differences, pro’s and cons?
Is a cshell and a “custom mold” the same thing, or are these different?
I understand the idea is to trap more sound in the ear and the idea with the open domes is that I can naturally still here low freq stuff so keep it open to let that in…
I can sure tell a difference though when streaming music or speech if I stick my fingers in my ear to trap in the sound from the receivers! The sound is oh so much deeper and rich!
Interesting though if I try that in other situations (voice or other ambient sounds using the aids microphones) I can’t tell much of a difference if any at all. Is that just because my aids aren’t programmed as they would be for closed canals?
Back story and reason for the question:
I’ve been wearing my Phonak Marvel aids for a few years now, open domes.
Seems like every year or so I need to go get things “turned up” a bit for better speech understanding.
About a year ago I had her re-test, and there was a slight worsening in the very high freq end of my curve. (actually some test points improved a bit over my original test, interestingly enough to me anyway)
A couple times my Audi has hinted around at the idea of closed domes but I’ve resisted the idea. Made it clear I wasn’t excited about getting “closed off” & so far she has played along with the idea. The last go around she gave me a larger-sized open dome to try. I can’t say I could tell any difference with it…
I dislike the idea of getting closed off. There’s the comfort thing, but, I think mostly because it seems to me that I close off the low freq stuff that I can hear, then 100% of the sound I hear will be artificial. I know it’s not really 100%, but still that’s the feeling.
Now I’m back to asking folks to repeat themselves far too much so thinking of going back in. I reckon she’ll probably push closed domes. I get the idea that based on my test curve I probably just qualify for closed domes…but I’m really wondering if I should just cut to the chase and try some molds (or Cshells?)