Help please - Hearing aid housing issue

Hi all,

So if did a silly thing and opened up the housing on one of my phonak p90r’s…

I wanted to see how simple it is to change the housing to a different color if i could obtain a spare housing kit.
I’ve taken HAs apart a few times before.

Turns out they’re very simple to replace…not so easy to put back together though…
The issue I’m having is that the case won’t ‘click’ back in to place, and seperates into 2 near where the receiver plugs in.
Nothing has snapped or broken, it’s almost as if the case doesn’t fit anymore!

Any advice? Anyone taken one of these apart before?

The photo showing the case more ‘closed’ is the best I can get it - to more open photonics to illustrate where it doesn’t seem to connect.

They were purchased very cheap from eBay, so no access to audiologist or phonak direct for repair.

Thanks in advance.

Might need to take the pin out of the bottom bit for the top bit to go in?

Some things can only be put back together a certain way.

Thanks, tried it both ways but neither seems to allow the top portion to stay secure.
Almost zero info on the internet in terms of anyone taking this apart before. Might have screwed it up :confused:

Hopefully someone will come along and help.

If not, there are a few independent repair labs both in the US and UK.

Where are you?

What does “tried it both ways” mean? Show us a picture with the bottom pin removed.

Here’s an example;

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Sorry I meant ive tried closing the case securely with the bottom pin in and without it in.
Bare with me I’ll take some photos

Have you tried taking the bottom half off with both pins out?

Only 1 pin to remove,which is at the bottom

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UK Nottingham here. Hopefully!

There are the two charging contacts on the bottom rear of the case and those need to align with two holes in the case. Aside from that alignment I believe it should snap into place, Member @Vigilo has taken apart his similar Phonak HA. Perhaps he will comment.

Hopefully you’ll be able to solve it but these people are really good if you need to send it off.

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Maybe one end needs to be in place before the other end is lightly pressed into place. @sterei or @Markismus may also know about Phonak P90R’s.

Try removing the receiver.
Then put the halves together.
Then replace the receiver.


Thanks all,

Just been attempting it again. No luck. Tried every way, and like someone mentioned, the charging pins line up and for perfectly in place, same as the volume buttons, led indicator etc.

It goes completely together, but can be pulled apart incredibly easy. With one hand.
Very strange as nothing should be stopping it, but at the same time I didn’t see any parts where it would connect/snap on/align with to actually hold the top portion in place.

I’ve removed the reciever and tried with it and without it connected.

As someone suggested I may have to look at sending these off for repair.

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Mary Hare Repair Shop swapped my casings over for £25 but that was about 5 years ago.

I didn’t dare swap them over myself so when I got some new casings, I sent them off.

If you do need to send off, I don’t think it’ll be a whole repair charge unless there’s something else going on.

The £25 also included Next Day delivery which back then was £6.25.

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Thanks very much that’s really helpful. Ive just dropped them an email

maybe this will help, but he also took it apart, but there is no video of putting the parts back together.

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Thankyou for this. I’ll go and watch it again see if I can spot anything

How did you take it apart?
Did you force anything?
Did parts fly? :kissing_closed_eyes:

I was actually surprised at how easy it was to come apart. Nothing broke or bent as far as I know or can see.