Going from Oticon OPNS1 to More1 aids

But was told that adjustments can be made remotely, but I prefer to physically come to the clinic. And try to fix it.

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Thank you so much for the support,
And again, I broke into a “post” not mine

I’m already feeling uncomfortable,
I bothered you so much with questions (in private, and in a group).
Thanks again for the professional answer.

Indeed, I have NoahLink, and I make adjustments myself, but not touching FineTunuing but only MoreSound Intelligenec.
I currently attached images only for the VAC formula.

Regarding hearing,
I’m only talking about hearing on my right side, speech coming from the left, I have no expectation of understanding speech coming from my left side.

For this formula, I will find myself amplifying by 5 decibels (using my mobile device).

@alfredhaddad36: Now you’re making me feel bad! Don’t worry about that any more, please ! Everyone wants to help you, so your post hast turned into a positive thing.

Please, just stay with us, here. And try to remain positive. Inappropriate hardware and poor fitting has adversely affected all of us, at one point or another. Let us all pull together and try to develop some options and “work” them.

I’m only a layman, but one of my concerns is to help you find a way to exploit the cochlea and nerve on the left side, if possible, in order to send at least some contextual information to the brain. Kev @kevels55 is skeptical about this possibility, but - if it’s truly a hopeless case - then it becomes even more important to get the instrument in your right ear performing to its maximum potential.

I believe that the Oticon More is exactly the instrument that is most suited to my hearing loss, however, that may not be the case for you. You probably need to try some other makes, as @Volusiano suggests.

It’s important to explore various scenarios and generate some feasible tactical options together, because you are young and need to be able to hear to make your fullest contribution to life.

Can you tell us whether you have seriously explored the possibility of a cochlear implant! Are the cochlea and nerve on the left side in good enough condition to make CI a viable option? And - have you looked at the CI section of this Forum?

Let there be no more remorse. I and the others now understand what was driving your initial post, and we have accepted to help you find a solution.

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I have 2 nagging questions about your situation, Nathaniel:

  1. Why, if your audiologist can’t get a good fit for you with the More1 devices, is she not pursuing other makes and styles (eg. BTE versus RIC), and

  2. Why has the audiologist not already sent you for a CI evaluation?

[Please forgive me if you’ve answered these queries elsewhere, and I missed it.]

I think the others who are involved in trying to help would agree that there are à number of options that should have already been initiated because you’ve been “spinning your wheels” with More1 for a while.

What are users’ experience with CROS and BiCROS hearing aids?

Single Sided Deafness Options–Great article about Cros, Bicros, BAHA

If you learn how to use the Forum’s Search function, there’s a library full of information that is highly relevant to your situation, @alfredhaddad36

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**Everything is fine,
I went to a doctor for a CI test (for my left ear - weak side).
He suggested I have BoneBridge transplant surgery, I’m trying to postpone the end in that sense, Because of the look it will create for me.

I’m not denying this BoneBridge implant solution, but just trying to wait with it, maybe the technology will improve, maybe the processor will be smaller.

In Israel, you can get it for free once every X years, and as someone who works in technology, I know that 10 years is a lot, and things can develop.

As for moving to other companies, I do want to check out Widex moment CIC / BTE or Ponak’s paradise. But I only eat for a few more weeks (experience expires).**

Thank you,
I did read the first link you attached before, I did not know the second link to be honest.

Before purchasing the new device, I read almost every article and every post that exists in the field of CROSS.

I’m just waiting for a version of CROSS to come out on my current device.

with gratitude

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@alfredhaddad36: Netanel, I just did a quick “Quack” of "bone bridge transplant ", and I don’t blame you for wanting to avoid that route. Also, I would be inclined to wait for a CROS device for More - I believe that the DNN in More would be very helpful for balancing the input from the 2 devices.

Believe me, I’m not nearly as expert as other Members here, so this is purely my layman’s opinion: I doubt that any CIC device will have sufficient power to effectively treat the loss in your right (good) ear. Who led you to include this in the options you’re contemplating?

What does this mean? Sorry, but I don’t understand.

Hi @alfredhaddad36, sounds like this “Bone Bridge” is a BAHA “Bone Anchored Hearing Aid” ? It is for conductive loss, I have 4 friends with BAHA’s, each of them are perhaps more vain than the other, so looks are important, they each disguise them well, by growing their hair slightly longer…… Cheers Kev.

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I particularly like this aesthetic, Kev @kevels55


Yeah that would work LOL…The 4 folks I know with BAHA’s 3 ladies and 1 guy, you would never know they had them, the processor sits on the bone just behind the ear, I know they have them, and I have looked many times in their company, I have never spotted any of the 4, not even the slightest glimpse, they are totally camouflaged…. Cheers Kev :wink:


Intended when my trial period with the current device ends.

I know that a CIC device is not the most effective for my hearing loss, but all my life I have managed relatively well, “knew” my hearing limitations, and adapted myself to the situation.

It’s clear to me that a louder hearing aid is better, so I made the transition to Oticon More Ric, and although I feel an improvement in hearing (especially those far away from me), but So I had to go back to the problem I’m complaining here, I can not understand the speech of people around me (Those near me - around 2 meters)

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Wow, I have not yet met people with bone marrow. And indeed it is true I mean BAHA.

Unfortunately growing hair is not an option (bald :-()

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Well I have in the past just accepted the aids kept quiet and managed to survive. M new Audiologist told me something the very first appointment, just remember that your health depends on your availability to hear and understand what you hear. Never just accept your poor hearing keep pushing for what really works for me. And my VA Audiologist has done his part of the bargain to make that happen.


One other thing….The beauty of the BAHA system is, if you have a conductive loss, you might be hard pushed to realise these folks have a profound hearing loss, they are that good, because their hair hides the actual processor, unless you know about their loss, you might be blissfully unaware they have anything other than a very mild hearing loss…. Cheers Kev :wink:


This does sound like the right thing to do.
I’m really, happy to hear your progress and your happiness from success in terms of hearing (even if it’s not within the normal range).
And sorry again, I took the focus from your post

If you can send me pictures (from your friends), I’ll be happy
The images I see on the internet, the processor is something very tangible and present.

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I haven’t seen any of them since at least 4 years or more, but I am in contact with 2 via Facebook, I will ask them to send images if possible? One hopefully showing the processor, and one disguised? Cheers Kev :wink:

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Thanks for that. If I had one, it would improve my looks, I’m sure!
