Has anyone else experienced this after a covid jab?

@zebras that’s interesting sounds similar my hearing went down after my 4th jab and took 8 months to recover. Now it’s happening again i feel my hearing aids are a benefit to my tinnitus but not much else at the minute because i keep feeling i need more volume out of them and turn them up without much benefit


Chemo Therapy is a big risk factor Ruth, if you are on that, then it can damage your hearing… My wife Elspeth, had approximately 5 months of Chemo, and later 5 weeks of Radio Therapy, that left her with permanent Tinnitus & Mild/Moderate hearing loss… Cured the Cancer though, (10 years ago) it was in the breast, and attached to the lymph nodes, she was most fortunate to have survived! :grin: Cheer’s Kev :wink:


I’ve had 7 Covid inoculations in toto - both Pfizer and Moderna. Yesterday, I had the latest Moderna booster, my annual flu shot, and RSV vaccination. At most, my arm was a little sore, and I felt a bit tired, but then I hadn’t slept more than 5 hours the night before! Today, I feel fine and have never had any noticeable hearing effects.

One thing to keep in mind, the older you get, the weaker your immune system becomes. It needs all the help it can get (or why elderly people were so readily bumped off by Covid before there was any vaccine). Sometimes, you only get a Hobson’s choice. I don’t really want to take a direct oral anticoagulant for fear of the risk of internal bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke, but my cardiologist says if I want to stay alive, I need to seriously reconsider because of the several rare bouts of serious atrial fibrillation I’ve experienced in the last few years and the risk of ischemic stroke and death from that. So, I will be following my doctor’s advice. Otherwise, I’m told that I have at least a 1 in 50 chance each year (if not more) of a serious stroke. Studying my CHA2DS2-VASc score (CHA2DS2–VASc score - Wikipedia) convinced me I need to follow the good doctor’s advice. They ought to have a similar scoring system for deciding how important a Covid shot is depending on your age and other health status factors!


Same here, a week and a half ago. The arm that got Moderna and the flu shot was sore for a day, that’s it.

Same here and I am taking it, for 4 years now. The cardiology practice I use prescribes Eliquis, because a study found that it’s associated with a smaller number of adverse events compared to the other available drugs.

Eliquis or the other anticoagulants may be the main driver of your drug expenses. Since it’s Medicare open enrollment now, you’ll want to include it in your drug list when looking at the total cost of Part D or C plans.

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As to your question about having tinnitus after the vaccine, I have experienced hearing loss that the audiologist said did not fit the pattern of my loss and it was only in one ear. This did occur right after having covid. Since the vaccine and covid might have a similar effect on the body, it could be related. I was referred to an ENT. She said if it was covid that there wasn’t anything that could be done about it and there was no way of knowing… I only can hope that any change to the hearing from the virus or covid may be temporary.

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@Baltazard i have an ENT appointment in November i see them once a year i’ll also probably be seeing my audiologist at the same time if my ENT wants me to have a hearing test or anything done with my hearing aids

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I know several people that have had the shot and now claim hearing issues such as tinnitus. That being said, those ties are speculative and their issue could have come from anything. Their issues could have been preexisting or even from the placebo effect.
Personally, as the CDC data plainly shows the jab has more risks than the virus, I will not be taking it.


Such statements don’t add up, especially when my medical insurance has fully paid for all seven of my Covid inoculations. Why would an insurance company finance an injection that will cost them more money than doing nothing? -As you claim, documented by CDC data?! At least conspiracy theories should make sense logically…

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Yes, but it usually wears off eventually- a month maybe…

Sorry but i want to request that you please not turn my topic in to a debate on the safety of the covid jabs. I just wanted to know if anyone had experienced similar to me if it continues on this way i may have to ask for this topic to be closed.


Sorry: not a problem, I’ll delete my responses as long as the misleading stuff gets taken down too.

Edit - Done as promised; I’ve removed the factual postings.

I’d appreciate if you’d get Baltazard and WD40 to remove all the other stuff posted too.

As to the actual discussion: I had my Moderna SpikeX yesterday and have no further symptoms other than a slight ache in my arm.


@Um_bongo that’s fine i just don’t want it turning into more of a debate

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I wear an air tamer. I have never seen a live dinosaur. Ergo, air Tamers repel dinosaurs.

My hearing seemed to get worse amidst the COVID timeframe. I suspected one or several of my COVID vaccines as the culprit. Then I recalled that not one, but BOTH, of my parents lost their hearing - when they hit my geriatric age.

At that point, my suspicions switched from blaming COVID vaccines, to recognizing aging and genetics were responsible. There were no COVID or associated vaccines when my parents lost much of their hearing. They, like I, simply grew old and lost some hearing. I also have tinnitus. Had tinnitus decades before COVID.

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I cannot speak for your insurance specifically, however; many insurance providers are required by law to provide coverage for vaccinations.
Please don’t take me wrong, I’m not an anti-vacer.

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@WD40 can you please stop posting these long responses trying to debate the safety of the vaccine this not what i wanted my topic to become i just wanted to know if people had experienced similar reactions to mine or not. As i wasn’t sure if it was just me and if i needed to get my ent to investigate what is going on I will if this continues have to get this topic closed.

I am. Now on a maintenance dose. :slight_smile:

I’m pleased that Elspeth is treated and all is okay still :slight_smile:

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Your information was half truths and misleading information at best. Certainly not factual.


You have my extreme sympathy Ruth, and admiration in equal measure… :heart: In truth, having occasionally looked at your audiogram, I have noticed it’s downward spiral over the last year or 2, it can’t be easy to live with, especially when you’re looking for information on treatment outcomes, and probably struggling to hear what the doctors are saying! I had assumed the Chemo was the culprit, but I was unsure… Personally living with someone on Chemo, I was scared & frightened, but I wasn’t the one whom was being slowly poisoned… It was pure, unadulterated torture, living with Elspeth whilst on the Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy, a year of living hell, everything I said or did was wrong or worse still, if I said nothing, and kept quiet, I was ignoring her… And yes, I did try to understand why, Elspeth was frightened, she was very ill with the Chemo, I was effectively the nearest/biggest target, for that pent up frustration & fear! But, we had a positive outcome, for which I am extremely grateful… Unfortunately, I believe you are terminal Ruth? I am not sure how long you have? Take care, Kev x


@WD40 Can you please stop this i wish not to have to close this topic i just wanted a topic to find out who if anyone has experienced similar to me i don’t appreciate this going off topic into a debate about vaccine safety and if things are factual or not and who’s fact are right or wrong and if this has not stopped by the end of the day I’m going to have ask to have this topic closed

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