So if did a silly thing and opened up the housing on one of my phonak p90r’s…
I wanted to see how simple it is to change the housing to a different color if i could obtain a spare housing kit.
I’ve taken HAs apart a few times before.
Turns out they’re very simple to replace…not so easy to put back together though…
The issue I’m having is that the case won’t ‘click’ back in to place, and seperates into 2 near where the receiver plugs in.
Nothing has snapped or broken, it’s almost as if the case doesn’t fit anymore!
Thanks, tried it both ways but neither seems to allow the top portion to stay secure.
Almost zero info on the internet in terms of anyone taking this apart before. Might have screwed it up
There are the two charging contacts on the bottom rear of the case and those need to align with two holes in the case. Aside from that alignment I believe it should snap into place, Member @Vigilo has taken apart his similar Phonak HA. Perhaps he will comment.
Just been attempting it again. No luck. Tried every way, and like someone mentioned, the charging pins line up and for perfectly in place, same as the volume buttons, led indicator etc.
It goes completely together, but can be pulled apart incredibly easy. With one hand.
Very strange as nothing should be stopping it, but at the same time I didn’t see any parts where it would connect/snap on/align with to actually hold the top portion in place.
I’ve removed the reciever and tried with it and without it connected.
As someone suggested I may have to look at sending these off for repair.