I am from the Netherlands and take great care to get programmable aids so I can program them to use them with my piano.
I wore the Bernafon Chronos 9’s for 5 years. From June till September '18 I tested the Oticon OPN 1’s, Phonak Audeo B90’s, ReSound Verso 9’s, Oticon Nera 2’s and the Phonak Naida V70’s. In October '18 I bought and programmed used Phonak Bolero 90 SP’s.
Quite happy with them. No quite sure whether they are better than the OPN 1’s for speech in a group of people, but they are a lot better for playing the piano.
Both program switches died on me with the Bolero’s. So I acquired Phonak Marvel Audeo 90’s with P receivers via this forum all the way from the USA. They’ve been working fine since Januari '21. Speech understanding is a bit better in groups. Unfortunately, they connect directly to the mobile without the ComPilot and they are rechargeable. Those technologies are still in their infancy and at the moment a step back.
In September '24 I trialed the Phonak Lumity 90’s and the Oticon Real 1’s and the Real 1’s shone at birthdayparties allowing me to understand japes much faster and occasionally even being able to respond.