others do the same😊


So nice to have company! Smiles.

Turn them down if wind noise is too much.

Loud restaurant may need to be turned down.

Otherwise I’ll leave it be for weeks at a time.

I don’t recall ever turning them up.


I turn my HAs volume down when environment noise is too loud to be comfortable.
Examples: shops with loud piped music, groups of toddlers running about excitely, building sites.
I turn the volume up as well, solely when in groups at cafes so I can hear people better.


Occasionally turn them down, if background noise is way too loud, especially if I am someplace on my own…If the wife has a “Bee in her Bonnet” about something (Nagging) I will turn them down, or perhaps take them out altogether, to emphasis the fact I’m not listening, of course this is like a red rag to a bull :upside_down_face: She will usually start swearing at me in sign language, I then place my hands over my eyes, and become completely incomunicado… The sound of silence would be bliss, if it weren’t for the “Tinnitus”… But, Tinnitus is a fine alternative to my wife’s tungue, in a rage!!! :upside_down_face: :rofl: :joy:


I use my volume button, too. I turn it up in quiet with soft spoken folks. Turn down for places I don’t need to hear (alone in places with noise or home when my husband makes fruit shakes in the blender, for example). And I turn it down with music, because I’ve lived so long in a low-frequency world that I like listening to music with a high frequency cutoff–my own ears. Otherwise amplified cymbals and some of the high frequency impulse sounds would drive me nuts.


I usually start my day with my ReSounds on the “all around” setting and drop the volume down two clicks. I raise the volume as needed. When shopping at Costco with my wife and there is a screaming child I mute them. :slightly_smiling_face: When watching TV at the end of the day I usually put them in the “Restaurant” setting and leave the volume alone. I have no idea if it is bad to turn them down but I wouldn’t think so. I go for comfort level, always.


I leave my volume at the default setting. However if I am streaming something from my phone in a noisy environment then I will mute the HA microphones.

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I keep my volume at he same level except for two circumstances. We have a friend who shouts all the time and I have to reduce volume to minimum, even turn them off sometimes. When I am on the TV Connector I adjust volume all the time because different programs are at different volumes.


When I am using my iPad and am sitting next to my brother (who is not hearing impaired) and he is streaming a movie I turn my oticon opn s down completely. It always amazes me that when we are both watching a tv together I have to ask him to raise the tv volume a bit yet when he is listening to his iPad the volume from it seems so loud to me. I guess it is because his iPad speaker is just 3 feet away while the tv speaker is 7 feet away.

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I actually have to turn mine up a couple of notches. I am without them at the moment until next week as they are not working properly AGAIN, but I will be asking them to make it so I do not have to touch them. Just turn on and go! Your sisters sound like hers are too loud, audiologist should be able to turn it down and adjust the settings.

@kevels55 that makes me chuckle! I p*ss my husband off by making them squeal lol, the sound goes right through him.